The knight in the abyss

Chapter 541 Reaction Test

Chapter 541 Reaction Test
"Don't worry, dwarf, we're getting closer to that relic." Aramir comforted with a smile, but the relaxed look didn't stay on his face for long, "The densely packed tents around the fort should be frost giants. Barracks? To get to the fort, we'll have to find a way through that area..."

"This state is really tricky now." Lancelot rubbed his chin, "Karalin, if you cast the invisibility on me and then enter the demiplane, will the invisibility still work?"

"Unfortunately, I can't." The scholar spread his hands, "To make the invisibility continue to take effect, I must maintain a state of concentration in casting..."

"It seems that brother Georgard really has to be saved." Lancelow shook his head, "If Solem's brother really led the frost giants from the Warrior Township to the Glacier Fortress after regaining his freedom, then it should be Can create enough chaos for us to take advantage of."

"Frost Giant vs. Frost Giant, Titan Goddess vs. Ancient White Dragon?" Old Leip beside him was very interested in this idea, "That's really a rare big scene..."

"The premise is Gerty, if that's really her name, it's not a lie." Brutal replied angrily, "I don't want to trust a guy who was killed by us, burned to ashes, and resurrected somehow. "

"She must have something to hide, there is no doubt about it." Lancelot said, "But I have no other expectations. It is enough to distract most of the defenders and give me a chance to pass through the barracks area." After that, I will find a way to find a hiding cave among the two peaks, let Kara Lin plant the teleportation rune, and take action when the time is right."

"But what about the white dragon?" Brutal pointed to the obvious obstacle. "We can't get around it..."

"If Georgard can't beat the white dragon, or if he can't reach the glacier fortress at all, I still have two options." Lancelow shrugged, "Remember that ice crush crab spider? Let's feed the spider Kill the frost giant, and then throw some food with 'food' on it, and the monster will definitely come out angrily and wreak havoc. If it is really as strong as the ogre captive said, then there should only be Swaf at this level Neil can handle it..."

"Then we will sneak into the fortress while the white dragon is taking care of the big crab, kill any guards in front of us, find the armor worn by the platinum guard, and then come out quickly?" Aramir asked. He asked enthusiastically, "It sounds like a simple and direct plan, but there is a prerequisite: Swafnir will not turn a blind eye to the ice-crab spider that is making waves, but will the white dragon really care?"

"I don't know." Lancelot spread his hands and admitted bluntly, "So I have another plan: pretend to attack the ancient white dragon's lair. Once it is confirmed that it has left the glacier fortress, we will immediately launch the teleportation magic back , using its back and forth time difference to sneak in to complete our goal."

"But how do we know when it will go back, and how long will it take?" Old Rip couldn't help but say, "If it can be sent back directly through some magical means, that would be great fun It's..."

"So you have to test how it will react in advance." Lancelow looked back at the distant fortress, "Guys, I have an immature idea..."

At noon the next day, Kara Lin activated the teleportation scroll given by Tijana again, and brought everyone back to the hiding place they arranged under Swafnir's lair.

Although it is impossible for sunlight to pass through the thick soil, the dark tunnel is still empty. The biological clock of the Finser trolls determines that they are all resting at this moment.However, after Lancelot repeatedly confirmed the absolute safety with his spiritual vision, he condensed a blue fire lotus and melted away the ice blocks blocking the entrance of the cave.

'Little Isa, can you hear me? '

'No problem, it's clear!Brother, have you arrived yet? '

'Very well, I'll keep my mind connected, and let me know if you find anything unusual. '

Lancelot led the crowd towards the dragon's nest while communicating with little Isa in his heart.The vampire did not act with the others. At this moment, she hid herself in the shadow of the cave, monitoring the glacier fortress in the distance, and at the same time used the connection with Lancelot's master and servant to report the situation of the ancient white dragon to him in real time.

The hiding place they left was not far from the dragon's nest. After a while, everyone arrived in front of the terrace with the stone table, and the adult white dragon was circling around the big pit at the bottom of the nest, looking inside from time to time. One of the imprisoned female dragons in the house let out a growl, but none of the dragons were interested in answering it.

Lancelot turned his head and nodded to Karaline. The latter took a deep breath and took out a bundle of extremely thick scrolls from his arms.

"Sorry, if it didn't take too much time to make this scroll, we could have set off earlier." Karaline's cheeks flushed with excitement, "I guarantee that you have never seen a more 'real' illusion than this... ..."

The fully unfolded scroll was so long that the scholar had to spread it on the floor.There are densely packed arcane runes of different sizes on the scroll, and just a glance will cause a strong sense of vertigo, at least for dwarves.

Karaline began to chant the mantra in a very low volume, waving and poking back and forth in the air with both hands.In the eyes of outsiders, the scholar's actions may be a bit funny, but Lancelow's keen spiritual sense can feel something different, as if ripples began to appear in the originally calm sea of ​​magic power, and became more and more intense.

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the gap at the top of the dragon's lair. The voice was inexplicably familiar to everyone, and the scene that followed explained the source of the familiarity—a huge, frightening, looking It looked a lot like a red dragon who ran a hotel business in Mogrondal appeared at the entrance of the dragon's lair, and let out a deafening roar at a group of frightened chromatic dragons below.

'Little Isa, little Isa. ' Lancelot called silently in his consciousness, 'Is Swafnier moving? '

'not yet. ’ There was an immediate response from the telepathic connection, “Brother, have you started to act?”

'Well, watch what it does. '

Lancelot turned his head and made a gesture towards Kara Rimbi. The latter's spell-casting action changed suddenly, and the red dragon's mouth began to light up with a dazzling red light.Accompanied by Kara Lin's arm swung down suddenly, a hot flame spewed out from the mouth of the giant dragon, and landed on the highest treasure pile in the center of the dragon's lair, causing a violent explosion. For a while, gold coins, treasure chests, and magical treasures flickered. Aura items splattered everywhere.

"Moradin's beard is on top, it's too real!" Brutal's eyes widened, "Is that really an illusion?"

 Thank you for making the impossible possible, Gurdrian, and the Imperial Guard for their monthly votes. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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