The knight in the abyss

Chapter 577 New plan

Chapter 577 New plan

At night, in a hideout near Glacier Fortress.

The friends sat around the campfire, listening to the crackling sound of the flames gnawing the dry firewood.The sound was easily reminiscent of the battles that took place during the day. When the bones of the frost giants were broken by their mutated counterparts, they made similar sounds.

There were other sounds in the distance, such as the screams of prisoners being tortured.Some frost giants waver in the face of death, attempting to flee while their fellows fight, but they soon learn that death is not the worst thing to happen.As we all know, demons like to kill. When they have the opportunity to twist their necks, pull out their hearts, and pull out their intestines without the victim fighting back, they will always do it without hesitation. If this is the case, why bother to capture What about the captives?

Since the enemies are all killed, there is no joy, and torturing the prisoner provides more lasting entertainment.

Everyone finally understood the true purpose of the bloody beast—the kind of big dog with a human head.They have a remarkable skill at eating a captive, making the feeding process as bloody and lengthy as possible, and ensuring that the victim remains conscious until the last moment.

What's more, they remember the wails and screams made by the 'food' and imitate the sounds when they're done.Obviously, both those mutated giant demons and the frost giants loyal to the Prince of Wrath liked this sound very much.It's just that for everyone hiding in the cave, this kind of sound is not very pleasant.

Brutal sighed heavily, temporarily dispelling the silence in the air.He stood up from the stone sofa where he was sitting, and scooped a bowl of soup from a pot set by the campfire.The soup, made with salted fish, onions and some vegetables, was crude but tasteless, but it didn't help Brutal's bad mood, especially when a meatless lump appeared in his spoon. When the fish skull.

"Damn it!" the dwarf cursed involuntarily, "Don't look at me with your eyeballs, you bloody salty fish!"

"Calm down, Brutal." Lancelot's voice suddenly sounded, "I made the decision to retreat, don't get angry with that pot of soup."

"Why should I get angry... You and Tijana are finally finished talking?" Brutal turned his head when he heard the sound, but his face still had an expression of resignation, "Isn't it that a lot of preparations made before were all in vain Well. Now that damned white dragon is back, blocking the entrance of that damned fortress like a vicious dog guarding the house, yes, there are more vicious dogs inside, the white dragon is the damned vicious Dog boss! And the damn guards around have not only not decreased, but have also become more powerful!"

"There was no problem with our previous plan, but no one could have predicted that such a change would happen." Lancelot said calmly, "Tijana agrees with Kara Lin's point of view, it should be the intervention of divine power that made the abyss itself Such a violent reaction..."

"Great! I knew it!" Kara Lin clapped his hands excitedly, "This is really a great discovery!"

"Did our employer and landlord say anything else?" Brutal picked up the bowl and took a big sip of the soup. "If she wants us to go back, I won't agree! Never! There is no door!"

"She did make such a suggestion out of good intentions, but I have already rejected it." Lancelow shrugged, "Yes, because he was publicly defeated and all his followers were slaughtered, brother Georgard ascended to God My hopes were shattered, but Dyne Frostbeard's armor was not destroyed, and all of us are sitting here well, and I don't see any excuse for us to declare the mission a failure."

"You're right!" Brutus slapped his hands excitedly, but his face revealed a gloomy expression, "But that ancient white dragon, and those mutated demons..."

"The ancient white dragon is indeed a problem. We originally expected Georgard to help us solve it, but this solution is no longer feasible." Lancelow rubbed his chin, "We have to think of a different way..."

"How about the big crab under the black mist gap?" Brutal scratched his head, which was a sign he was trying to think, "What's it called? Gorgo Bahom? Let Tijana help you Order the hottest pepper in the multiverse, let's add some spices to its food, and let it fight Bailong!"

"I don't like the idea at all," interjected old Rip, "That monster doesn't think the way we do, and who knows what it's going to do, maybe it won't go to Swafnir at all." Trouble……"

"At least it provides a way of thinking." Lancelow shook his head with a smile, "What is there a saying? As long as you don't give up, there will always be a solution to the difficulty. Everyone use their brains, and you can think of it if you look at it." what?"

"Have you already made up your mind?" Brutal stared at Lancelot suspiciously, "Based on what I know about you...absolutely!"

"Now you know I'm called Big Brother?" Lancelot winked at him, "I do have a new plan, but it's still very primitive, and there are still several pieces of the puzzle to be completed, so I need you to provide some ideas..."

"Really?" Alamir also asked curiously, "There are three main difficulties before us: one is the demon giants entrenched around the fortress, the other is the ancient white dragon blocking the entrance, and the third is The guards inside the fort, and the anti-theft measures that don't know if they exist... Which difficulty can your 'primitive' plan solve?"

"The last one." Lancelow touched his nose, "Maybe there is the first one."

"You still have a way to deal with those mutated giants?" Brutal asked in surprise, "Everyone has seen that their number is still increasing, just throw the frost giants into the magma, and after a while There will be a new one climbing out... What is going on with that volcano? No, the mother of demons has already been sent to jail by us, that is the meaning of the abyss..."

"Stop talking." Karaline interrupted the dwarf sternly, "The issue we want to discuss has nothing to do with...that will!"

"If you don't say it, you can't even mention it by name?" Brutal spat hard on the ground, "But that volcano is already there, and it doesn't look like it's going to disappear at all, it's Kos Church has to consider moving when he comes back, because the heat from the crater is about to melt his lair!"

"Speaking of this..." Lancelot said in a drawn-out tone, "Bluto, do you still remember the structure of the mountain where the glacier fortress is located?"

"Of course, I'm a dwarf." Brutal looked at Lancelot strangely, "Why do you ask this?"

"Do you still remember the blizzard I caused in the Broken Mountain Range?" Lancelot looked at the bonfire among the crowd, "I was thinking, if the glacier fortress melted suddenly, the contents inside would definitely rush to a certain place like a mudslide. a place..."

 Thank you Qing Huan i1, Xiao L, hey hey if you don’t update, sweat unlucky and stolen uh, words of modesty, Jiang Linghan, deep memory 123, meatball 08, and the gifts from the book friends!

(End of this chapter)

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