The knight in the abyss

Chapter 493 The monster under the crack

Chapter 493 The monster under the crack
"The frost giants in the camp are moving!" The scholar's exclamation brought Lancelot's attention back. "They are loading the corpses on the trailer, and they look very anxious..."

"Didn't they eat those corpses?" Lancelot looked up to the sky, confirming that the bat transformed into little Isa was still on guard in the air, "Karalin, keep an eye on those frost giants and see what they are doing."

"They put the corpses on the trailer, and the two sheds were emptied." Kara Lin's face became ugly again, obviously the scene seen through the magic eye was not very pleasant, "except for the As for the ax grinder, the remaining three frost giants each dragged a trailer, and the two ogres dragged the last one together, and all of them headed towards the crack."


There was another malicious roar, everyone trembled in fright, and Karalin almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Lancelot, who had quick eyes and quick hands, helped him, otherwise he would definitely be interrupted from casting spells.

"What the hell is that screaming?" Brutal looked around vigilantly, as if he was worried that an enemy would suddenly come out from under the snow, "I feel very bad..."

"I guess the so-called existence that makes Koschurch feel troublesome has woken up." Lancelow helped Kara Lin sit down slowly, "Let's listen to what he saw first, I am more and more curious about the purpose of that camp What is it?"

"The giants reached the edge of the chasm and started throwing corpses into the chasm..."

"Can you control your eyeballs and look down?" Lancelot asked in a deep voice, "Is there any risk of being traced backwards?"

"It's okay, at most I was discovered and dispelled. I have entered the crack and am descending. The black mist inside is much thicker. Wait, there seems to be something big moving at the bottom..." Karalin suddenly said deeply Taking a breath, "My God, what kind of monster is that?!"

"What did you see?" Brutal asked eagerly, "A mutated white dragon?"

"Looks like a...crab?"

"Cut...what's all the fuss about crabs..."

"But it's huge! Have you ever seen a spider crab? Imagine a spider crab with a height of more than two hundred feet, plus three huge pincers, four thick tentacles, and a carapace covered with eyeballs..." Karaline's incoherent description Looking at what he saw, "It is eating the fallen corpses very quickly. It turns out that the end of the tentacle has a mouth..."


There was another roar, and everyone suddenly felt the ground shaking under their feet.This time the scholar seemed to have been prepared long ago, and lowered his center of gravity ahead of time, standing more firmly than others.

"The monster is shaking the cliff with its pincers, the corpses thrown down have been eaten up, and it doesn't look satisfied... Something else was thrown down, eh, isn't this one of the two ogres ? Falling from such a high place, it didn’t die. The ogre’s vitality is really tenacious... Uh, now it’s dead. Absolutely dead. Wait, why do I feel like those eyes are looking at me..."

Lancelot was startled when he heard the words. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and received a lightning slap, which slapped Karalin's face with a 'slap', interrupting the scholar's concentration of casting the magic eye.

Kara Lin sat down on the ground, covering his chest with his hands, panting heavily, looking undecided in shock.

"Are you okay?" Lancelot put his hand on the scholar's back, and silently operated the Ice Heart Art, sending a weak but pure essence into the scholar's body, and the latter calmed down at a speed visible to the naked eye down.

"Thank you." Kara Lin glanced at Lancelot gratefully, "There is some kind of absolutely crazy will in those eyeballs, I have been controlled by it just now, and I can't break free at all, if you didn't interrupt me in time Concentrate on casting spells, I am afraid that my sanity will be completely destroyed and I will become a drooling idiot."

"What is that?" Aramir asked with a serious expression, "Is it some ancient Obiris demon?"

"Probably not." The scholar shook his head, still with a look of fear on his face, "If it was an Obiris demon, I would have fallen into madness the first time I saw it, but just now I was stared at by it. Mentally shocked."

"Can you share the picture of that monster with me?" Lancelot stroked his chin, "I can contact Tijana, maybe she can recognize that creature."

"No problem, shared memory is a simple second-level prophecy spell, which can show others a memory that does not exceed 2 minute. Although it is rarely used, I know that I will use it one day after mastering the secret method. ..." Karaline reached into the backpack behind him, and immediately took out a scroll, "I love this backpack to death, it is definitely the most valuable thing I have ever bought... Are you ready?"

Lancelot nodded lightly, and the scholar opened the scroll, uttered a simple trigger word, and activated the spell stored in the scroll.The complex arcane runes released a light green magical aura, which first covered Kara Lin's head, and then flew towards Lancelot.

Watching the green light floating towards his head, Lancelot suddenly remembered some customs of the cultivation world recorded in the small bamboo slips, raised his arm subconsciously, blocked the green light with his hand, and then directed his consciousness towards the Probe into the group of green lights.

A terrifying scene immediately appeared in front of his eyes. Just as the scholar described, this weird 'crab' was surprisingly large, with eight claws that were more than two hundred feet long connected to a circle with a radius of more than thirty feet. A disc-shaped body covered with scalp-numbing, spore-like eyes; between each pair of claws grows a sandworm-like tentacle, ending in a sandworm-like fang-studded It has a big bloody mouth; a giant crab claw like a battering ram grows above the spiral mouthparts on the front, and there are two other smaller claws on the abdomen.

In the picture, corpses are constantly falling from above. This terrifying monster cuts the corpses into smaller pieces with its pincers, and sucks those pieces into its stomach with its tentacles.If it wasn't for the fact that he had seen a lot of horrible scenes after coming to the abyss, this scene of 'eating' could completely frighten any of his partners into fainting on the spot.

"Tijana..." Lancelot began to call out to the culprit who put him here, "Do you know what this is?"

"...I haven't contacted me for a long time, just show me this?" The succubus lord's dissatisfied voice sounded in his heart, "This is an ice crushing crab spider, a monster comparable to an ancient dragon. Where are you? Found it? Stay away from that thing, it probably didn't realize you were there when it crushed you..."

 Chapter 520, dedicated to my wife, thank her for always supporting my hobby that consumes a lot of time, thank you wife!Thank you also to all the book friends who have been supporting me all the time, I love you (^U^)ノ~YO!Of course, I would also like to thank Deep Memory 123, Xia Chong Broken Feather, Mouse Falling in Love with Big Ant, and Old Man in the Mountains for giving me a monthly pass today. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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