The knight in the abyss

Chapter 466 It's Done

Chapter 466 It's Done

Hearing that Lancelot and old Rip were stunned, they looked at each other helplessly, this situation was really unexpected.

"God no longer answers your prayers?" Lancelot scratched his head in confusion. As an unbeliever, he really didn't know what it was like to communicate with a divine power. "What did you do to break the ice?" Is it about the Goddess' teachings?"

"Absolutely not!" Tiefling's emotions immediately became agitated, but soon became depressed, "I have let the goddess down, she has lost patience with me..."

"Then how did you make your smoothie?" Old Leip asked curiously, "Isn't this the power bestowed by Aurul?"

"It's just a simple trick, and that's all I can do." Mohoi sighed, "Listen, I know that Lord Tijana's will must be behind you, but without the divine magic bestowed by the goddess, I He's just an ordinary citizen who knows how to play tricks..."

"There is a commission that requires us to go to a very, very cold place, stay for several days or weeks, and probably have to fight." Lancelow carefully chose the words, "If you resume using God Can the ability of surgery help us adapt to that cold environment?"

"'If' the Goddess is willing to grant me divine spells again, then I do have a way." Tiefling shrugged, "But that's impossible, the air at this level is too dry..."

"I heard that you have always wanted to create a blizzard, right?" Lancelot stroked his chin. "If we help you achieve this goal, do you think Aurul will give you another chance?"

"You help me?" Mohoi looked suspiciously at Lancelot, then at Old Rip, "How can I help?"

"You said before that the air in the abyss is too dry, that's why you can't make snow..." Lancelot clapped his hands together, "If I create a large-scale fog, will it help you?"

"A little mist made by magic is useless." Tiefling seemed not interested in the proposal of the human knight in front of him. "Have you ever seen a real snowstorm? The momentum that sweeps the world, the mountains and rivers, the pure white that covers everything in the world... "

"Yes, I have seen it, and the way I create fog is different from ordinary magic, at least it can cover an area of ​​ten miles." Lancelow interrupted Tiefling's praise of Blizzard, "This is for you Is that big enough?"

"You can do that?" Mohoi's voice was full of doubts, "I'm sorry, I won't just trust a human being who came to me suddenly..."

"This is Sir Lancelot." The werewolf said suddenly, "Have you heard of this name?"

"What?" tiefling looked visibly taken aback, "You're Lancelot?"

"Am I famous?" Lancelot touched his nose, "It's strange, I've always kept a low profile..."

"Those dwarves are really good at talking after drinking too much." Mohoi sat up straight and leaned on the sofa, "Did you really chop off the tail of a bone demon with a sword across a boulder? "

"I can testify to that," put in old Rip. "I was there and saw it all."

"Really? I remember when we were separated by a thick wall of ice." Lancelot shrugged, "Maybe I should talk to Brutal and let him stop bragging..."

"If you are the human knight who has performed miracles many times, maybe you can really try." Lancelot's name seemed to give Tieflin great confidence, "What are you going to do?"

"You don't have to care about what I do." Lancelow waved his hand, "I just want to know, when can you try to create a blizzard?"

"I need to prepare materials for the ceremony, magic tools, and confess to the goddess..." Mohoy suddenly stood up from the sofa, paced back and forth in the room restlessly, muttering indistinctly, and finally he Gritting his teeth, he said to the human knight, "Three days, I need three days."

"Okay." Lancelot nodded, "But we have to agree in advance, if I help you successfully create a blizzard, you will give us a way to resist the cold winter?"

"Of course. I will use the power bestowed by the goddess to make an amulet. Through a simple ceremony, you can give up to eight people the ability to resist severe cold, which lasts for a whole day."

"Do we have to pay anything extra for this?"

"To make an amulet, you need a sapphire and a small amount of platinum." The purple-skinned Tiefling spread his hands, "I can't afford that kind of thing."

"Leave these to me." Lancelot nodded. "Then it's settled. I'll come to you in three days. We'll go to the Broken Mountain Range to hold this ceremony."

After reaching an agreement, Lancelot and old Rip left the igloo and returned to the more lively streets in the market area.

"Lord Tijana will pay for the materials," the werewolf assured him, "but can you really make a fog?"

"The mountain man has his own plan."


"It means I have a way." Lancelot spread his hands, "But to be honest, I don't know if it can be done."

"Ah? So you're not sure?" The werewolf's face collapsed, "What if it fails?"

"I didn't say it would be successful, did I?" Lancelot looked at him strangely. "If it fails, I will apologize to the shopkeeper and then think of other ways."

"Okay..." Old Leip scratched his head, and then suggested: "Do you want to visit the market here first? See if there are any backup options. The proprietress has already spoken, and you can take whatever you like, all of which are hers Pay the bill, there are not many opportunities like this..."

"Since I'm the boss, isn't hers mine?"

"Uh... It doesn't seem unreasonable for you to say that..."

"It's just a joke, don't take it seriously." Lancelot said haha, "Tomorrow, I'll call everyone else, come together, after all, you are also part of the action."

"Okay." Old Rip shrugged, "Goodbye, I'm going to have a drink at the 'Pillar of the Stake' now..."

"Sounds like a good place." Lancelot nodded to him, "See you tomorrow."

"How many secrets does this guy have?" Looking at the back of the human knight leaving, the werewolf bared his teeth in disbelief, but then heaved a long sigh. The sight of Lancelot, left alone, to face a terrifying angel of death - and come back alive.

"Sure enough, the strong are worthy of love." The werewolf shook his head, turned and walked in the other direction, "And I can only exchange a moment of happiness with money..."

Lancelot's keen hearing caught the werewolf's soliloquy despite the great distance.He shook his head with a light smile, and gradually disappeared into the night.

It's time to practice...

 Thanks to elendor, Jieran, Soul Return to Hell, and SPY from Bay of Pigs for their monthly votes!Before I knew it, this book was over a million words, thank you for your continued support!Thanks!If it's convenient for you, fellow book lovers, please help me to review this book on to increase its popularity... No need to give a good review, just tell us your true opinion, I will read it, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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