The knight in the abyss

Chapter 464 The Boss

Chapter 464 The Boss
"Good evening, Sir Lancelot." Old Rip stood outside Hagrid Manor, greeting him nervously, "Your neighbors may not like me very much..."

"Come in, I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?" Lancelow opened the gate of the manor and welcomed the werewolf in. "I'm glad to have the opportunity to work with you again..."

"I!" After crossing an invisible dividing line, the real image of Hagrid Manor was revealed before his eyes, "Is that an illusion? Why did you hide it?"

"Because I don't want to destroy the unified lawn style of this community." Lancelow shrugged, and the two walked through the stone road surrounded by flowers and entered the small building, "Did Tijana tell you about this mission?"

"My lord, she just told me that you have a commission to go to the Iron Icefield...Hi! Hello everyone!" Old Leip greeted everyone in the living room, "It's been a long time... Well, that noisy skeleton Why is the head missing? And Cora, the gold medal chef of the Succubus Palace, where did they go?"

"They have left this plane." Lancelot simply explained, "You haven't seen Miss Elizabeth, have you?"

"Oh, you are Miss Elizabeth, I finally met myself." Old Rip bowed to little Isa in a rather exaggerated bow, "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's an honor."

"Oh, you are too polite!" Little Isa was a little at a loss, and quickly put down the duster in her hand and returned a court salute, "I, I am also very glad to meet you, Mr. Reip..."

"What's going on..." Lancelot scratched his head in confusion, "Have you heard of little Isa before?"

"Of course, the mysterious vampire that suddenly appeared has a beauty comparable to Lady Tijana, and the two of them always come and go in pairs. It's hard not to notice that kind of scene." The werewolf smiled, " If it weren't for Miss Elizabeth not having horns and wings, people would definitely be sure that you are Lady Tijana's daughter..."

"Little Isa was caught in the abyss by the previous owner of this manor." Lancelot shook his head helplessly, "Tell me about our mission this time, I'm afraid it's a little different from what you think..."

They spent about an hour discussing. Lancelow introduced the target and known information of this commission, and old Rip described what he had seen and heard in the steel ice field a few years ago.According to him, the environment at that level was really bad, and he had to rely on his fully transformed fur to fight against the pervasive cold.

"I hope the priest of Aurul really has a good solution." Lancelot shook his head helplessly, "otherwise this adventure will not start at all."

"How about we visit Mohoi now?" Old Rip suggested, "We'd better hurry up, who knows when the Prince of Wrath will escape successfully..."

"Okay." Lancelot nodded. "Just you and I go first, and see what this Mohoi will say. Everyone else should get ready at home first."
The market area at night was much more lively than during the day. Visitors from different corners of the multiverse pushed each other on the stone pavement of Shuangqiao Town, and vendors on both sides of the street shouted loudly for their goods.If it weren't for the fact that most of the crowd here had horns on their heads and tails dragging behind them, it would be really difficult to distinguish this place from a bustling trade center on the main material plane.

A group of berserker demon guards walked past the two men who were struggling forward. They wore a full set of armor and held weapons directly in their hands, as if they were ready to go into battle or provide support for their companions at any time.The captain at the head seemed to know Old Rep, he nodded briefly to the werewolf, and continued walking without saying anything.

"That's Todd, a veteran who survived the bloody battle. We fought together in a special operation. You should really see him swallowing an imp alive." Old Rip said to Lancelot explained, "Since the last devil assassin incident, the city's defenses have become much stricter. I heard that when the assassination happened, did you help?"

"I just came back from the last mission." Lancelot nodded and admitted, "But most of the enemies were solved by Tijana herself."

"My intuition tells me that you must have played a key role in it." Old Rep led Lancelot through an alley, and the pedestrians around him decreased by half, "I have no doubts about Lady Tijana's ability , but she was the target of the assassination at that time, the assassin must have prepared some special means to limit her strength... By the way, how did you show up at the assassination scene directly after returning from the mission?"

"Tijana gave me a talisman, which can be directly teleported to her side after activation." Lancelow shrugged, "If you encounter difficult situations that cannot be solved in this adventure, you have to rely on it to make the final decision." means of escape."

"Wait a minute, teleport directly to Lord Tijana?" Old Leip stopped suddenly, "Didn't it teleport to Ms. Sonam's counter in the mercenary hall?"

"Why do you want to meet that six-armed snake?" Lancelow asked strangely.

"Otherwise, who will I get the reward after completing the commission..." The werewolf stared at Lancelow, his expression gradually becoming strange, "Oh, it seems that I will have to call you the boss in the future."

"What do you mean?"

"Miss Tijana is the boss's wife, aren't you the boss?" Old Leip sighed, "What does our Lord Lord like about you..."

"Look at me." Lancelot pointed to his face, "You really don't understand why?"

"... Boss, we are here."

Lancelot looked up and found that he was in a rather remote street, the sound of the River Styx rushing clearly reached their ears, and not far away was the thirty-foot-high obsidian city wall of Shuangqiao Town.There is a row of messy houses under the city wall, using the wall to save building materials, but in Lancelow's eyes, this is completely a loophole in the city defense. Once this place is attacked, it may be difficult for the defenders to quickly provide support.

"This way."

Old Rip patted him on the shoulder, indicating that their destination was on the other side of the street.Lancelow turned his head and found that it was a strange building, made of bricks painted ice blue in the shape of a hemisphere, and there was a door-shaped entrance facing the street, with snowflakes hanging on both sides of the entrance shaped ornaments.

"This building imitates the shape of an igloo. In a real place of ice and snow, those bricks are replaced by ice that never melts." The werewolf walked towards the strange building with a relaxed expression, "I still This store opened here when a wolf cub was born. Their signature smoothie is really good, made with the blood of Styx carp, the egg white of abyss chicken, and a small slice of precious lemon. You must try it."

 Thanks to elendor, Gluttonous Greed, I don't know what to call it, Rolling Big Salted Fish for their monthly votes!The new week is about to start again, and we are going to start moving bricks again...

(End of this chapter)

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