The knight in the abyss

Chapter 513 Ripe Green Liquid

Chapter 513 Ripe Green Liquid
"There is still a lot of stock in the demiplane. Before I rest, I will use all the remaining magic spells to cast water spells, just in case." Alamir showed a shy smile, "Wait a minute Just a moment, I'll be right back."

The elf priest disappeared into the entrance of the half-plane in a flash, and Lancelot suddenly felt someone pulling his wings gently.He turned his head and found that it was little Isa trying to call his attention, who was looking at him timidly.

"Brother Lancelow, that, Sister Tijana told you, let me remind you..." the little vampire said in a voice not much louder than a mosquito, "If you have already used it, remember to take off the transformation ring."

"Ah, of course!" Lancelot felt guilty for no reason, quickly took off the ring, and transformed back into the appearance of a human knight. If you hadn't reminded me, I'm afraid I would have forgotten..."

"Be careful." Karaline looked at him with a meaningful look, "A certain famous arcanist once turned himself into a squirrel, and his apprentice had to spend three years. Every squirrel in the forest had to cast a dispelling spell to bring back his teacher so that he could sign his graduation thesis..."

"Why squirrels?" Brutal scratched his head. "Is there anything special about them?"

"Because squirrels are always happy." The scholar shrugged. "The point is, when you stay in another form for too long, you may have identity recognition problems, which is a very serious situation."

"Don't worry, guys, I'm really fine... Ah, Aramir is back! I'm waiting..." Lancelot explained feebly, just at that moment the elf priest came out from the demiplane with a big bucket of water Yes, let him take the opportunity to change the subject.

"Yo, remember to take off the ring?" Aramir put the bucket in front of him, "Is this enough?"

"That's enough." Lancelot carefully tilted the jade bottle above the bucket, "It's mainly used to dilute the concentration of this thing, otherwise the amount will be difficult to control... That's fine."

Three drops of green liquid dripped from the bottle into the bucket, and all the water in the bucket immediately turned green.That kind of green is different from the green that reminds people of poison and plague. It is a fresh and refreshing green, like the first sprouts in spring, and the lush grass in summer is full of indescribable aura.

"Wow, is this your secret to making plants grow fast?" Brutal leaned forward curiously, "It looks delicious..."

"Don't do it." Lancelot gave the dwarf a stern look, "Under normal circumstances, drinking it will not have any effect at all, but if there are any undigested plant seeds in your stomach, it will definitely be a catastrophic event Just a small spoonful of it can make the plant grow naturally for a year, think about the consequences if you drink it."

"Okay, I knew watermelon was a dangerous fruit, but what if I put this liquid on my chin..."

Ignoring the dwarf whose train of thought had completely gone astray, Lancelow patted the edge of the barrel lightly, and a wisp of green water flowed towards the vine on the ground under the wrapping of his true essence, and penetrated into the roots in the nearby soil.The vine immediately began to wriggle, like the tentacles of some aquatic animal, while Lancelot reached out and pinched the vine, making it grow longer and penetrate into the deepest part of the mountain, and then split into upper and lower branches, and let it After the bifurcation, the part becomes thicker and harder, and it starts to drill slowly into the hard mountain.

"I remember that when we were arranging Hagrid Manor, we had to be very careful with the amount of this liquid, otherwise it would be easy for the plants to die beyond their own lifespan." Aramiel looked at Lancelot's actions curiously, "Don't you have to worry about that kind of problem, vine?"

"Well, the vine itself is transformed by my own magic power. As long as I continue to provide energy, it can continue to grow, but if it is completely powered by myself, digging a tunnel leading to that fortress will completely kill me. Squeeze it dry." Lancelot patted the edge of the barrel again with his other hand, stirring up another stream of turquoise water, "Fortunately, the vine itself is also a plant, so it can be ripened with this green liquid."

"And every night when you meditate, you will automatically condense a drop of this liquid?" The elf shook his head with an unbelievable expression, "To be honest, if I didn't know you well, I would doubt whether you are someone The incarnation of the gods of nature..."

"I can assure you that I have nothing to do with any god, except maybe Sune, after all, his priest has helped me a lot." Lancelot smiled at the elf, "Okay, you guys Let's go back to the half-plane and rest, I will take care of this vine at night to make sure it grows the way I want."

That night, Lancelot would pour a wisp of green sap over the roots of the vines every time he finished running for a week, until the bucket of water was used up.According to previous experience, one drop of green liquid can increase the growth time by about 100 years. Three drops of green liquid were added to the bucket, and the vine will become a 300-year-old vine after all of them are used up.

Under his deliberate control, the part of the vine in this cave is still only as thick as an arm, but inside the mountain, it has turned into a terrifying ** with a radius of more than ten feet, and its hardness is even comparable to gold and stone. Some people were alarmed The frost bug once came over to look at it curiously, but after breaking a few teeth, it lost interest and left.

"Morning Lancelot, have you been sitting like this for another night?" As usual, Brutal was the first to climb out of the demiplane, "How is the vine, has it grown well?"

"Well, now it's like a giant spring buried in the mountain, one end is twenty feet away from the fortress above, and the other end is twenty feet away from the rock wall at the bottom of the valley. The layered mountain was pierced." Lancelow nodded, and at this moment the rest of the partners also came out of the demiplane, "Good morning everyone, how did you rest last night?"

"It couldn't be better, I have to admit that this half-plane of the succubus lord has really greatly improved the quality of travel." Aramiel said with a smile, but sighed again, "Oh, if Kora is still there, She's going to love this..."

"When we are free in the future, we will go to Sigil City to find her. I don't know what happened to that skull." Lancelow shook his head with emotion, "Let's focus on the task in front of us first... Karalin, are you ready to cast Arcane Eye again to find out the source of those giant zombies?"

"Of course." The scholar took out two scrolls from his backpack, "I also got something new last night, a brand new spell based on the shared memory of the second-ring spells, so that you can see what I see in real time, so everyone Everyone can participate in the…”

 Thank you Yuyuyu and Archbishop_Artanis for their monthly tickets, thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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