The knight in the abyss

Chapter 704 Requirements

Chapter 704 Requirements
"That's the power of Lathander." A proud smile appeared on the face of the priestess, "As long as there is any demon activity within fifteen feet of the statue, the statue will emit holy light, and that light can even directly kill Low-level monsters..."

"In this case, why don't you use that statue to defend, but instead hide in the temple?" Brutal asked with his dwarf-specific loud voice, the voice formed a huge contrast with the soft-spoken priestess, "If it weren't for us just now, those demons would definitely be able to break through the gate... Or are there stronger defenses in the temple?"

"Uh... I can release some healing spells, and I have also been trained with a mace, but most of the townspeople are civilians with no combat experience." Jessa's face became a little embarrassed, "And a powerful demon can Persevering under the holy light of the statue for a long time is enough to kill everyone..."

"So you choose to lead everyone to pray in the temple, hoping that the Lord of Dawn will send Zariel to save everything again, just like what happened several generations ago?" Lancelot frowned secretly, "I'm not I'm questioning your faith, lady, but don't you think it's a little... unsafe? If every believer who encounters danger can get a response from the Lord of Dawn, then his teachings must have spread to every part of the multiverse. corner..."

"I understand what you mean." The priestess nodded, "That's why I gathered most of the townspeople to pray to Him, so that it would be easier for the Lord of Dawn to notice...and miracles did happen, didn't they? How else would you come to this town?"

"We..." Lancelot was a little speechless. To some extent, they were indeed 'sent' here, but the actual situation may be different from what the other party thought. "Just like what I just said That way, the demons should have retreated temporarily, and I fear that there will be a larger-scale attack coming soon..."

"About that statue, I actually have a secret." Jessa stood up and bowed to everyone, "Heroes, please wait here for a while."

After she finished speaking, she walked away with graceful steps, leaving the four of them in a daze.

"Your human beliefs are really incomprehensible." Brutal commented with his arms folded, "If an army of orcs attacks a dwarf village, you'd better call Moradin before you're about to smash an orc's head off. If anyone dares to hide in the house and tremblingly pray to the Father God for help, maybe the Father God will directly manifest the Holy Spirit and hammer that embarrassing thing..."

"What do you think I'm doing." Lancelow stared back indifferently, "I didn't have such a concept in the world I came from."

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time." The priestess came from the door at this time, holding an exquisite small box in her hand, "These are sacred objects passed down from generation to generation in the church, please see..."

Everyone looked into the box curiously, and found five golden holy emblems inside.The upper part of the holy emblem is a round piece of amber, inlaid with gold threads around it; the lower part is green enamel fragments, spelling out the shapes of hills and fields.On the whole, Shenghui perfectly represents the scene of 'dawn', and anyone will immediately understand which god it represents.

"Wow!" said the dwarf, who is not interested in most art forms, except for crafts made of gold and jewels. "These emblems are beautifully crafted..."

"Because they are holy objects left by Zariel himself. As long as you wear these holy emblems to touch the statues, and at the same time praise the name of the Lord of Dawn, you can get powerful blessings to help fight the demons." Jessa looked proud The color, put the box on the table, "Each holy emblem can only activate this power once a day, which lasts for one hour. Although anyone can get blessings in this way, I believe that only you, by Luo Only the heroes sent by Shanda to Edelgrand can maximize the power of the holy emblem..."

"We really have nothing to do with Lathander," the dwarf muttered dissatisfiedly, but the human knight patted him on the shoulder, signaling his companion to be quiet for a while.

"Even without these holy emblems, we will protect this town when the devil strikes again." Lancelow promised the priestess, "But I also have some reasonable requests, I hope you can meet them..."

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the temple, and everyone immediately jumped up from their seats and ran towards the direction of the noise.I saw a large group of townspeople surrounded in front of the temple. After discovering Lancelow and his party, they subconsciously made a passage for them, revealing a piece of bloody human skin with a head still attached.

"Suddenly fell from the sky..."

Someone in the crowd murmured and explained to him.Lancelot suppressed the discomfort, and unfolded the human skin that no one dared to touch, and found that several pieces had been dug out from the back of the human skin, and the vacant parts together formed a pattern of a three-headed flail.


The surrounding townspeople couldn't help but pronounce the name, their voices full of fear.Lancelow frowned, flicked his finger, a few sparks flew out of his hand, fell on the human skin and immediately turned into a raging fire, and after a few breaths, only a mass of ashes remained on the spot.

"Our church in Lathander is rich and generous..." The priestess trembled, but she still stood firm and did not fall. "We will definitely pay you a reasonable reward afterwards."

"What I want is not a reward." Lancelow shook his head, and at the same time gave a stern look at Brutal, who was suddenly excited, "I want every adult, combat-capable townsman to arm himself and protect himself with his own hands. I understand that they have basically no military training of any kind, but they should still know how to use a shortbow or a pitchfork, and if group prayer is really effective, Lathander must have heard your call. I will resist the attacks of demons in front of the statue, guard the entrance of the temple, and hope to get the support of the townspeople... Can you convince everyone to do this?"

Jessa's face finally turned red, she pursed her lips, then nodded heavily, then turned and walked away.

"That's plausible." Brutal looked up and looked at the priestess who climbed up to the base of the statue with the support of the townspeople. "If I don't work hard, why would the gods help you?"

"Fear is not so easy to overcome." Lancelot shook his head lightly, "Let's go, let's go back to the temple to rest first, and then there will probably be a fierce battle..."

"Yenoghu is an abyss lord." Half-elf Tanya couldn't help asking, "Are we really its opponent?"

"Under normal circumstances, definitely not." Lancelot looked back at the angel statue in front of the temple, "But this is not a normal situation..."

 Thanks to Cha Lemon, Brad_Elster, Fat Cabbage, Soul Return to Hell, Confessor, and Qiu Luo, who urgently need the monthly votes from several book friends, thank you for your support!I'm on a business trip, so I'm sorry for being late...

(End of this chapter)

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