Chapter 587
Even after transforming into a petite humanoid female, this female black dragon still weighed more than five hundred pounds. If Lancelot was still in the state before he came to the abyss, he might not even be able to walk ten feet.

Fortunately, he is no longer a human being. His strength may not be comparable to that of an adult dragon, but it is already close to the level of a giant.He replaced the half-dragon man on his back, and relying on the divine power of the elf priest, he trotted all the way on the smooth ice stairs and rushed into the entrance of the tunnel when he came, while the rest of his companions were already waiting for him there up.

The three half-dragons transformed from female dragons were also there, and they looked at Lancelot who was carrying the black dragon back with complicated eyes.In the view of the chromatic dragon, since the behavior of human knights is stupid and ridiculous, they neither asked in advance what kind of reward they could get for doing this, nor did they have the ability to ensure that the rescued person would be paid after the fact. Something only a fool would do.

However, they couldn't deny that if it wasn't for the 'foolishness' of the human knights, their bodies would probably already be covered with ice picks that fell from the top of the lair.Of course, during the long years of captivity, the white dragon had hurt them with far worse things than ice picks, but at least it was not fatal.

After rushing into the entrance of the tunnel, Lancelot felt that the half-dragon behind him seemed to move.He relaxed, and was about to put her down, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his neck.The body shield and sword shield were triggered by themselves in an instant, and the half-dragon man lying on his back was immediately thrown away. Lancelot turned around abruptly, and Frost Slash had appeared in his hand at some point, pointing at the sword point Half-dragon throat.

His left hand, which was not holding a sword, gently stroked his neck, and he touched a row of clear tooth marks, and there was still a faint trace of blood between his fingers.The partners also acted at the same time, Brutal and Aramiel guarded him with shields, a scroll in Kararin's hand was ready to go, and the little Isha who appeared out of nowhere appeared in front of the black dragon people Behind him, the short sword in his hand was pressed against the back of the opponent's head.

"Is this how you treat your savior?"

Lancelot stared at the other party coldly. There was no emotion on the latter's scaled dragon face, but she slowly opened her hands and made a gesture of submission, with a look of begging for mercy in her eyes.

"I think this may be a misunderstanding." The blue half-dragon with a pleasant voice said, "Venerica will always bite any creature that approaches her. She should have just regained consciousness just now, and she doesn't know what's going on right now. situation."

"Is it clear now?" Lancelot stared at the black dragon in front of him, "Are you planning to bite me?"

Heilong nodded subconsciously, and after hearing his second question clearly, he quickly shook his head left and right, and the anxious expression in his eyes was clearly visible.

"A wise choice, I have worked so hard to rescue you, not to kill you with my own hands." Lancelot lowered the tip of his sword, "Then goodbye, ladies, I wish you a good day. Kara Lin, Get us out of here."

"Wait, you're leaving just like that?" The red dragon half-dragon said in surprise, "Swafnir must not be my father's opponent, they will soon decide the winner..."

"So Pacos is really your father." Lancelot raised his eyebrows, "I also believe that he will win, and he doesn't need our help. If you have any questions, you can ask him yourself, maybe we will continue to win in the future." We will meet again."

Behind him, the scholar had already summoned a bright blue portal. Without hesitation, everyone walked into the portal one after another, while Lancelot was the last one. He saluted the four female half-dragons before jumping in. , the portal also disappeared after he entered.

"What a strange guy." The red female half-dragon patted her tail boredly, "Maybe it's just a mercenary hired by my father..."
Once again, the old dwarf Barend stood on the city wall in full armor, but unlike yesterday's false alarm, today seemed to be coming true.

Since last night, all kinds of gossips have been running around the city like mice, including the confessions of the captives from the barracks, the experiences brought back by the mercenaries, and even wizards claiming that they never The truth learned from the crystal ball and the bronze mirror.Regrettably, these reports cannot reach agreement with each other. Some say that everything is safe and sound in Volcano Fortress, some say that Vesuvius was killed in the battle, and some even claim that the devil has completely controlled it. Wanyuan Plain is about to launch an attack on the kingdoms of the major abyss lords.

The old dwarf couldn't distinguish the authenticity of some news, but since yesterday's emergency assembly, hundreds of furnaces that seemed to never go out in the artisan district have not been ignited again, and the committee has also issued an order to check the combat readiness and be ready to fight at any time.By some strange hunch the old dwarf went to breakfast an hour early, and it turned out to be a wise decision.

The succubus lords did not assign too difficult tasks to the dwarf army. They were still responsible for guarding a section of the city wall where the artisan area was located. There was still a distance from the stone bridge across the River Styx, so the pressure in the defense of the city was relatively small. .Adric, the chief member of the Craftsman Council and the titular supreme commander of the Dwarf Legion, divided everyone into two groups and switched defenses every two hours. Barend was now climbing the city wall for the third time.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), before he was rotated off again, enemy figures loomed on the distant horizon.Compared with the perpetual chaos of demons, demon armies exhibit a (for dwarves) pleasing discipline.Sumo with purple skin and holding long-handled machetes lined up neatly, looking like a giant centipede when they marched, while the larger high-level devils walked proudly beside these low-level soldiers; Above the ground troops, spiked thorns hovered above their heads, apparently following some sort of flying formation.

However, the most striking thing was the surrounded commander of the Devil Legion, a deep-hell demon trainer with purple-red skin and black armor all over his body.Just the sight of that figure gave the old dwarf an uncontrollable fear that made him want to run away screaming, and the only thing that stopped him was not wanting to lose face in front of his companions.

It can be seen that the other dwarves around are gritting their teeth for the same reason.

As the enemy gradually approached, Barend's mood became heavier and heavier.Thanks to the neat formation of the devils, he was able to accurately estimate the number of enemy troops - more than three thousand, a palpitating number.For the artisans, the number of troops in Shuangqiao Town is no secret. Two snake demon generals lead two demon legions respectively, with a total strength of about [-].However, according to the views widely circulated in the lower planes, Tanari's army can barely draw with Baatezu when it has five times the number of people, and there is a huge gap in combat power between the two sides.

 Thanks to Guardian Knight Swastika Cat, Shadow Holy Light, Super Lazy God, Elendor, Wang Tingqiu, Huadie Fengyue, Fat Cabbage, Archbishop_Artanis for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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