The knight in the abyss

Chapter 492 Camp Investigation

Chapter 492 Camp Investigation
"Camp?" Aramir asked strangely, "Didn't it mean that there is something here that makes even Kostchurch feel troublesome? Why is there still a camp of frost giants?"

"That's what we have to figure out next." Lancelot leaned his body slightly out of the boulder, but only a few tops of the tents could be seen from this angle. "This distance is a bit far, we have to get closer..."

"That's not a good idea." Old Rip suppressed his voice and objected in a low voice, "Actually, we are already within the range of the frost giant's stone throwing, unless we are sure to attack that camp, we should not get any closer .”

"Is that so..." Lancelot couldn't help scratching his head a little. The never-ending wind and snow here disturbed the aura of heaven and earth very strongly, and his spiritual vision ability was not easy to use at this distance.

"That... I can turn into a bat and fly over..." Little Isa said timidly, "The frost giants probably won't notice me, even if they do, it's hard for the stones they throw to hit a little one." bat."

"My mystic eye can also come in handy." Kara Lin proposed another option, "Although I can only use four-ring spells once a day, this is the only four-ring spell I know so far. Its advantages are It is not limited by distance, and it can also tell you the situation in real time during the observation process, so as to avoid missing some details."

"Well, this is more convenient for you." Lancelow nodded, "But while we are paying attention to that camp, we must also pay attention to the surrounding situation. Little Isa, can you fly high in the sky and pay attention to whether Are there enemies approaching us? Is it too cold up there?"

"No problem! No matter what I say, I'm still an undead creature. This level of cold is nothing to me, let alone the blessing of the Ice Goddess." Little Isa smiled happily at Lancelot , the body shook slightly, and in a flash of light, it turned into a small bat and landed on the shoulder of the human knight.

"If you find anything unusual, come down immediately and let us know."

Lancelow turned his head and confessed to the little bat on his shoulder. Although the latter could not answer, he nodded his head twice to express his understanding, and then flapped his wings and flew into the sky, quickly turning into an unrecognizable black spot.And here, Kara Lin also activated the spell scroll that stored the secret magic eye, and summoned a magic eye.

The scholar waited for a while until the eyeballs became completely transparent, and then manipulated the eyeballs to fly towards the camp of the twin giants not far away.

"I'm approaching that camp, huh, it's really big here!" Kara Lin closed his eyes, and at the same time described the scene he saw to everyone, "There is a wall made of thick logs around the camp, and the inside is smaller. The fence is divided into three areas. One of them is the animal house, in which three very large winter wolves are kept...Of course, they are not as big as old Leip's transformed body, and their coat color is not as good-looking as old Lepp's, and they seem to be better than old Lepp's. Rip is a lot more fierce..."

"Ahem!" The werewolf coughed in embarrassment, "I want to say...thank you, but can you pay attention to other areas of the camp?"

"I'm sorry, I'm so impressed by your appearance after transformation... The other area is not too big. There are five sheds here, and there are piles of..." The scholar paused for a while, "There are a lot of corpses. There are a lot of corpses. Beasts, as well creatures. I didn’t see any blood on the ground, indicating that this is just a storage point, and those corpses were killed elsewhere.”

"How many dead bodies are there?"

"It's enough to fill the first floor of Kai-Oin's hall." Kara Lin's expression looked like a kobold plumber was working in his stomach, "Either we underestimated the number of frost giants in the camp, or What else are these corpses used for? There are two huts that are empty, and I saw some trailers, maybe the frost giants in the camp will drag the corpses to other places?"

"We'll figure that out." Lancelot nodded. "What about the last remaining area? Do the frost giants live there?"

"Yes, the last area has the largest area and the highest terrain. One side is leaning against the cliff. I saw four tents. Each tent has a frost giant... Wait, there are two smaller tents hidden in the In the corner, lying in it is... an ogre?"

"It's not surprising." Aramiel commented on the side, "Giants will indeed allow tall races such as ogres and trolls to live with them, but these creatures have a very low status in giant society, and they can Just a little better than a slave..."

"What about us?" Brutal interrupted. "What do the races of elves, humans, and dwarves mean to giants?"

"Food, thieves, despicable creatures who rely on intrigue to steal the territory of the ancient giant empire." Aramiel shrugged, "Giants have a unique set of views on good and evil, and there are two key words in their language, respectively. It's 'Mot' and 'Mog', used to describe whether something is 'virtuous' for giants. The taller and stronger a creature the more 'Mot' we are under ten feet tall In their eyes, they are all super 'Mogg'."

"Bah, those giants are so shameless!" Brutal was rather annoyed at this, "Why don't they think they are Mogs when they come down from the mountains and loot towns and farms?"

"So giants have a unique view of good and evil." Alamiel shrugged, "Plundering is very 'giant' in their eyes, so it is a 'Mott' behavior."

"What are those giants doing?" Lancelow brought the topic back, "How about their weapons and equipment?"

"Three frost giants were sleeping. They wore armor patched together with metal plates and beast skins, and their weapons were huge wooden clubs and bone warhammers. Another was sharpening his ax in the tent. He His gear looks noticeably better, and that tomahawk is almost as big as a wagon wheel..."

"Anyone who looks like a spellcaster?"

"No." Karaline replied immediately, "I'm sure."

"It feels like we have some fights." Brutal couldn't hold back after hearing this, "Lancelo, why don't we rob this camp? I promise to leave you alive..."

At this moment, a loud, malicious roar suddenly came from everyone's ears, as if several evil mouths were roaring in unison.

"What's that?" Brutal grabbed his hammer in his hand immediately, and the reactions of the others were similar.Lancelot frowned deeply. At the moment when the roar sounded, an extremely terrifying aura appeared in his spiritual sense. The intensity of that aura was like that of Anonymous in the state of Barlow's flame demon, which completely exceeded his perception. upper limit.

If someone jumped out at this time and said that there was the angry prince Kostchurch himself, Lancelow might believe it.

 Thanks to the boss of book friend 20180915232824241 for the reward!Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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