The knight in the abyss

Chapter 491 Complete Transformation

Chapter 491 Complete Transformation
The ritual Lancelot mentioned refers to the talisman taken from the incarnation (corpse) of Aurul—the protection of the Frost Maiden.He put the amulet made of snowflake-shaped ice around his neck, and broke off a piece of ice the size of a helmet from a rock and put it in his hand. Then he asked his companions to sit around him, waiting for him to warm the ice That ice cube melts, and the ritual is complete.

According to the information obtained by Kara Lin through identification, the power of any magic cannot be used in the whole ceremony, and the ice must be melted by the body temperature of the host of the ceremony—usually the priest of Aurul.For a god known for his sadism, even for his own believers, blessings must be exchanged for suffering.

And although Lancelot is not a believer of the Ice Goddess, he doesn't bother to cheat in this kind of ceremony, because any naturally formed ice cubes are impossible to lower the body temperature of a monk who has already established a foundation by half, and even It was an ordinary body temperature, enough to melt the ice quickly.

A moment later, the ice cube in Lancelot's hand completely turned into water. Accompanied by a slight humming, a light blue halo spread out from the amulet on his chest, and a special power permeated everyone. in the individual's body.

"Hey! The effect of this thing is quite strong!" Brutal immediately began to take off his bearskin coat, "I even feel a little hot..."

"It is said that people also react like this before being frozen to death." Aramir rubbed his smooth elf chin, "But it seems to be fine, at least for now. I will always pay attention to your physical condition, in case The Frost Maiden is going to play a cruel joke on us."

"If we keep exercising, we won't freeze to death!" The dwarf showed his muscles to everyone in the snowstorm, as if it was some kind of behavior worth boasting, "Lancelo, hurry up and find some giants to kill me!" Come on, I can't wait!"

"The abyss seems to have had some influence on you, Brutal." Lancelot looked at the dwarf and shook his head gently, "Unfortunately, your wish cannot be fulfilled for the time being. Our primary goal is to figure out this To determine the next course of action, unless it is absolutely necessary, we must remain concealed to avoid fighting with the enemy."

"Ah, of course, the plan is very important, I'm just joking." After Lancelow reminded, the dwarf immediately came back to his senses, and quietly covered the exposed body parts again, "So let's continue What are you going to do down here?"

"The first thing is to figure out where we are." Lancelot walked towards the other side of the mountain, "Come with me, the view over there is wider."

After just a few steps, the magnificent mountains of the Iron Ice Field were fully displayed in front of everyone.

"The scenery is so beautiful..." Little Isa murmured, "And the sun here is not uncomfortable at all..."

I have to admit that if you ignore the violent snowstorms, evil frost giant residents, and the low temperature that is deadly to mortals, this layer dominated by ice and snow does have amazing scenery.Everything between the sky and the earth is covered with snow, and at first glance, everything appears a pure ice blue.

As for the sun, it is just a bright light spot the size of a soybean hanging on the horizon forever. The light it emits cannot bring a little bit of warmth to the world. It is no wonder that little Isa, who is a vampire, feels nothing.

"I didn't see any familiar landmarks." Lancelow's voice pulled everyone back from admiring the scenery. He pointed to the crack at the foot of the mountain that was constantly emitting black air, "The only distinctive landmark That's the place. Do you recognize where this is, old Rip?"

"It looks like the rumored crack in the black mist." The werewolf squatted on the ground, squinting his eyes at the crack at the foot of the mountain. "I need to get closer to confirm..."

"This name doesn't seem to have been mentioned in the previous information." Lancelot couldn't help being curious, "What's there?"

"It is said that there is an enemy hidden there that makes Koschurch feel troublesome." It was not a werewolf who spoke, but Kara Lin, "Due to the lack of first-hand reports, the church does not know what it is for the time being, but it can make angry Princes also shy away in their own country, so it must not be a simple role."

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Lancelot slapped his hands, "Maybe we will find some useful information."

"Hey, has it finally come to this moment..."

Old Rip sighed, took out a small model sled from his pocket, and flattened it on the ground.As soon as it touched the snow on the ground, the small model began to grow in size, eventually becoming a large sled with three rows of seats, each of which could allow two people to sit side by side.

Before everyone had time to make any comments, the werewolf began to transform—not just turning into a wolf head, but a complete transformation in the true sense.His body began to swell rapidly, black and white fur grew on the surface of his muscles, and his hands and feet became hooves of canine creatures.

After the changes stopped, what appeared in front of everyone was a giant wolf over ten feet long, with a black back and a white belly, and a pair of ice-blue wolf eyes with three white markings in the shape of flames. Prestige, murderous.


The transformed werewolf immediately let out a high-pitched howl, which echoed repeatedly in the valley, stretching on and on.Intimidated by his aura, the crowd stood there in a daze for a while, until the giant wolf took the initiative to pick up the sled's traction rope, and they climbed onto the sledge as if they had just woken up from a dream.

With another howl, the giant wolf began to rush down the mountain pulling the sled.Tijana was right, it was easier to travel knee-deep in snow with old Rip.The werewolf was running faster and faster. The oncoming wind was mixed with snowflakes, like a slap on everyone's faces. Everyone buried their heads deeply, and at the same time, they were holding onto the sled tightly. The armrest, for fear of being thrown out accidentally.

However, the magic sled was far more stable than they had feared. Under the full sprint of the werewolf, everyone quickly reached the foot of the mountain, and the journey took less than half an hour.Under the request of Lancelot to use sound transmission (the wind is too loud, you can’t hear anything clearly when speaking normally), the werewolf slowed down, and a car and a wolf slid silently on the snow like ghosts, and finally Stop behind a boulder.

Everyone knew that they were close to the target, so they got off the carriage quietly, and immediately found a cover to hide their figure.After everyone dismounted, the sled began to shrink and the wolf began to revert to human form.

"It's been a long time since I ran so freely. It feels really good." Unexpectedly, the werewolf seemed to be in a very good mood, and the gloom that enveloped him before was swept away, "What's the matter, everyone? Enemy?"

"Well, there is a camp about two hundred feet ahead, and there should be no more than ten frost giants inside." Lancelow showed his folded hands to the werewolf, "When I make this gesture, it means That is, there are enemies ahead, pay attention to concealment. They are already very familiar with these, and I will tell you all the gestures later."

 Thanks to aggrements for the reward, thanks to Wang Xu, Xuantianji Shengtiandi, and book friends 160502160156109 for their monthly tickets, and thanks to the brothers who voted for recommendations... I got home at 9 o'clock and started coding, and finally sent out the draft before 12 o'clock , finally did not stop updating, and then spent another 15 minutes correcting typos...

(End of this chapter)

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