The knight in the abyss

Chapter 578 Goodbye

Chapter 578 Goodbye

The halfling bartender stared wide-eyed in surprise, looking at the queue that filed in from the door.The group seemed to be trying to keep a low profile as much as possible, all wearing acolyte hoods and cloaks, but he immediately recognized the leading human knight, who had left a deep impression on him after all. impression, and the characters who can do this are very rare.

The first floor of Tears of Razaka is a restaurant and bar. As a well-received hotel in the city, this is the busiest time of the day.The first thing Lancelot noticed was a group of tall, thin, tawny-skinned guards, because they were looking at him with malicious eyes, with their palms resting on the beautiful silver swords at their waists.

Lancelot knew that they were the Ghis, a race with a bloody feud against the wraiths and an ancient (though not always strictly kept) pact with the red dragon.When I came last time, the guards of this inn were still a group of Mazeroths. I have to admit that compared with the neutral demons that look like human-shaped insects, the Gith people look much more pleasing to the eye.

The tables were full of diners, mostly travelers from other planes, or planes—merchants, envoys, wizards, adventurers, dressed in silk, leather, or metal, and emitting All kinds of weird flavors (some of which don't match the atmosphere of the restaurant).These people were also looking at their group who just came in, but they were not so blatant.

"What a rare guest, Sir Lancelot." The halfling grinned at the human knight who walked to the bar, "Why, come back to claim your right to rule? What a coincidence, the current consul of Sprayfield is... "

"I didn't come here for that, otherwise I wouldn't be wearing this." Lancelow tugged the hood on his head, "Dear Mr. Pacos, I'm so glad to see your store is booming. But I have a bigger business I want to talk to you about..."

"I didn't hear it wrong, did I? A business proposal, from you?" Pacos raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Can you tell me what it is about first? "

"We just came back from the Iron Ice Field." Lancelow opened his mouth, but no one could hear his voice except the halfling in front of him. "Have you heard what happened there not long ago?"

"Ah...ha!" Pacos rang a special bell under the bar, and another halfling with red hair and a sullen face immediately came out of a small door behind him, "Dear Red Ragon, these gentlemen and I need to go upstairs to talk, can you stand behind the bar for a while? It's a very simple job, just collect the coins thrown by customers, and don't put out those coins A gloomy face, you are talking to the food, remember!"

"That Redragon..." When Lancelot followed the halfling to the second floor, he couldn't help asking, "Is it the same as you...?"

"In my opinion, he's just an idiot who just finished eating his own eggshell." Pacos stood in front of his office door, chanted a spell in a strange language, and then reached out to poke on the door panel After a few clicks, the door creaked open under his action, "Great, I didn't make a mistake this time..."

"Otherwise what's going to happen?" Brutal couldn't help asking. "Something bad, I guess?"

"It's nothing, just some harmless anti-theft measures that help me recall the correct way to open the door." The halfling happily walked towards the huge desk in the center of the room, "Please come in, my friends, by the way Take them with you."

When the door was closed, Lancelot noticed that there was no combustible material in the corridor, and the stone ceiling still had the blackness from the high temperature.

"I have to admit, I never expected us to talk here again." Pacos climbed into the comfortable high-back chair, "The last time we parted, you were going to Andrinna, yes Right? The stories that came from that plane later made my jaw almost dislocated. The warriors who died countless centuries ago, the succubus warriors who rebelled against their nature, and the mother of demons who secretly conspired with Baatezu... For you in those I'm very curious about what role he played in the incident..."

"We are only……"

"No, you don't need to explain to me, Moglondar is like this, no matter what happens in the abyss, the news must come here - where the demon prince and the army of the dark lord fought, the succubus queen Who is the father of the child born last month, a new pit lord is born on a certain level, etc. But trying to figure everything out is definitely asking for trouble, so I mostly ignore it , or laugh it off."

While the halfling was talking, he opened a cabinet under the table, took out a bunch of bottles and cans, and then began to skillfully mix the wine (Lancelow didn't have this kind of treatment when he came last time) .He quickly prepared six glasses of wine and grinned at everyone:
"Try it. This is a new recipe that I just researched recently. The base wine is the top brandy from Shendellaville. Those succubi are indeed very professional in carnal enjoyment, but this glass is lighter in color. It's non-alcoholic, Miss Elizabeth, you can only drink this for a young lady like you." The halfling pushed the wine glass towards everyone and leaned back on the chair, "Speaking of which, where is that talking skeleton? And what about my 'citizens' who are very knowledgeable about food? If you tell me that they died in the adventure, I will be devastated."

"They're fine, they just left this plane." Lancelot shook his head lightly, "Back to our original topic, considering your identity, the name Swafnir must be familiar to you Bar?"

"I knew you would mention that scum to me." Pacos shrugged and rolled his eyes at the same time, "Although everyone knows that the intelligence of a white dragon is no different from that of a beast, as long as you think of the one in the devil's crotch The barking idiot was actually the same as me, so I was so angry that I wanted to tear my ears off. I also know that the big battle that happened in front of the Glacier Fortress a week ago, that guy showed Bailong's aura when he ran away. It's a pity to fight to the end with such stupidity."

"Since you know who Swafnir is, there is no need for me to introduce any more." Lancelow tapped his fingertips on the wine glass with a crisp ding-dong sound, "Our intention for coming to you is very simple. Specifically, we hope that you can take action and help get rid of that... dragon scum."

 Thanks to Fallendeva for the tip and monthly pass, and to tut458 for the monthly pass, thank you for your support~!

(End of this chapter)

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