The knight in the abyss

Chapter 514 Exploring the Bottom of the Valley

Chapter 514 Exploring the Bottom of the Valley
"Another original spell?" Aramiel was full of surprise, "This is no ordinary achievement..."

"When you have copied a thousand spell scrolls, you will more or less have your own understanding of magic." The scholar smiled shyly, and then began to rub his eyes, "To share vision, you need a little special spellcasting The material... Aha! This is it, a caster's own eyelashes!"

"It's a good thing it's not the eyes." Brutal whispered to Lancelot, "otherwise it would be too scary."

"The higher the price, the stronger the effect of the magic. This spell doesn't need such an exaggerated catalyst..."

Karaline opened a significantly thicker scroll, pressed the small eyelashes on his thumb into the red circle in the center of the scroll, and then spoke a strange syllable, causing all the mysterious arcane runes on the scroll to light up , and formed a dark green halo in the air, connecting everyone's heads together.

Lancelow immediately had a wonderful experience, as if there was an extra window in his mind, inside was the picture seen by Kara Lin's eyes, but it would not be confused with his own vision, because he had to The scene in the 'window' can be seen clearly only when the attention is concentrated, and if the attention is a little distracted, the picture will immediately become blurred, just like the image that flashes through the mind when the mind is distracted.

"I suggest you sit down first, you may feel a little dizzy when you experience the secret magic eye for the first time..." Kara Lin cast the spell again, summoning a transparent eyeball floating in mid-air.After confirming that everyone was sitting firmly on the ground, he sat down last and closed his eyes.

The images in everyone's minds immediately changed, switching to the perspective of the magic eyes.The eyeballs float gently in the air, and the picture keeps moving accordingly. Just as Caralin warned, this is indeed a bit awkward for everyone sitting firmly on the ground. Therefore, the scholar manipulated the eyeballs to fly slowly in the cave. Two laps to get the buddies used to this new perspective.

"Is everyone alright?" Karaline's dissociated voice rang in everyone's ears, "If you really feel uncomfortable, don't force it, just turn your attention away... The spell's duration is limited, so let's start now Bar."

The images in everyone's minds began to fly out of the cave and into the interior of the gap.Something flew past in front of me suddenly, and the angle of view shifted down. I found that it was the corpse of a frost giant that fell from the sky, howling into the thick fog at the bottom of the valley, tearing a small hole in the thick fog .

The dense fog closed again almost immediately, but in that brief moment, everyone still saw the undead giants densely packed at the bottom of the valley. Facing the roaring corpses from above, they all stood still, and two of them The unlucky guy was knocked to the ground silently.

"Looks like there's a fight up there again." Karaline's voice sounded again, "A fresh corpse just happened to come, we can use this to observe how it was transformed..."

The angle of view began to drop continuously, sinking into the thick fog.As Brutal said in a joke before, up, down, left, and right in the fog look exactly the same, and through the magic eye, you can't feel gravity, sound and other reference objects. As viewers, they can't even be sure whether the perspective is still the same While moving, he could only wait patiently for Kara Lin to fly out of the foggy area.

After about half a minute, the fog in front of them suddenly dissipated, and the scene at the bottom of the valley clearly appeared in everyone's field of vision.Looking around, there are standing corpses of frost giants all around. The low temperature prevents their flesh and blood from rotting, but severe dehydration makes these dead giants look extraordinarily thin, and their skin is cracked like bark , exposing the air-dried meat-like musculature underneath.

"Moradin's beard is awesome! This is definitely the ugliest giant I've ever seen, even uglier than the crippled giants that live underground!" Brutal's surprised voice sounded, "How many zombies are there here? Giants, they all died in the attack on Georgard Fortress?"

"There are more than [-] people within our field of vision. Who knows if there are more in the distance." As a general who has led troops, Lancelot is very sensitive to the number of people. Killed in oil tactics... eh? What are those zombies doing?"

Beside the dead body that just fell, the eyes of the two giant zombies suddenly lit up with faint blue lights. They seemed to have received some kind of order. One was holding the armpit of the new dead body, the other was carrying the dead body. With both feet, staggeringly walked towards the distance.

"This is... is someone controlling those two zombies?" The dwarf was a little puzzled by the situation in front of him, "Where are they going to move the corpses?"

"It doesn't have to be controlled by someone, it may be a pre-set command by the summoner." The elf priest replied calmly, "I guess they are going to take the corpse to a place where it can be transformed into an undead, follow up, we can Save yourself the trouble of searching."

Everyone agreed with the proposal, so Karalin manipulated the magic eyes and floated behind not far or near.The rest of the giant zombies still stood there in a daze. They didn't resist when they were knocked over by the two corpse-bearers with blue eyes.

"Even if there is a passage leading to that fortress, will these zombies really attack?" The old Rep who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "Such a large undead army is definitely not newly established, but it has been so long. There was no news of their existence during the time, could it be that when they were reawakened, they were ordered by the creator to stay in place and wait?"

"It's possible, if we find..."

Before the elf priest finished speaking, another frost giant fell from above the rift valley.Its body bumped back and forth on the mountain wall when it fell, and it was still alive after landing, struggling to stand up.

The surrounding giant zombies suddenly stopped strangely.Although they were standing still in the same place before, they would occasionally change their center of gravity or scratch their bodies unconsciously, but at this moment they were all motionless, as if they had become ice sculptures.

"Ah, that's bad." Aramiel took a breath, "The next scene may be a little bloody..."

While he was speaking, all the undead giants moved violently again. They were like insects who found lights in the dark night, sharks who smelled blood, and frantically rushed towards the panting frost giant. It was submerged, and even formed a small mountain of corpses.In less than ten heartbeats, the mountain of corpses stopped wriggling, and the zombies spread out slowly, leaving nothing but a pool of dark red blood that had coagulated.

"Well, I have no other questions." The werewolf's tone sounded a little terrified, "Wait, where are the two guys carrying the corpse?"

"Karalin, turn the view to the right." Lancelot's steady voice sounded, "I think we have found the source of transformation..."

 Thank you for the favor of Heikadi, Qu Luo Man Tian Xing, Oo Little Wolf oO, please call me Daoist Taixu, Jumping Dead Fish for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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