The knight in the abyss

Chapter 490 The Transformed Dwarf

Chapter 490 The Transformed Dwarf

After a night of rest, everyone became full of vitality again.After enjoying a hearty breakfast, the group left the Tower of Bones and entered the interior of the Great Abyss.

Except for old Rip, the others had only been in this place a few months ago and were no strangers to how to travel in this steep environment, and the werewolf seemed to adapt very well.

The location they were in wasn't too deep, and although they couldn't see the sky of Wanyuan Plain, the surrounding environment wasn't dark.The air is filled with a red mist, which is caused by the water vapor generated by the blood river waterfall's continuous impact on the rocks.On the Material Plane, any rocks that stand in the way of a waterfall would have been washed away by countless centuries, but in the Great Abyss, the terrain is always changing.

In fact, the only relatively stable area in this layer is the area around the spine-shaped Tower of Bones, which is one of the reasons for the existence of the city of Morglondal.Lancelot used to wonder what kind of creature that spine once belonged to, but recently he has gradually realized another possibility: that bone may be the spine of the Great Abyss itself, providing a layer full of chaos and changes. A little stability.

Thanks to the 'map' function of the Eye of Sarriz Shield, Lancelot planned a route avoiding other portals.As entrances to other levels of the abyss, many portals were guarded by the masters of the corresponding levels, and some even built permanent fortifications such as fortresses and fortresses.

Of course, the natural portals to enter a certain level are far more than those in the Great Abyss. In the Plain of Myriad Abyss, any crack on the ground may lead to another level, but usually only the most desperate guy - strayed into the abyss The unlucky ones, or the low-level demons hunted down by the conscription team-you will choose to jump in, because you never know what is on the other side of the door.

Even though they bypassed the heavily guarded fortresses, they might still be attacked by wild beasts and demons.The most common ones are the vullos. These vulture-winged demons that release poisonous clouds are very difficult for most adventurers, but Lancelot and his partners have a lot of experience in dealing with them , the vloe attacking them couldn't do any real harm except to bring a little fun to the aggressive Brutal.

The fighting style of the dwarves has also seen a noticeable shift recently.In his first adventures with Lancelot, despite his perpetual passion, Brutal was by and large more of a warrior—meaning always keeping his position in check, choosing his targets carefully, always They are all paying attention to the situation around them and the status of their teammates, and this is also the concept that Lancelo has tried to instill in him in training for a long time.

Yet there are growing signs that Brutal has gone the way of the savage, surrendering himself to that uncontrolled, restless, thoughtless rage in battle.Although Lancelow himself does not approve of this fighting method, he has to admit that it is Brutal's nature. A dwarf who enters a berserk state in a battle is stronger and quicker in response, and even his body seems to change. It is as hard as a rock, which greatly reduces the damage that weapon attacks can cause to him.

From Lancelot's point of view, it all stemmed from the dwarf bartender named Dagg they met in Melendonburg.As a former member of the Ripper Legion, he added some sharp trinkets to everyone's armor, but Brutal was the only one who actually used those 'trinkets' in battle and had fun doing it.

During the month they had stayed in Andrinal, Brutal would go to the Warhammer Tavern every day, pestering Dag to teach him more about the Ripper Legion's fighting skills.According to what Bruto later boasted in front of everyone, what Dag taught him was a fighting style called 'Battle Madness', a unique fighting style of the dwarves.

However, according to Aramiel, in Faerun, that is, Dag and the world he came from, 'War Mad' is indeed very famous, but he is not a likable guy.No one would deny their usefulness in combat, but their stupidity and stubbornness are no different from stones—probably because their daily training involves repeatedly hitting their heads against stones.

In addition, the most unbearable thing about the Warriors is that these guys are proud of not taking a bath!Coupled with the daily heavy-duty training, one can imagine how bad these Warlords smell, and even other dwarves can't stand these smelly guys.But thank goodness, Dag must have got rid of this stinking problem in the process of getting along with Androlina's love assassins, otherwise Lancelot would be the first to push Bruto's head without Aramir opening his mouth Go to the river Styx until he completely forgets anything about the battle madness.

After trekking for half a day, the group finally arrived at the portal to the steel ice field.There used to be a stronghold that guarded the portal entrance as well, but it appears to have been abandoned.Through the collapsed and unattended city wall, the ice-blue portal was just suspended in the air, and the cold wind accompanied by snowflakes kept blowing out from the inside, covering a small area around it with white snow.

"You guys wait here for a while and put on warm clothes." Lancelot said to the crowd, "I'll go check the situation over there first. If there's nothing unusual, I'll be back as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded, and no one bothered to ask Lancelow if he wanted to change his clothes too—human knights were no longer normal people in their eyes.Lancelow took a light breath, held the giant sword Glacier in his hand, and walked into the portal.

After a very slight dizziness, he found himself standing on the top of a mountain.The strong wind carried large flakes of snow blowing on his face, like a monster roaring at him.There are mountains as far as the eye can see, and there is a huge crack on the ground at the foot of the mountain that stretches for several kilometers, and black mist is constantly gushing out from its interior.

Based on his understanding of this level, Lancelot couldn't figure out where he was at all, but the crack might provide some clues.He found a rock that could slightly shelter from the wind and snow, sat cross-legged on the spot, and entered a state of meditation.

After carefully searching the surrounding area with his spiritual vision, Lancelow confirmed that there were no creatures lurking nearby, so he got up again, walked through the ice-blue portal, and called his companions over.


As soon as he passed the portal, the dwarf sneezed loudly.At this moment, he had wrapped a thick layer of bearskin on the outside of the armor, but it was still difficult to resist the strong wind on the top of the mountain.

"It's colder here than I thought." The dwarf tightened his leather coat, and reached out to pat off the snowflakes stuck to his collar. "Let's go down the mountain quickly? This place is not for people at all..."

"Don't worry." Lancelow pointed to the rock where he was meditating just now, "Go there to shelter from the wind, we have to complete Aurul's ritual first."

 I'm sorry, it's late today, I feel a little uncomfortable, this chapter was written in a hospital ward, thank you brothers who voted!

(End of this chapter)

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