The knight in the abyss

Chapter 442 The way to become stronger

Chapter 442 The way to become stronger
Nothing in particular happened for the rest of the night - Lancelot certainly couldn't take advantage of others, and there was little Isa at home.

The protective measure Tijana mentioned refers to a large-scale illusion. If someone stands outside the yard, or flies across the sky, they will find that the yard is full of lush razor vines, and any creature with pain nerves will subconsciously keep away.Of course, if it's inside the yard, everything looks normal.

In an abyssal town like Shuangqiao Town, having a courtyard full of vitality is not a good thing, it will attract unnecessary attention and cause unexpected troubles.Although she knew that Lancelot's strength was enough to deal with it, it was always good to use an illusion to deceive passersby who passed by intentionally or unintentionally.

According to Tijana, unless it is a creature with true vision, it is impossible for anyone to see the flaws in her spells (unless someone stands there for an hour with full concentration).But for the next seven days, she needs to come and cast the same spell every day, and then the illusion will take effect permanently.Naturally, Lancelot was secretly happy about this. This was the reason why the succubus lord was actively creating a meeting.

After finishing casting the spell, Tijana left, because she really needed a rest urgently.Although demons themselves do not need to sleep, they can still recover quickly through the act of sleeping.As a lord, she has a heavily guarded room in her castle, protected by countless spells, traps, and magical items, allowing her to temporarily allow herself to fall unconscious.

After this night, the relationship between the two seems to have taken a big step forward, but there seems to be no substantial change, but Lancelow is already very satisfied with the status quo-they both know each other's mind and confirm that The other party has the same feeling for himself, isn't the beauty of love just such a moment?

As for the hatred and mission mentioned by Tijana, Lancelot knew that he was not lying to himself. After coming to the abyss for so long, he had seen dozens of succubi, if not a hundred. Without any subjective color, Tijana is also the most beautiful one.

Despite their fickle natures, nearly all succubus are hedonists, finding ways to live comfortably.A succubus with the beauty of Tijana, if there is no special reason, it is impossible to work hard to establish and manage a party.

This is not Lancelot's own point of view, but from another succubus who has trouble with his own nature.

It is easy to say and easy to solve, it is nothing more than a question of strength.Lancelot believed that he would not stay in the Foundation Establishment Stage for too long, and when he became a Golden Core monk, he might be able to let Tijana tell her secret.

But you can’t rush to improve your strength. After all, it’s a process of gathering sand into a tower and accumulating a lot, so after sending Tijana away and setting up little Isa (putting her 'coffin' back in the catacomb), Lancelot then returned to his room and began his day-to-day practice until the sunlight climbed up the bedroom window.

After carefully putting away the drop of mysterious green liquid floating in front of him, Lancelow stood up from the bed where he was meditating, feeling refreshed and his whole body back to its best condition.

He pushed open the door and found that little Isa was lying on the table listlessly, with a heavy book in front of her eyes.Hearing Lancelot's footsteps, little Isa immediately raised her head, showing a smile as bright as the sunshine outside the window.

"Good morning brother!"

"I've been busy all night, thank you for your hard work." Lancelot was still able to sense the situation around him while practicing, knowing that the little girl was cleaning all night, thoroughly cleaning those corners they missed during the day Repeatedly, "Go and rest now."

"No, I'm not sleepy." Little Isa shook her head stubbornly, "I have to adapt to the daytime environment as soon as possible, and I can't always come out only at night."

"I see..." Lancelot touched his chin, "I just want to buy something, do you want to go out with me?"

"Okay, okay!" The little girl jumped up with a snap, and hurriedly ran towards the basement, "I'll get out the cloak for the door!"

While little Isa was leaving, Lancelot was also preparing his equipment.Although Shuangqiao Town is relatively safe, compared with other places in the abyss, necessary precautions should be taken when going out.However, he didn't put on his full set of plate armor, but put on a light chain mail fir, and then put on a burqa, and there was no abnormality from the outside.

A moment later, the little girl who wrapped herself tightly also appeared in front of him.As long as it is not exposed to direct sunlight, the little vampire can barely move during the day, but if there is a battle, don't expect her to be able to help.

In fact, if she could get into the dimensional bag around Lancelow's waist immediately, it would be of greater help to the battle, and the two of them had already practiced that movement very proficiently.

Pushing open the door of the small building, little Isa flinched involuntarily from the sunlight that broke into the room, but she was immediately attracted by the beauty in front of her eyes: the flowers in the garden were in full bloom under the sunlight, and they were majestic and majestic. As the wind blows, the swaying flowers are like pieces of flowing color. She hasn't seen such a splendid scene for a long time.

"It's so beautiful..." Little Isa said softly, "It's like home."

"I will definitely let you go back to your hometown." Lancelow's keen hearing prevented him from missing the little girl's murmur, "That day won't be too long, I promise."

"Besides, most of my family members think I'm dead, and they don't necessarily want to see me now." Little Isa showed a bitter smile, "Sorry, I made my brother worry, where are we going now?" ?”

Lancelow didn't ask any more questions, but just patted the little girl on the head lightly, "Let's go to the market area first and see if we can find what I need, and you can also see if there is anything you want."

Lancelow didn't suddenly want to go shopping on a whim. He really wanted to find some special materials that could be used to make formations.Unlike alchemy, the formation method does not need to use specific materials to perform it. What is important is the method of setting up the formation. The materials only need to meet certain conditions, such as containing the pure power of the five elements, or having an extremely cold nature.

Han Tianzun also left detailed knowledge of learning formations in the small bamboo slips. Lancelot had always thought they were too "magical" and did not learn them, but after what happened last night, he would not let them go again. Do whatever it takes to make yourself stronger.

 Thanks to Alnir, Archbishop_Artanis, and the spy from Bay of Pigs for their monthly votes, and thanks to the brothers who voted for recommendations!

(End of this chapter)

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