The knight in the abyss

Chapter 467 Prepare in advance

Chapter 467 Prepare in advance

In the early morning three days later, Lancelot called Brutal, and together with old werewolf Rip came to the remote cold drink shop.Despite the dwarf's interest in the smoothie's taste, the closed door indicated that the shopkeeper was temporarily out of his business.

Lancelot's spiritual sense clearly told him that Aurul's priest was inside.He stepped forward and knocked on the door, and there was a sound of objects being knocked down, and then a small window opened on the black wooden door, and a dark, insect-like eye that belonged to the quasimo appeared. Behind the small window, he quickly closed it after seeing who was coming.

The three waited patiently in place for a while, and the door of the cold drink shop finally opened.Appearing in front of everyone was a tiefling like a barbarian—under the purple skin were well-developed muscles, with only an animal skin apron on his almost naked body, and half of the broken horn on his head added a bit of wildness Charm.

Lancelot felt that Mohoi's temperament was completely different. The previous depressed and decadent shopkeeper was gone, replaced by a tiefling barbarian who had renewed hope for the future.

"You look very energetic today." Lancelot greeted with a smile, "What happened?"

"I reconnected with my goddess." Mohoi grinned at him. "Shall we go?"

"If you're ready." Lancelot tilted his head towards the city gate, "We have a long way to go."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Tiefling took out a huge backpack from behind the door, "I hope you won't disappoint me..."

"You didn't take me with you?!" There was a sharp protest from behind him, from the particularly thin quasimo, "I'm going to tear down your shop!"

"Honey, I believe you won't do that." Tiefling turned around and said calmly, "If you really can't restrain your destructive desire, you'd better start praying now that we won't succeed, Otherwise, I will freeze you in a piece of ice that will never melt, place it where you can see it as soon as you enter the door, and then tell every interested customer how you got yourself there..."

The door was slammed shut as a sort of protest to the quasimot against its master.Lancelot and Brutal looked at each other, shrugged at the same time, turned their heads and walked towards the south gate.

The four of them crossed one of the two iconic stone bridges in Shuangqiao Town, entered the wilderness of Wanyuan Plain, and headed towards the mountains to the south.Lancelow summoned its majestic nightmare horse. It had not been seen for several months. The animal seemed quite happy to be summoned by Lancelow again. Lancelot felt a little lost for a while.

Naturally, Brutal sat on Lancelot's 'horse'.The dwarf climbed onto Nightmare's butt and sat back to back with Lancelot.This also reflects how strong the nightmares in their crotch are - dwarves are not as tall as humans, but their waistlines are nearly twice that of humans, making their weight no less than that of humans, or even surpassing humans.

Moreover, both of them were wearing heavy armor and fully armed, with a total weight of nearly [-] pounds, but Nightmare's footsteps were still very light, and there was no sign of any effort.

Old Rip blew a magic whistle and summoned a scrawny-looking brown pony.The horse has a big head, broad forehead, thick waist and short legs. Although it looks malnourished, from Lancelot's professional perspective as a knight, it is definitely a good horse with good endurance and suitable for long-term running. foal.

But the most unexpected one is the priest of the Ice Goddess.Tiefling Mohoi blew a surprisingly large and curved horn, and the next moment a mammoth appeared in front of everyone!

"They are the goddess's pets, summoned to serve by our humble servants." Mohoi patted the horned and hairy beast, which rolled Tiff with a gentle snout. Pastor Lin lifted it onto his back.

"Your really good." Brutal stared straight at the huge mammoth, not hiding his envy at all, "You seem to have a lot of space on it, don't mind if I come over Squeeze it?"

Before the dwarf finished speaking, the nightmare under their crotch suddenly raised its front hooves high, and while stepping heavily on it, pouted its buttocks, and directly threw the unprepared dwarf out, and smashed it to the ground with a bang.

"I used to think there was something abnormal about you." Lancelot looked helplessly at the dwarf who was struggling to get up from the ground. "Now I don't think so anymore."

"I'm sorry, big black horse, this is a misunderstanding!" Brutal didn't care to slap the dirt on his body, and hurried over to confess to Nightmare, "I'm just trying to make a fresh picture, and you must be the best!"

The dwarf ended up sitting behind Lancelot—the mammoth was too tall for him to climb.Four people and three riders are heading towards the Broken Mountain Range on the southern horizon. This route is no stranger to human knights. He and Brutal have been here countless times, and most of the time they come to hunt the sandworms. Drilling around in the mountains, gems can often be found in the stomachs of mud-eating creatures.

Of course, sometimes there are some very bad things, reminding them that this is the abyss.

Although the group looks very unfriendly, there are still some vrou demons who can't resist the temptation of flesh and blood.No way, the mammoth looks really delicious.But these humanoid vultures who dared to attack soon learned what a fierce opponent they had encountered, and this was the last thing they knew in their demon life.

But this time the battle was slightly different: Lancelot obviously retained his strength, he didn't activate the sharp Qingyuan sword light at all, but fought with the swooping demons one by one.When the enemy's final blow is struck, he will let the weapon stay in the demon's body for a short while. If someone observes very carefully, he will notice that the demons emit a faint red at the moment of death The mist quickly submerged into Frost Zhan's sword body.

This is the exercise that Lancelot recently found out from the small bamboo slips.In the world of cultivators, some wild beasts will accidentally embark on the road of cultivation because they eat spiritual grass by mistake or live in places with rich spiritual energy. These beasts are called demons, and they will condense demon pills in their bodies. A precious material that is very useful in alchemy and weapon refining. Many casual practitioners with no background rely on hunting monsters to accumulate wealth and exchange for various materials needed for cultivation.

Of course, the monsters in this world don't have any demon pills (at least as far as Lancelot knows, they don't). The skill he uses is called the 'killing formula', which is actually a method of refining weapons.Running this method when beheading monsters can allow the weapons in your hands to accumulate a certain kind of power called 'killing intent'. After a long period of time, it will have extra power when attacking similar creatures.

It is said that a hundred kills is a small success, a thousand kills is a success, and a thousand kills is a great success. Although their next goal is the giant's kingdom, the most common enemy in this plane is still a demon after all. Lancelot has prepared in advance.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of Mingming Mingming and Master Cat 2020, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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