The knight in the abyss

Chapter 463 The Stygian Oath

Chapter 463 The Stygian Oath
Tijana stared fixedly at Lancelot, suddenly smiled at him, and said:

"Then it's settled."

"Okay." Lancelot nodded, "We..."

"Wait a minute..." Unexpectedly, Karaline interrupted their conversation suddenly.The scholar looked at the succubus lord with a serious expression, and said seriously: "Master Tijana, please forgive my offense, but this operation involves a lot, I think it is necessary to sign a formal contract to restrain the behavior of both parties."

"Contract?" Tijana looked quite surprised, "Why do you want that thing, I'm not a Barthez, the contract has no binding force on me."

"Normal contracts are really not good." Kara Lin nodded, "But you are a demon lord, I think you are already qualified to use the Styx oath."

Tijana's eyes widened slightly, and in the next instant, her temperament changed.The majesty of the lord returned to her, as if a queen was discussing government affairs with her ministers and was about to make a major decision.

"What kind of terms do you want?" The succubus' voice was devoid of emotion, as serious as a judge asking a question.

"Can any of you take care of my ignorance and explain what the Styx oath is?" Lancelow deliberately used a relaxed tone to disrupt the sudden tense atmosphere in the room, "What are the consequences of violating it?"

"The Hell Contract relies on the power of Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells, to ensure its effectiveness, while the Styx Oath uses the power of the Styx River, which can bind creatures that are powerful enough to a certain level, even gods are no exception. "Karalin immediately explained to him, "If you violate the Styx oath, the person who made the oath will immediately lose all its power and become its most ordinary form. If it is a god, it means being deprived of the godhead, And become the race with the largest number of beliefs in him. If a devil archduke violates the oath, there is a high probability that he will become an lemur. After that, the oath-breaker will disappear from the multiverse, and his whereabouts cannot be found no matter what method is used .”

"Oh, it's not disappearing." Tijana shrugged, her voice was not as harsh as before, "That idiot will be sent to a big furnace on the fourth floor of the Nine Prisons to be imprisoned for 5000 years. Make sure that the prisoner will never die, but it will cause extreme physical and mental pain at the same time. If the prisoner is not dead after 5000 years, he will probably be crazy. Of course, it is also possible to regain his sanity, after all, normal people are not stupid To break the oath made in the name of Styx."

"Is that so? We humans are still too young..." Kara Lin muttered in a daze, "The Styx oath is a tradition that appeared before the birth of mortal things. No one knows who first proposed it. No one knows how Styx makes the oath work. But this contract is actually very beneficial to the demons, when they really need others to believe that they will keep their promises..."

"I've always had a good record of keeping promises." Tijana gave the scholar an angry look, then turned to Lancelot and said, "But I won't ask you for unconditional trust, that won't do any good."

"But the consequences of breaking the oath are too serious..." Lancelot said hesitantly, "Are you really willing to make a Styx oath for me?"

"As long as I don't violate the intention of the oath, it doesn't matter what the consequences are." Tijana stretched her huge bat wings, "Tell me, a scholar of the Black Order, what do you want me to do with the Styx oath?" promise?"

"Please forgive me for my rudeness..." Kara Lin glanced at Lancelot, who nodded at him, so the scholar continued: "First of all, you must guarantee that sending us to carry out the entrustment is not out of order. You and your subordinates will not attempt in any way to harm our lives or take our souls for any bad purpose, nor will you assist others in doing so in any way."

"Very reasonable." Tijana nodded, "I accept."

"Secondly, you will respect our agreement. After deducting all necessary costs, you will only take away the three layers of loot that belong to you, and you will not take the rest in any form."

"Yes. But is that all you're thinking about?" The succubus lord nodded again indifferently, "I agree."

"Thank you. For the last item, you must promise that you will not use this sacred object of the dwarves for any evil purpose, or desecrate it in any form."

"And when the time is right, hand it over to someone who is really entitled to inherit it." Brutal added, "I mean, keep them as long as you want, but when you don't need them anymore , they should be handed over, such as to the dwarves of the Frostforged clan..."

"I admire your courage very much." Tijana looked at Brutal gloomyly, but still nodded, "Okay, I agree with this one. Is there anything else?" "No more." Kara Lin looked relieved, "Then, please swear..."

"Honestly, if I were a devil, I would be able to find a dozen loopholes in these loose clauses, and hundreds of ways to exploit them." The succubus lord rolled his eyes, "But for Lancelot's sake Now, I’ll add one to you, you must not distort the content of the oath in any way. Well, I, Tijana, the lord of Shuangqiao Town in Wanyuan Plain, swear in the name of Styx..."

Tijana repeated the words she promised just now. When she finished speaking, everyone felt a special feeling in their hearts. It felt a lot like the effect of the lie detection spell in Androlina, letting them know clearly , The Styx oath has come into effect.

"Okay, the oath has been made, and the information has been given, you should act quickly." Tijana made a gesture, and her figure gradually became transparent, "I think that werewolf is already waiting outside the manor. For a long time……"

"Goodbye, my lady." Lancelot stood up and gave a standard knightly salute to Tijana.

"Good luck, my knight." The succubus lord smiled and nodded before disappearing completely.

"Wow." Aramir said again at this moment, "You guys are really brave, I don't have the guts to talk to a demon lord like that..."

"Sister Tijana's aura just now was so strong..." Little Isa said with some longing, "I also hope to be like that one day..."

"Okay, let's not make the guests wait too long. Hagrid Manor is not worth seeing from the outside." Lancelot opened the door to the basement, "By the way, is that guy really a werewolf?"

 Note: In the official settings, the Styx Oath requires that the godhead be at least RANK0, and the oath-taker must be immortal and have at least one believer before he can use the Styx Oath, which means at least the level of the abyss lord or the devil... ...But I think the scope of application is too small and not suitable for the development of the plot, so the house rule of this book is that even lord-level demons can swear by this system~
  It's so late today, I'm really sorry.I was installing the TV cabinet I bought from IKEA during the day. I really overestimated my hands-on ability and underestimated the difficulty of this thing. I didn’t get it done from noon until 9:11 in the evening. The palm of my right hand is now swollen with a screwdriver. It’s like a small steamed bun haha... After I came back, I took a shower and took two bites of rice to write quickly. I finally sent out the draft without corrections at 59:[-]. I feel like I finished writing this chapter in an hour and a half. All at once...

  Finally, I would like to thank all the book friends who voted for monthly votes and recommended votes, and thank you for making the impossible possible, tyel94, Linquan 1, Naiman, three cups of wine without getting drunk, Kunkutakatikatikatsuvashilasong, and the arrow of fate Lost to the monthly tickets of several book friends of Science and Technology Gun, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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