Chapter 465

The interior of the simulated ice is no different from any tavern in the abyss, except that the temperature is obviously colder than the outside.Six pillars supported the hemispherical roof, and the magic candles burning on the candlesticks above cast a blue light without temperature.In the center of the room is a hexagonal counter, surrounded by small tables that are also hexagonal, imitating the structure of snowflakes.

This moment should be the busiest moment for a tavern, but the business of this tavern is really not very good.A brezu was playing some kind of dice game with four tieflings, three couples of demons and succubi were dating in a corner, and a hobgoblin was sitting silently, as if waiting for someone.

After discovering that someone was coming in, these customers immediately raised their heads and looked this way vigilantly, but quickly looked away.With his keen spiritual sense, Lancelot discovered that most people's attention was actually on old Rip, and they obviously knew, or at least knew the identity of the werewolf.The only ones who looked at him a few more times were those succubi, probably because of his almost public ambiguous relationship with the succubus lord.

"Welcome to Wonderful Freeze..." A weak voice came from behind the bar in the center of the room, "What would you like to have?"

Lancelow looked in the direction where the sound came from, and found a purple-skinned male tiefling with a broken right horn standing there. It must be the priest Mohoi of Aurul.He feels very depressed, like a walking dead who has lost hope in life.Although the plane is indeed very hopeless, the state of tiefling is obviously not normal.

"Unexpectedly, this is really a cold drink shop." The werewolf secretly responded to the winks thrown by several succubi, and walked towards the bar in the center of the room, while saying to Lancelot, "Why don't we have a drink first?" , and talk to the owner about business again?"

"I can do it." Lancelot shrugged, "It seems that you are quite familiar with this?"

"A glass of signature iced drink, without wine." Old Lepp leaned on the bar, took out two gold coins from his pocket and put them on the table, turned to Lance and said, "Let's see what you want, this time I Please."

"Thank you." Lancelot nodded, lowered his head to study an ice cube embedded in the bar, on which was engraved the menu of the store in abyssal characters, and some magic prevented the ice cube from melting.For Lancelot, the options are limited, as the vast majority of options on the menu contain ingredients that he finds difficult to accept.

Razor vine matcha, cowardly eyes, crushed humanoid thumb, fang fir core, fermented baatezu corpse liquid, coriander juice...

"What is this 'Embrace Frost'?" Lancelot pointed to the top option on the menu, "And what is this 'Escape from the Abyss'?"

"Hug Frost is a smoothie made of pure water, with a little bluethorn juice added, the taste is slightly sour, it is worth a try." The werewolf enthusiastically introduced, "As for escaping from the abyss... that thing is for the native creatures of the lower plane Prepared, mixed with the river water of the Styx, so that these guys who are immune to ordinary alcohol can experience a real hangover, and at the same time forget their tragic fate for a short time. But let us mortals forget it."

"Okay, then I'll have a Hug Frost." Lancelot nodded to the broken-horned tiefling behind the bar, who swept away the two coins on the table without saying a word, and turned to prepare drinks.

After a while, the bartender patted two large beer glasses in front of them, which were filled with ready-made smoothies. Lancelot's glass was a nice light blue color, and everything seemed to be normal. Disturbing is the smoothie spoon—a tiny bony claw that looks a bit like a baby's palm.

"My God, Mohoi, this friend of mine is not the kind of creature you think." Old Rip clapped his hands on his face, "Can you change him to a normal spoon?"

The tiefling bartender roughly snatched the spoon from Lancelot's glass, and inserted a black iron spoon into it with the same impatient gesture.

"Thank you very much." Lancelot shrugged, took a sip of smoothie from the cup and put it into his mouth.The taste is surprisingly good, with a bit of sourness in the cold taste, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Listen, Mohoi...we're here for you...on business." The werewolf scooped up his orange-red smoothie. "You don't mind if we talk in a more private place?"

Tiefling stared at the werewolf in front of him, who was concentrating on his food and didn't want to explain further.He shook his head helplessly, and knocked twice on a copper bell behind him, creating a low hum.Soon, a particularly thin quasimo came out of the cupboard.

"It's not time yet!" Kwasaimo yelled at the owner of the cold drink shop in a shrill voice, "You didn't pay me enough, so you still want me to work overtime!?"

"Just a little while." There was finally a little emotional fluctuation in tiefling's voice, and Lancelot could hear him suppressing his anger, "You can eat this gentleman's 'hug frost', he Obviously full."

Lancelot shrugged and pushed the cup in front of him forward.Quasaimo still wanted to complain, but after seeing Lancelot's face clearly, he suddenly swallowed back all the words he wanted to say.

"Why, do you recognize me?" Lancelot asked in surprise.

" are the...master of... Boss Dink?" Quasaimo replied in a trembling voice, "I...I don't know..."

"Keep quiet." Lancelot smiled at the little devil, "Your boss's smoothie tastes very good, but I'm already full."

He was telling the truth.After entering the foundation building period, Lancelot has basically been able to eat wind and drink dew, and not eat the fireworks of the world.

The bartender at the side opened a horizontal board on the bar, and behind him was a spiral staircase leading underground.Lancelot and old Rip followed the broken-horned tiefling down the steps into a modest living room.

"Tell me, what can I do for you." Mohoi sat down on a fluffy sofa, which was made of some kind of fur similar to bearskin, and it looked like it might also serve as a bed. . "Is Tijana going to drive me out of Shuangqiao Town?"

"Dear Mohoy, how could it be?" Old Rip sat down on a stool in front of Tiefling carelessly, looking very much like a warden interrogating prisoners, "We're here to ask for help Your goddess. Don't pretend, you don't think we don't know, you are a priest of Aurul, right?"

"No matter what you want, I can't help you." Tiefling said in a hoarse voice, "The goddess has long stopped answering my prayers."

 Thank you for making the impossible possible, Xiao L, Langyazhi, and Hehehe, who voted monthly if you don’t update!A new week is here again, everyone has a good time working/studying/playing!

(End of this chapter)

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