Chapter 586
The iron chain that binds the dragon is only made of ordinary metal. Lancelot cut a big gap with one sword strike, and then he struck the same position three times in a row, and soon the chain was completely destroyed. cut off.This iron chain was wrapped around the body of the female blue dragon. After being broken by Lancelow, the blue dragon threw off the chain a few times and stood up again.

Yet she was bound by two great chains, one round the neck and the other round the tail.Lancelot was about to swing his sword to chop off the chains that bound his neck, when the blue dragon made a complicated gesture and spit out a strange syllable at the same time.After a burst of familiar transfiguration magic light, another female half-dragon in blue 'leather' appeared in front of him, and the chain that was originally on the blue dragon's body fell to the ground with a bang.

Compared with the half-dragon man transformed from a red dragon, the most notable feature of the man in front of him is a single horn protruding forward on his forehead, which is easily reminiscent of another creature related to purity.Her scales were a beautiful sky blue, gleaming under the reflection of the ice, and her figure was the same as that of a red dragon and a half-dragon, looking tight and strong.

"Thank you, human being." The female blue dragon bowed to him politely, her voice sounded clear and sweet, completely different from the red dragon's style, "Am I lucky enough to know the name of my savior?"

"Hurry up! Let's talk about the name later!"

Lancelow didn't mean to exchange greetings at all, and turned around and ran towards the next big pit.Above his head, Swafnir was raising his neck high, and Lancelow felt a terrifying energy accumulating in the body of the ancient white dragon.With his current physical fitness, he may still be able to survive being sprayed by the dragon's breath, but the other partners may only hope that the corpse will be relatively complete, and it will not take too much effort to resurrect.

The moment Swafnir was about to pour out his anger, a sudden red giant claw slammed into its face, pressing the ancient white dragon's head to the wall beside it.

"Yo yo, where did this fat white maggot come from?" Pacos, who showed the body of the red dragon, stared coldly at the white dragon under his claws, "Oh, could it be that the warrior I can't get along in the village, so I can only go to the abyss to serve as a mount for the devil, Swafnir? It's really strange, I came to the abyss, why haven't I been invited to visit you? Could it be in your doghouse? Is there anything you dare not let me know?"

Swafnir's body twisted violently, and he broke free from Pacos' claws. The price he paid was four deep scratches on his face.The two ancient dragons immediately wrestled together. They scratched, bit, whipped each other with their tails, and breathed cold and hot dragon breath.

Although Swafnir's size is already very scary, Pacos in real form is a circle bigger than Bailong, and he has obvious advantages in all aspects of fighting.The entire dragon lair began to shake violently, and there were steam and ice mist produced by two kinds of dragon breaths all around. A large number of irregular pieces of ice kept falling from the top, and each piece had enough speed to penetrate armor when it hit the ground.

In such a harsh environment, any reasonable person should flee immediately, but Lancelot refused to leave. He rushed to the second large pit, where a green female dragon was imprisoned.Ignoring the shattered ice whistling and falling beside him, Lancelot swung the giant sword in his hand with all his strength, entrusting his safety to his spiritual sense, and only dodged at the last moment when he was about to be hit by the shattered ice .

Like the blue dragon before, after he broke the first chain, the green dragon regained its ability to cast spells and broke free through magic, and another green female half-dragon appeared in front of Lancelot.Compared with the two he had seen before, the one in front of him had an impressive slender neck, and a pair of horns that protruded from between the brows and wrapped around the side of the skull like elf's long ears.Her scales were a deep green, and her figure was slimmer and taller.But what set her apart most were those emerald eyes, which shone with a meticulous, cunning, and calculating light. When she looked at Lancelot, it was like evaluating the human knight in front of her. How many catties are there?

However, Lancelow had no intention of standing still and chatting with this lady. The lady was undoubtedly out of trouble, so he immediately turned around and rushed towards the last big pit where the live dragon was kept.The green half-dragon stared at the human knight's back with a curious gaze for a while, as if she had fallen into a brief trance, until a piece of ice brushed against the tip of her nose woke her up from her contemplation.

The female green dragon chuckled and shook her head, then turned and ran in the opposite direction.

The last prisoner locked in the pit was a female black dragon. She was smaller than the other dragons. Her body had been smashed to pieces by the falling ice from above. Her eyes were full of despair, but After seeing Lancelot running towards her, she began to struggle violently again, as if telling the rescuer that she hadn't given up.

The magical ability of this female black dragon is obviously not as good as that of her other two siblings. Lancelow broke all the iron chains around her neck and body, and she barely completed the transformation magic and transformed into a black female half. Dragon Man, and then immediately fell to the ground.Lancelot put the giant sword into the dimensional bag, stepped forward and turned the half-dragon man over, and found that the other party had fallen into a coma.

The female dragon turned into a dragon is also very characteristic, with a pair of white, forward-curved long horns protruding from her temples on both sides, and aggressive bony spurs growing around her cheeks.The scales on her body are black and shiny, but her figure is not much taller than little Isa.Lancelot also noticed that a certain part that an adult human male would notice immediately was much stronger than that of a little vampire, but among all the half-dragons, the red dragon was the strongest, but not To say with any emotion, none of them can compare to Tijana, but this comparison is not fair, because most of the succubus have the ability to adjust their body at will.

There was another loud bang from above, and Lancelot looked up to see that Swafnir had been hit by a (literal) dragon wagging by Pacos, the huge dragon body spinning Flying towards the cave wall like a windmill.

With a loud noise, it slammed into the wall heavily, causing the entire cave to shake violently.More ice cones were shaken down from the ceiling, and began to accelerate continuously under the action of gravity. Lancelow shook the half-dragon's body lightly, but failed to bring the other party back to consciousness.Seeing that the ice cones were getting closer and closer to the ground, he could only grit his teeth, bend down to hold the Black Dragon Girl in his arms, and run towards the entrance where he came.

While running, there was only one thought in his mind:
'Damn it, why is it so heavy?Am I holding the leg of a frost giant? '

 Thank you for making the impossible possible, archbishop_Artanis, fat cabbage caterpillar, defying the sky, Xiao L, who voted monthly, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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