The knight in the abyss

Chapter 502 If the Elf Dies

Chapter 502 If the Elf Dies
"...I mainly think about their lives." Lancelow touched his nose in embarrassment, "Well, is there a spoil worth taking away in the bag?"

"Well, the frost giant raiders don't seem to be interested in gold. I didn't find any gold coins, but I found a lot of spinel and tourmaline, worth about two thousand gold coins." Brutal opened the big pocket behind his back , revealing some dark red and dark purple irregular gemstones inside, "Don't feel disappointed, these are still rough stones, and they will be very beautiful after being processed by a jeweler."

"I trust your judgment." Lancelow nodded and asked curiously, "Can you process them?"

"In terms of human standards, I should be considered a qualified jeweler..." Brutal scratched his maroon curly hair, and at the same time sighed helplessly, "But in my father's opinion, my craftsmanship and A kobold plumber is no different."

"Then these rough stones will be handed over to you." Lancelow patted the dwarf's shoulder, "The processed ones will definitely sell for more money than the rough stones, and you can only improve with practice, right? Imagine a day in the future , you walked up to Uncle Barend, handed him a perfectly cut diamond, and told him it was your work..."

"Based on what I know about the old man, he would probably grudgingly grunt to show his approval, ha!" Brutal said with a happy smile on his face, "But I like this idea, thank you for your encouragement, I will try it during the break." Do some manual work."

"Don't feel pressured, if it's broken, it's mine... everyone else." Lancelow patted Brutal's shoulder again, "Looking forward to your work."

"Lancelo, should you take this thing away too?" On the other side, Karalin walked over with a huge translucent snake, which seemed to be entangled by curtains. "Except for the wound in the middle of the chest, other The place is very complete, this is a rare item, I think it is worth collecting, and you can get a lot of money if you hand it over to the religious order..."

"Okay." The human knight nodded, and pointed to the armor that the lizards had just taken off on the ground, "Put those on, too."

"I've checked, and it's just some common abyssal metal." Karaline asked suspiciously, "This kind of material is difficult to process. It may be used in some evil ceremonies, but it seems to be of little value to us."

"There are still many treasure houses in the abyss waiting for us to visit." Lancelow smacked his lips, "We have to give some clues about the identity of the owner of the treasure house, or the thief who entered later than us. Bar?"

Kara Lin was stunned on the spot, without saying a word, and decisively turned back to pick up the unnecessary equipment thrown away by the snake demons.

"Guys, let me treat your wounds first." Aramiel walked over with ointment and bandages, "Brutal, starting from you, the wound on your right elbow is almost scabbed, and I really I am very unaccustomed to the image of your eyes with different sizes..."

"If the scab has formed, it means that the wound is almost healed. And I only need to widen my left eye, and the two eyes will be the same size..." Although Brutal said so, he still obediently let the elf play with himself "Hey, I've always wanted to ask, don't you have magical healing skills? Why do you still use such a 'traditional' method?"

"As a priest in the field of life, you don't have to doubt my healing magic, and I'm also very skilled in bandages and ointments. Close your eyes." Aramiel tapped Brutal's forehead, and the latter agreed obediently. The eyelids were closed, and the priest rubbed his eyelids back and forth with his hand dipped in ointment, "Once the healing magic is used up, it cannot be recovered before a full rest. This is directly related to the life and death of the partners, so as long as the situation Allowed, we will try our best not to resort to supernatural powers to deal with the injuries, and save the precious number of spellcastings for really urgent situations. Alright, you can open your eyes now, how do you feel?"

"It's not good." Brutal made a grimace, "You are a guy with no beard when you open your eyes. Do you need me to lend you my baby belt to wear for a night? Just for one night, you will have a Get a nice goatee..."

"You know, I'm the only one in this team who can use resurrection..."

"Don't be so serious, I was just joking." Brutal shrunk his neck a little aggrieved, "If I die, you will definitely bring me back, right?"

"Of course, my dear dwarf friend, you have misunderstood me." Aramir shook his head, "What I want to say is, have you ever thought about this situation, after a fierce battle, how many [-] partners fell, and I was the only one who could bring them back..."

"I'll make sure that never happens..."

"No, no, the assumption has already happened, don't worry, you just said the solution!"

"What?" The dwarf scratched his head, "What are you talking about?"

"What I mean is, even if I'm dead, and I can't feel any life temperature in the cold corpse, even if no one can perform the resurrection of the dead, there is a way to bring me back to life, as long as you bring your belt to I'll just wear it." Aramir patted the dwarf's stomach, "Even if my soul has already arrived in Sune's palace, and I'm talking to 72 virgins about my adventures in the abyss, I will definitely return to myself immediately Rip that damn belt off your body!!!"

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha..."

The companions burst into laughter, and even Brutal couldn't help himself.Amidst cheerful laughter, everyone finished cleaning the battlefield, got on the sleigh led by the giant wolf old Repra again, and continued along the road away from the mountains.

By the way, the scroll of the abyss was first received by Lancelot into the dimension bag.He didn't dare to take the risk of putting this artifact of the Dark Order into the demiplane. You must know that this thing has a certain probability of summoning demons. It is not worth the candle.While the succubus lord certainly has other means of keeping unwanted visitors out, the best way is to keep that demiplane secret.

If no one knows that a house exists, there is no need to worry about being stolen.

In the following journey, everyone encountered similar battles several times. A portal suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a frost giant robbery team came out from it, but they never encountered such a difficult monster as the lizard. The enemy, on the contrary, allowed them to accumulate a lot of experience in fighting giants.

Three days later, the steep mountains finally began to flatten, and everyone knew that they would soon enter the Field of Frost Giants, the most brutal and bloody giant battlefield in the multiverse.

 Thanks to book friends 121007220117169, Xiao L, please call me Daoist Taixu, tyel94 for the monthly vote, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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