The knight in the abyss

Chapter 501 The Abyss Scroll

Chapter 501 The Abyss Scroll
Lancelot bent down to help the vampire up, the little girl opened her eyes, smiled weakly, fell into his arms again and fell asleep.

"You've done well, you're fine now." Lancelot whispered in her ear, took out the vampire's small wooden box from the dimensional bag, carefully carried her in and put her away, "Take a good rest."

"How did she... come down here?" Brutal scratched his head, puzzled by the situation in front of him, "And what is this big book like a tower shield?"

"Little Isa snatched this book from the frost giant just now, and then used the ability of atomization form to escape. This ability is quite a burden on the body, and it is usually only used when dying, and it will directly escape to dormancy The coffin slowly recovers, but I activated the magic stone just now, she can't approach me in that state, so she can only hide under the snow." Lancelot put the vampire's wooden box back In the dimension bag, he turned his head to look at Kara Lin, "As for this book..."

The scholar has jumped to the bottom of the pit and is studying the cover of the big book.His whole body was trembling violently due to excitement, and he looked like he might faint at any moment. The expression on his face was as excited as that of a sailor who had been floating at sea for two years and saw a warbler in a tavern for the first time after coming ashore.

"Absolutely, this is Aham's Abyss Scroll!" Kalalin tried to lift the big book out from the bottom of the pit, but his strength was not enough to do that, "Guys, come and help me , this is an artifact!"

"Isn't this the frost giant's spell book?" The dwarf looked at the human knight, who had already extended a helping hand to the scholar, so he also shrugged, got under the raised book, and pushed his head upwards arch.

When the tome with the purple cover was completely moved to the ground, everyone realized how exaggerated its size was.It is six feet long, four feet wide, and about as thick as a man's knee, with plenty of clasps, twist loops, and ties on the front and back covers to secure the booklet from accidental opening.

"Is this the writing left by the founder of your sect?" Aramir asked Karalin curiously, "What is recorded in it?"

"There are several kinds of writings left by Aham. The largest and most precious one is called the Abyss Scroll, which mainly contains maps of some layers of the abyss, as well as Aham's knowledge and research records when traveling in the corresponding layers." The scholar gently stroked the purple cover of the abyss scroll, "In addition to the abyss scroll, there is also a dark note that records the real name and privacy of a certain abyss lord, and a bloody catalog that records the habits and ecology of a certain abyss creature..."

"Kalarin, the book is not a woman, no matter how much you touch it, it won't open itself." Brutal joked vulgarly to the scholar, "Let's see what's inside."

"I want to do that more than all of you, but I can't. Not now, not here, and I... I can't either." The scholar reluctantly looked away from the big book, "Forbidden knowledge itself has power .Interpretation of the Abyss scroll requires readers to be fully prepared in both mental and physical strength. Frightened when approached by any tome. In a word, it is best not to open the cover of the abyss scroll except in a well-staffed and well-equipped madhouse. Put it in the dimensional bag, Lancelot, when I am ready When, I will come to you again."

"Aside from those Laoshizi's maps, does this thing have other functions?" Brutal was still a little bit unwilling, "The snake demon just now was summoned by this thing, right?"

"Yes, that is a high-level power of the scroll of the abyss, which summons a high-level demon that must obey the holder, but every time this power is used, more demons will try to steal this artifact, Throw it into the Well of Darkness on the third floor of Abyss No.70 and destroy it completely. Moreover, once it senses the threat of a demon nearby, the book will also release teleportation to escape. But in the steel ice field, Kostchurch will actively Hunt down any tanar'ri who dare to break in, so its frost giant mages dare to use that ability recklessly."

"In other words, this thing is useless to us." The dwarf finally lost interest, "Let's go, go and see if we can find some loot from the corpses of those frost giants..."

"Then... that... can you... bang us..."

The faint pleading sound suddenly floated into everyone's ears, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they seemed to have forgotten something - those captives who were locked in cages!

"I'm really sorry, the battle was too tense, I almost forgot about you." Lancelot ran over quickly, raised his hand and pulled the door of the iron cage down, "Quick, before the portal is closed, hurry up!" Go back to your original world."

The prisoners filed out like a flock of sheep. Most of them ran towards the portal without looking back. A few of them stood still and bowed to Lancelow despite the cold.

"The highest thanks, noble knight!" One of the well-dressed old men led a few people and bowed deeply to Lancelot, "You must have been sent by Tom to save us!"

"I don't know Thom very well. If you stay longer, you may really go to see him." Lancelow responded humorously, "By the way, my name is Lancelot. Say thank you to your god for me."

"Aren't you really the messenger of the God of Courage and Sacrifice?" The old man still couldn't believe it, but the portal had already started to flicker, forcing him to run over there, "Thank you, Sir Lancelot! We Will definitely mention you in my prayers!"

"It's too cold here, staying here is not good for their health." Lancelow shrugged to his companions, "And good deeds must be named, I learned it from an ancient book."

"If you do bad things, you have to keep them, right?" Aramiel responded with a smile, "But don't keep your own."

"Exactly." Lancelot nodded, watching Brutal walking over with a huge bag, "Did you find anything good?"

"Most of them are iron ingots of average quality. I threw them all away, but some gemstones are in good condition." Brutal replied with a smile, but his face suddenly changed, "Wait, these won't Did the frost giant snatch it from the prisoners just now? Shall we return it... Brother, you are too cunning! Is this the real reason why you urged them to go back quickly?"

 Thanks to book friends 20191025195111089 for their rewards, and thanks to Zuo Mubai, Rourouwan 08, and Mingming Mingming for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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