The knight in the abyss

Chapter 540 The Last Station

Chapter 540 The Last Stand

After driving for another half a day, everyone had arrived at a place less than two miles away from the Glacier Fortress.Considering that if he continued to approach, he might be exposed in advance, Lancelow decided to stop advancing, and led his partners to climb to a nearby hill.

He and Brutal had seen the fortress before in Moradin's temple, but the perspective in the vision was approaching from the sky, completely different from what they saw on the ground at this moment.

As a symbol of the dominance of this layer, the pit lord's lair is located on the top of the highest mountain in this layer.Some kind of terrifying force split the mountain in two, and the glacier fortress was 'stuck' in the middle of the split mountain.The main body of the fortress is a huge ice block with a radius of more than [-] feet, and the bottom is more than [-] feet from the ground. From a distance, it looks like a tooth pinched by two fingers.

From Lancelot's professional point of view, if the fortress was built on the ground, it would definitely be the best fortress he has ever seen to break through.Its entrance is too wide, and the attackers can form a good formation. There are no multi-layer fortifications inside, or towers for archers to shoot arrows, and even the guards can't see a few.

However, due to this suspended structure, if the attacker does not have the ability to fly, they can only climb the steep mountains on the left and right sides.Even now at dusk, the two peaks are still shining, indicating that the surface of the mountains is mostly smooth ice, and reaching the fortress in this way is an act of suicide.

And if the attacker has the ability to fly (or can fly to throw soldiers), don't forget that all giants are good stone throwers. The stones they throw are not only powerful, but also amazingly accurate, not to mention There is also an absolute master of the sky among the guards of Glacier Fortress:

Swafnir, an ancient white dragon over a hundred feet long.It is perhaps Kostchurch's only trusted companion, guarding the treasure-filled fortress during the time the Pit Lord was trapped in the Nine Hells.

"That guy is too big..." Brutal sighed depressingly, "Even if it lays still and let me beat it, I'm afraid I'll be exhausted before I kill it..."

"If you are still insisting on the dream of slaying dragons, you'd better change your target." Alamir squinted his eyes and observed the giant beast carefully, "The ancient white dragon is not something we can deal with, Lancelot That's right, we must find a way to lure it away, and sneak in before it comes back, find the breastplate that Tijana wants, and then rush out as fast as possible, and use the teleportation magic to leave .”

"Why do you have to rush out again?" Brutal asked puzzled, "Why don't you just leave after getting the things?"

"There are anti-teleportation magic circles in some large-scale strongholds. If there is no 'key' given by the magic circle installer, the teleportation magic can't get in or out." Alamiel glanced at Lancelot, "Both Bridge Town also has such a setting, but do you still remember how we went back every time? Take out that badge and read Tijana's name three times... Because of this, I knew you two must have something to do."

"Really?" Lancelot scratched his head in embarrassment, "Maybe the gift she gave when we met for the first time was just what she wanted..."

"Part of the reason is that, after all, all female creatures like diamonds, almost without exception." Aramiel shrugged, "But it's more because of your temperament, according to my...experience, none of them A succubus can resist that temptation."

"Temperament?" Lancelot was a little confused by the elf, "What are you talking about?"

"It's the temperament of a knight." Aramir shrugged, "The strong body hidden under the armor is bound by various oaths in every move. Refusing to give in... The more you are like this, the more they look forward to the scene where you break free from all kinds of restraints you impose on yourself and vent all your energy on them..."

"Uh..." Lancelot turned around awkwardly, "I've do you know so much?"

"I'm Sune's priest. In the entire multiverse, you can't find a better love psychologist than us." The elf priest curled his lips, "Not to mention that I still have that tragic experience... To survive in that environment, you have to be sharp and know exactly what everyone around you is thinking."

"It's all over, my friend." Lancelot patted the elf's shoulder, and his eyes happened to see something else, "What's under the fortress? A...fallen tower?"

"There's a tower there?" Karaline, who had been busy taking notes with his head down, suddenly raised his head, "Damn it, I can't see it clearly at all... Can you describe what that tower looks like?"

"Uh... that is a tall gray tower. It should have been carved out of a single boulder, but now it has been broken into several pieces and half buried in the thick snow." Lancelow shrugged. "It looks like a watchtower in any town... what else do you want to know?"

"Can you see the top of the tower?" Kara Lin subconsciously bit the end of the quill in his hand, "Is the shape three connected spheres?"

"There is only one hemisphere left, but the original shape should be as you said." Lancelow looked at Kara Lin in surprise, "Do you know where that tower came from?"

"I should know." The scholar nodded. "Although it seems careless, the treasure house in Kostchurch has only been stolen once in history."

"Really?" Brutal was also aroused, "What did the thief steal?"

"A jewel-encrusted crown." The scholar shook his head lightly. "Three days later, Kostchurch led an army to the city where the thief fled. It killed half of the city's residents and took back the stolen crown. He also took away the tallest tower in the city as a memorial of his conquest. If your description is correct, that tower was the spoils brought back by the Prince of Wrath. This feeling is really wonderful, as if the history recorded in ancient books suddenly became reality..."

"Do you know what was my first thought after hearing this story?" The dwarf folded his arms and shook his head. "It actually only killed half of the residents in the city? Why? Did your conscience find out?"

"Of course not. The celestial army led by a blazing god arrived in time and drove the angry prince back to the abyss. However, the city has been destroyed, and most of the dead can't be resurrected." Kalarin shrugged, " Now we have to do the same thing, Tijana will not be ignorant of the possible consequences... It seems that the armor is really meaningful to her."

"That is a relic of the Platinum Guard!" Brutal's voice contained a special kind of fanaticism, "You are not a dwarf, so you don't understand the great significance it contains..."

 Thanks to the book friends 20190902114457141, Ye Guang Shines on the Ass, and the old man in the mountains for their monthly tickets, and thank you brothers who voted for recommendation, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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