The knight in the abyss

Chapter 494 Ambush

Chapter 494 Ambush
"We've arrived at the Iron Ice Field. This monster has settled inside a huge crack on the ground, and it's unlikely to come out to trouble us for the time being."

"What? Did Kostchurch ignore it before?"

"We have observed the feeding activities of the frost giants. This big crab seems to be content to eat the corpses thrown at it, plus a living ogre." Lancelow asked curiously, "Apart from the name, you Do you know any other information? Maybe it can be used in some way..."

"Very well, it sounds like you have a good plan, but the ice grinder crab spider itself is extremely mysterious, and I don't know much about it. No one knows where they come from, and no one knows what they want to do." What do you want, although it looks very 'abyss', the Ice Crab Spider is not a demon. Wait a minute, I will look for information about this monster..." Tijana fell into a brief silence, "Ah, here it is .Ask, what exactly do you want to know?"

"Hmm... First of all, is this monster intelligent?"

"On the surface, the ice grinder crab spider only cares about getting food and protecting the nest, just like ordinary beasts. But Tanari scholars once tried to talk to them and found that this monster has extremely high intelligence, no matter what language it uses , it can be grasped immediately, and there is no problem with accent. However, it is pointless to discuss any other topic with ice crab spiders other than asking for intelligent creatures as food, because their thinking is too confused to be effective at all. communication, and I don’t recommend that you do that.”

"Understood." Lancelot nodded silently, "It is said that Kostchurch is troubled by this ice-crushing crab spider. What is their strength?"

"I am afraid that the only mount in the current steel ice field is Kostchurch, and the ancient white dragon Swafnir can compete with it." Tijana sounded obviously interested, "Why, you want to use it to attack the glacier fortress ?”

"At least to cause some trouble for those frost giants. What are the characteristics of this monster? What is the pursuit? Or is it annoying?"

"As I said just now, despite their great strength, ice grinder crab spiders have no interest in anything other than obtaining food. Their hard carapaces can resist attacks from most weapons, and they also have extremely strong magic Resistance, but it has a fatal weakness: the flame is vulnerable." Tijana's tone became a little serious: "Listen, I know your sword can catch fire, but promise me, don't try to fight it in vain, okay? It tore you to shreds long before you killed it, and there's no sign of the Icecrab Spider hoarding possessions..."

"Have some confidence in me, of course I won't do such a stupid thing." Lancelot assured Tijana, and then continued to ask, "If the frost giants stop feeding this big crab, what will happen?" what happened?"

"I guess it will find food by itself." Tijana paused for a moment, and Lancelot seemed to see the succubus lord shrugging at him, "but I don't know the specific method."

"I'll try to figure it out."

"Very good. My generals are waiting for me. Take care of yourself and contact me anytime you need it."

Tijana cut off the mind connection neatly. It was afternoon, one of the busiest times of the day for the succubus lord, and it was not easy to squeeze out such a long time to talk to herself.

"Okay, guys." Lancelot clapped his hands to attract the attention of his companions, "Listen, I have a plan..."
That night.

Lancelot and Brutal were lying in ambush by the road extending from the frost giant camp, while Aramiel, Karaline and old Rip were lurking in a slightly higher place behind.Above them, a bat was still hovering in the air, but even with perfect darkvision, it was difficult to notice the tiny shadow.

"'s so cold." Even though the talisman of the Ice Goddess is still in effect, it is still unbearable for the dwarf to lie on the snow like this, "Brother, will that ogre really slip out? No, let's go directly to attack the camp, I have already thought about it, let's set a fire on the outside first, and wait for the frost giants to panic because of the flames, then we will take the opportunity to launch an attack..."

"It's not time to destroy that camp yet." Lancelow comforted, "Wait another hour, if you still don't come, we will go to the camp and kidnap people..."

At this moment, there was a slight cry of bats in their ears, which was the signal agreed with little Isa in advance.Lancelot immediately stretched out his arms and waved them lightly in the air.Although it was pitch black, the vampire with infrared vision could clearly see the heat contained in the human knight's palm, knowing that his companions had received the signal from her.

While Lancelow waved his hand, the dwarf also found a rope in the snow and pulled it lightly a few times.Someone on the other end of the rope also pulled back a few times, which meant that Kara Lin and the others were also ready.


Lancelow reminded in a low voice, the dwarf quickly grabbed a few handfuls of snow to bury himself, and then stopped all movements.At the end of the road, a huge figure soon appeared. It was a ten-foot-tall ogre, the one that survived the frost giant camp. Hinting that the cloak was probably stolen.

So far this ogre has been very successful in escaping. It has already run very far, but the camp is still quiet. Even if the giants have discovered the anomaly now, their stone-throwing attacks will still fail in the dark because they cannot see the target clearly. No threat.

Generally speaking, ogres have an almost instinctive worship of giants, and will subconsciously obey any instructions from giants, and this ogre is no exception.But after witnessing what happened to his compatriots today, even with an ogre who is more stupid than a wolf man, he knows that the same thing will happen to him if he doesn't run away.

Before leaving, it also took the cloak with two bear heads as a reward for serving the frost giants - it wanted to ask the previous owner of the cloak if it agreed, but it forgot.As for where to escape, this ogre hasn't figured it out yet, but it is already fantasizing about looting with another tribe of giants. later……

At this moment, a green mask suddenly lit up, covering the ogre.It stood there in bewilderment, the light shield did not cause any damage to it, and the sound of the surrounding environment seemed to disappear.

An ecstatic look gradually appeared on the ogre's face. In its cognition, all magic items have auras, and the more powerful the aura, the stronger the aura. Looking at the range of the mask, I am afraid that I am stepping on an artifact. above it?

 Thanks to book friends 20170723020205453, book friends, I don’t know what to call the monthly ticket, and thank you brothers who voted for recommendation, thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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