The knight in the abyss

Chapter 705 Vine Javelin

Chapter 705 Vine Javelin
As predicted by the female voice, the enemy launched another attack half an hour later.From the foggy boundary on the west side of the town, six gnoll-like demons as tall as orangutans walked out. Lancelow couldn't tell what kind of demons their prototypes were for a while, until he discovered that they used two fists when they moved forward. Supporting the ground, it was confirmed that it was a variant of Bagula, also known as the ape demon.

Behind these ape demons, there were dozens of cowards who looked like jackals.These cannon fodder would be a headache if they went to wreak havoc in the town, but if they follow the ape demons to attack the temple, the holy light of the statue of Zariel can take them out.

The inhabitants of Edelgran are also ready for battle.The windows on the second floor of the temple were all open, and behind each window were several archers with hunting bows; the hall on the first floor was crowded with farmers holding short spears and pitchforks.

Priestess Jessa was surrounded by town guards and stood guard outside the gate of the temple.She wears rusty scale armor, and holds a beautiful mace and a shield with the sun's emblem.Lancelot was sure that he had seen these equipments on the walls of the temple just now, but he thought they were just decorations at the time.

Jessa wore that beautiful Lathander crest around her neck too—the priest of Sune declined her offer, claiming that she already had the blessing of the Lady of Fire.Lancelot and his companions waited for the battle in the small square in front of the temple. There was more space for activities here, and most of the area was within the special effect range of the statue of Zariel.

The moment they confirmed that the devil had arrived, several people with the sun emblem pressed their hands on the statue at the same time, and said in unison:

"Praise him, Lathander, great Lord of the Dawn!"

Lancelot felt as if he had sensed some kind of vast sea of ​​energy, and then a small ray of energy was pulled out by the sun emblem, enveloping himself from the beginning to the end.This feeling is very similar to the state when I activated the Qingyuan sword and shield. It did not directly enter his body, but formed a layer of shield on the body surface, which will automatically take effect when he is attacked - as for the effect Just how good, Lancelot wished he would never know.

The demons are not interested in the houses that have just been extinguished. The blood and fear of the living are their favorites, not to mention there are people there who actively challenge them.

The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air resounded above the small town, and a javelin with a green afterimage dropped from the sky, shooting an ape demon as if it had eyes.The javelin directly pierced through the demon's huge body. Although it couldn't kill it immediately, it still caused serious damage. The blood that the demon shot out when it broke free dyed the entire road red.

"What a tenacious monster."

Lancelow shook his head with some regret, pinched the spell with his left hand, and a hard and straight vine grew out of the ground in front of him.He pulled out the vine, and a short sword light radiated from his hand. With a simple wave, he cut the end of the vine sharp and sharp, and another javelin was ready.

The dwarf looked on enviously. He himself threw the hammer a lot in the battle, but the farthest he could hit a target sixty feet away on flat ground, while the human knight just threw the javelin with ease. Even at a distance of nearly [-] feet, the power didn't seem to be compromised.

Encouraged by Lancelow, the archers on the second floor of the temple also started to attack, but the distance was still too far for them.Although the ape demon itself was already a huge target, most of the arrows still missed, but a few fell on the cowardly demons who were next to each other, causing a little bit of damage.

Enraged by the unexpected counterattack, the demons charged in the direction of the statue, except for the one who had just been badly wounded by the javelin.

Before the demons rushed to his face, Lancelot calmly threw three more javelins, and the last one was less than fifteen feet away from the enemy.At the same time as the javelin was shot, he took advantage of the opportunity to pull out the giant sword Glacier that had been inserted in the ground in advance. The blade almost chased the tail of the javelin and chopped it out. The momentum of taking the lead greatly boosted everyone's morale.

The jackal ape demon raised its claws, trying to push away the javelin flying towards it, but it knew how stupid it was to do so almost immediately.The javelin smashed its claws with ease, and then nailed it on its shoulder. The terrifying momentum directly knocked the demon to the ground, while the human knight's giant sword fell down like a guillotine.

Beside him, Brutal held off another ape demon by himself.The dwarf is already very proficient in how to use his size - in the face of a menacing demon, he first pretended to stand firmly in place, and suddenly rolled forward at the last moment when the collision was about to happen, and the whole person jumped from the large demon's body It rolled between the legs, and at the same time swung the hammer with a strange but skilled movement, and accurately hit the knee of the enemy's left leg.In the next second, the huge figure of the demon fell to the ground, one calf twisted into a very weird angle.

The monster monkey girl and the half-elf curse swordsman are in charge of the last ape demon, and their strategy is much simpler: after dodging the most powerful charge of the enemy, they then attack from two different directions, regardless of whether the ape demon chooses to attack or not. Which one of them, the one being attacked will turn to defend with all their strength, while the other will take the opportunity to create wounds on the enemy's body with all their strength.

The statue's holy light flashed a little slower than everyone expected, but it came after all.Dazzling golden light burst out from Zariel's statue, sweeping across every living creature present, but only a translucent golden flame appeared on the demon's body, making them scream uncontrollably.

The crowd quickly brought down the first three ape demons who rushed forward, and the next few guys who were hit by the javelin were seriously injured, and the human knight dragged them all back with their own strength.As for the cowards that were used as cannon fodder, most of them turned into bloody mud after the first flash of the statue, not enough to pose any threat at all.

However, at this moment, a new enemy appeared on the south side of the town.It was none other than the six-armed snake demon with the upper body of a wolf man who escaped from everyone's eyes not long ago, followed by an army of more than fifty wolf men, and came to kill them aggressively.

"Damn it!" The sword in Lancelot's hand erupted fiercely, firmly suppressing the entangled enemies, and at the same time shouted at the town guards and Jiesa who was surrounded by the guards: "That one with six arms Hand over the monsters to me! You all retreat to the temple, and guard the entrance to me!"

 Thanks to the book friends Haihu Junlang and Cha Lemon Go! The two book friends voted monthly, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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