The knight in the abyss

Chapter 440 Unreasonable Showdown

Chapter 440 Unreasonable Showdown

Lancelot chose a four-foot-long hand and a half sword as his weapon. The material of this sword for training was a hard, dark black wood, which reminded him of the swords that were under the feet of those ferrymen on the River Styx. wooden boat.Although it is only a wooden sword, it is a little heavier than the Frost Slash, and it has a metal sword grid, which is very critical in defending against the attacks of dexterous opponents.

"Have you chosen?" Tijana had already walked to the center of the field, "Come here quickly after you have chosen."

Lancelot took a deep breath, walked towards Tijana with a steady pace, stopped ten feet away from her, performed a knight salute, then separated his feet from left to right, and stepped forward with his right foot halfway This is the most standard starting step in fencing, allowing him to quickly move in any direction.

And his upper body leaned slightly forward, his arms holding the sword stretched out obliquely downwards, and the tip of the sword pointed to the ground in front of him.This is a rather cunning posture. The open state of the middle door can easily make the opponent think that the attack can be easily succeeded, but in fact he can respond quickly according to the enemy's attack method.

As he settled his posture, all other battles in the arena stopped.The demons retreated to the edge of the field, looking at Lancelot with curiosity, teasing, or jealousy, waiting for their lord to make a move.

"Are you ready?" Tijana looked at him with great interest, "I'll come when I'm done!"

"Please advise."

Hearing that Tijana stopped talking nonsense, she quickly approached Lancelot with agile steps.Her right hand holding the sword is raised high, and the tip of the sword is pointing obliquely downward, threatening the human knight's head, which is half a sword away from her hand, while the left hand holding the shield is in front of the abdomen, guarding against the opponent's attack from the lower section.

Facing the posture posed by Tijana, Lancelot's left hand holding the sword moved up without a trace, and the palm wrapped around the weight ball at the end of the hilt. The moment the succubus just entered the threatening range, the left hand moved the hilt towards the With the next push, the long sword suddenly lifted up with the right hand close to the sword grid as the fulcrum, blocking the succubus' attack route.

"Yo, your weapon is so exciting!"

Tijana let out a coquettish smile, and before Lancelot came and pressed the opponent's weapon to her side, she flipped her wrist first and switched her blade to the inside.Her movements were so swift that even though Lancelot was aware of the succubus' intentions, it was too late to adjust the angle of the blade in response.

At the same time, Tijana's left hand holding the shield rested on her right wrist holding the sword, and then pressed down hard.Perhaps the succubus lord is a bit weaker in terms of physical strength, but at this moment Tijana used a position close to the sword grid to press the opponent's sword tip, and under the action of the lever, the human knight's weapon was easily deflected to the two of them. On the outside, it cuts upwards along the flat spine of the sword, reaching straight to the palm of the opponent's sword.

Although Lancelow couldn't keep up with Tijana's immediate response, as an experienced fighter, the opponent's subsequent attacks were within his expectations.The hand holding the sword advanced instead of retreating, and he pushed forward violently, while rotating the sword body, and blocked the succubus's slashing with the suddenly erected sword lattice.

Tijana tried to change her tactics again, but Lancelot's resolute actions did not give her a chance to respond.He raised his sword up with both hands, but he did not stab the succubus in the face (his blade was still on the outside of the two), but released his right hand after reaching the highest point, and stabbed himself with the sword in his left hand. Behind one thing, the final posture looks like it is about to draw a sword and chop down.

At the same time, Lancelot stepped forward with his left foot, which was originally on the back. In an instant, their bodies were stuck together, and their weapons were both behind him.The only difference is that his right hand is free and his body is on the succubus' left side.

The human knight put his arms around Tijana's waist, and using his thigh behind the opponent's butt as a fulcrum, threw the succubus' body aside.

If he was facing someone else, he would be able to knock the opponent to the ground with this one move, and then it would be the execution move for the fallen enemy.But this time Lancelot's right hand tightly clamped the succubus, causing the succubus to fall into his arms, like an elegant dance move.

The two sides looked at each other, and Tijana's eyes were full of embarrassment.She raised her head sharply, and her horns slammed into the visor of Lancelow's helmet. At the same time, her body spun with the help of her wings, breaking free from Lancelow's grasp like a snake.

Although this blow did not cause any substantial damage to him, due to the impact on the head, Lancelot's body was briefly taken over by instinct, and he jumped back five feet like lightning, which made him immune to possible attacks Hit, but also missed the best opportunity to pursue,

"Ah, who taught you to use the head hammer." Lancelot shrugged helplessly, "This is not a trick that a lady should use!"

"A dwarf, don't you need to ask?" Tijana grinned, "The music hasn't stopped yet, keep going!"

Lancelot smiled slightly. This time, he put his weapon on his shoulder and approached Tijana with oppressive steps. At the moment when he was about to enter the attack range, he suddenly took a big step forward, At the same time, the long sword was slashed down, so fast that it hardly gave the enemy any reaction time.

But the succubus reacted faster than Lancelot expected. She took a step back just as the human knight's sword left her shoulder, and at the same time opened the distance and swung a sweeping blow with the shield in her left hand. , slammed heavily on Lancelot's sword, deflecting his attack; while the one-handed sword in his right hand was raised at a sinister angle, and went straight to the opponent's crotch.

Although Lancelot was wearing a full set of armor and the succubus' weapons hadn't struck, if this move was successful, the human knight might lose his fighting power in the next few days.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for this blow to be dodged, but Lancelow is not a normal person. He did not hesitate to make a movement that violated the basic principles of swordsmanship: let his left foot leave the ground, and his body with his right foot Rotate counterclockwise around the center, so that the succubus's upward thrust only hits the air on the outside of his thigh.

At the same time, he let his left arm swing wildly to increase the speed of the rotation, and ended with a vicious elbow.

At this moment, Tijana's shield was still on the outside of her body, and it was too late to take back the empty weapon. Lancelot's iron-covered elbow was about to hit the succubus' delicate nose, but Tijana once again showed incredible Body skills: At the critical moment, her upper body leaned back like a bow, which was a movement that no creature with a spine could do, completely dodging Lancelot's elbow.

However, this has not been played yet, her body continued to bend, and finally even passed through her crotch, and turned back and forth, turning into facing Lancelot from below, and her right hand holding the sword also came from under her crotch. After stabbing out, the tip of the sword stopped at Lancelot's throat, and the latter was still waiting for her to straighten her upper body in a normal way.

"You're dead." Tijana grinned and did a backflip to stand up again, "But it's much stronger than I expected, not bad."

 Wow, I finally finished writing it before 12:9 o'clock...Thank you for your monthly votes from Houshi, Qia Lingmeng, Archbishop_Artanis, Rong Yiwan, and cirino[-]. Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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