The knight in the abyss

Chapter 441 Princess Hug

Chapter 441 Princess Hug

"There should be a law to prohibit the action just now." Lancelot sighed helplessly, "I didn't expect you to attack from that angle."

"The snake demon still has six arms, why don't you ask them to use only two of them in battle?" Tijana smiled teasingly at Lancelot, "Do you want to continue?"

"Of course." Lancelot once again set his hands. This time he turned to the right, with the long sword resting on his left arm, and the tip of the sword pointed in the direction of the threat.

"Good posture." Tijana circled around Lancelot with the succubus' unique swaying steps, "Is it time for me to attack again, try this!"

The two fought again, the clatter of weapons, shields and armor forming one long phrase.Although Lancelot's speed is not inferior to the succubus lord, Tijana can always gain an advantage in the confrontation with amazing dexterity and unexpected changes.

Although Lancelot can also make some responses beyond the limits of mortals, compared with the graceful figure of the succubus, his movements look much more embarrassing.From time to time, the harsh scratching sound of the metal armor and the rock floor could be heard in the arena. If this was an actual battle, he might have been killed by the opponent dozens of times before defeating Tijana.

But slowly, Lancelot also gradually mastered the tricks of dealing with the succubus lord, and the winning-losing ratio gradually stabilized at around one to three, which could barely be considered a back and forth.

The more he fights, the more he can appreciate the power of Tijana. After all, the succubus lord was besieged by four high-level devils with bare hands, no armor, and no way to cast spells. He was not killed immediately because of his own supernatural power. dodge ability.

Tijana also played more and more happily. Although there was still some gap with her, she hadn't met such a high-level sparring partner for a long time.The excited shouts of the succubi echoed in the stone hall, and Lancelot was agitated when he heard the voice. Fortunately, the Bing Xin Jue operated automatically, allowing him to fully concentrate on the battle.

The two of them fought with forgetfulness, while the demons around him were stunned.Needless to say, those succubus maids, they have been trained by Tijana a lot, and it is almost impossible to win a half-movement in training, but Lancelot was able to force the succubi a few times. The demon lord throws his sword and surrenders, and even though Tijana has not used any magical powers, it still leaves them speechless in shock.

As the succubus lord's personal maids, they naturally knew that Tijana had an 'interest' in this human knight that she had never had in anyone else.Most of them thought it was just because Lancelot happened to be Tijana's type, and they didn't expect this mortal to have such powerful strength.

To be honest, most succubi would find a knight very attractive to them. These noble fighters hide their strong and delicious flesh under the cold metal armor, just like male crabs in late autumn, but old-fashioned The harsh knightly creed also makes them exude an atmosphere of abstinence from top to bottom. The combination of all these forms an irresistible temptation for the succubi. Just to admire the sight of a knight trembling and losing self-control under him.

The six-armed snake demon Sonam's expression was quite complicated. She gradually realized that this human knight might really live to the day when he could pay off his debts.

Beside the snake demon, the eyes of several Brezu demons were not so friendly.As users of giant weapons, these goat-headed demons feel a real threat, and according to the logic of the demons, this is already equivalent to public humiliation.

As time passed, the demons who had been watching gradually lost their patience and left. The two people in the arena were still fighting tirelessly, and there was no sign of it ending.It was a sparring session that was helpful for both, with both men so absorbed in the fight that they didn't even notice the passing of time.

After four full hours, Tijana was shocked to find that she had exhausted her physical strength, while the human knight in front of her still seemed to be full of vitality.This was because the real energy in Lancelot's Dantian was almost full, and he didn't launch any exercises that needed real energy during the battle. In addition to his physical fitness during the foundation period, he only felt slightly tired.

Seeing that Tijana stopped, Lancelot thought that the succubus was going to play some new tricks. He had suffered a lot in this regard tonight, but seeing Tijana put away both weapons and shields, Only then did he realize that the duel was over.

"Stop fighting?" Lancelot took off his helmet and shook his sweat-soaked hair, "Oh my God, I can't believe that all the failures in my life combined are not as many as tonight..."

"And I used all my strength to fencing with you." Tijana raised her hand, summoned a gorgeous high-back chair out of thin air behind her, and threw herself on the chair, "And you still look I can fight until dawn, so tell me honestly, did you take medicine before coming here..."

"Of course not, my lady." Lancelot walked to the sidelines and put the chopped sword back on the shelf. "I really, really, really enjoyed the moment just now."

"Me too." The succubus collapsed into the chair he had summoned by magic, looking really exhausted, "We should be together often and spend exhausting nights like today."

"Very happy."

Lancelot walked back in front of Tijana, the succubus lord in front of him didn't seem to care about his image at all, but for a stunner like her, any posture has infinite charm.Lancelot realized that maybe he should have a special plot for ladies in armor, and the succubus lord at the moment held a special attraction in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Lancelow made sure that his voice sounded very stable before he spoke:

"One day, I will surpass you, my lady."

Hearing this, Tijana turned her head and stared fixedly at the human knight.The tiredness in her eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a look mixed with pride, happiness, and a little bit of shyness.

"I look forward to that day coming soon." She said in an inaudible voice, then raised her palm to Lancelot, "Help me up."

Lancero stretched out his hand, but the next moment Tijana jumped into his arms. Naturally, the human knight stretched out his other arm to support the succubus' knee, holding her firmly. in my arms.

"Ah, is this the feeling of being hugged by a princess?" Tijana sighed contentedly, "I've wanted to try it a long time ago, but it doesn't fit the status of a lord, so I never found a chance."

"Where do you want to go?" Lancelot's expression was a little cramped, "I'm not saying you're heavy, I can just hold you like this, and it's fine to stand for three days and three nights..."

"If you think it's heavy, it must be because of the armor!" Tijana really blushed now, she snapped her fingers, and a portal appeared in front of Lancelot, and the scene inside was just under the darkness of night. Hagrid Manor, "Don't get me wrong, I've run out of strength, and it just occurred to me that your garden needs some safety measures..."

 It’s another chapter of coding on the plane, thanks to the book friend Wei Ai Kum Q who voted for the monthly ticket and other book friends who voted for the recommendation, happy weekend everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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