The knight in the abyss

Chapter 707 Ye Nogu

Chapter 707 Ye Nogu

Lancelot's heart sank slowly. That huge figure couldn't be anyone else, but Yeenoghu, the "Lord of the Gnolls" with a great reputation.

After staying with Karalin for so long, Lancelow has already memorized the information of several famous abyss lords by heart.Destroyer, Bloodthirsty Beast, Prince of Slaughter, Lord of Ruins, Lord of Gnolls, these are all the titles of Yeenoghu, plus the lord of the 422nd layer of the abyss.Legend has it that when Yeenoghu went to the material plane for the first time, a group of greedy hyenas followed him and ate the corpses killed by demons. Some of the food contained Yeenoghu's dirty blood, and Thus the first Gnoll was born.

Now Yeenoghu will bless certain individuals in the wolf man group called 'Yenoghu fangs'. As long as the hyenas eat the corpses killed by these individuals, they may be transformed into a new wolf man.

It is generally believed that Yenoghu is the weakest of the abyss lords. Among all the abyss lords, it may have the most records of defeat, but it is still too few compared to the numerous murders it committed in the material plane up.Since the gnolls themselves existed widely in various worlds, those gnoll tribes were almost always trying to summon their gods, giving Yeenoghu a lot of opportunities to go to the main material plane to make trouble.

It will first expand a certain wolf man tribe as much as possible (depending on how many hyenas the tribe has), and then personally lead this terrible army to sweep across the countryside like locusts, burning down all buildings and facilities related to civilization, massacring And eat living creatures that don't have time to escape.They never spare women, old people or children, and all screaming creatures are excellent food, even rats hiding in house foundations.For those who pay attention to the movements of the abyss, whenever there is news that a remote town has been burned and all the residents have been slaughtered, they will pay attention to the number of local gnolls, and infer whether this is another murder case. The tragedy caused by killing evil beasts.

The gnolls who had already started to escape all stopped, neighing excitedly, writhing their bodies frantically, tearing the ground or wall beside them with their claws and mouths, forming an unbearable noise .But none of the gnolls dared to charge towards the crowd again, because their master had already arrived.Before the master starts to eat, which servant dares to start it himself?

"Boss, what should we do?" Brutal walked beside Lancelot, his voice sounded a little shaken, "This is an abyss lord..."

"Running is impossible." Lancelot took out the emblem of Shuangqiao Town given by Tijana, and there was no magic fluctuation on it. "But don't forget that this is not a real world."

"I called the goddess at a special moment just now, but I didn't get a response." Aramir added, "Under normal circumstances, the goddess would definitely respond at that moment, which can also prove Lancelot's inference. "

"Wait a minute." Brutal interrupted the elf, "Didn't you just go... The so-called special moment refers to..."

"Yes." Sune's pastor shrugged, "It was that moment..."

"……Go on."

"Since this is not the real world, that Yeenoghu is not the real Yeenoghu." Lancelot clenched his palm on the handle of Frost Slash, let go, and then repeated it again, anyone could feel it. He was eager to try, "No matter how powerful it looks in the battle for a while, don't forget this point. Don't give up early because you think there is no chance of winning."

"Ha! Absolutely not!" The dwarf looked at Lancelot with a natural look, "Even if it's a real guy!"

"Aren't you afraid?" Half-elf Tania couldn't help asking, "If we are killed in the illusion, our bodies should die too..."

"I'm still afraid." Lancelow shook his head lightly, his eyes fixed on the approaching giant wolf man, "but some fear can stimulate the potential of the body, and that's what we need next Listen up, I'll hold that beast for a while, you all stand a little farther away, at least fifteen feet away from it."

"But in this case, who will kill it?" Brutal's eyes couldn't help but stay on that terrifying figure, "Could it be that my flying hammer, the flame of Alamer, and the short-sighted actions of those townspeople Bow?"

"There is also the statue of Zariel." Lancelow reached out and patted the pedestal next to him, "Now, step back, if you want an abyss lord to chase me, you have to impress it impression……"

He carried Shuang Zhan on his back again, then adjusted the storage bag at his waist to the left side of his body, reached into it, and at the same time assumed a posture ready to go, as if it was not a magic container , but like the scabbard of a sword.

The partners felt a special kind of pressure, as if the human knight around him had turned into a human-shaped bomb, and there was a ticking alarm clock stuck to his back.Following Lancelow's instructions, everyone began to retreat slowly, while the giant Gnoll covered in shield fragments, metal armor parts, the victim's flayed flesh, and battle scars was still approaching. The giggles echoed in every corner of the battlefield, injecting fear into the hearts of every living creature.

But Lancelot still stood there motionless, as if he had also become a statue.

The Lord of the Gnolls finally noticed the human knight, and the vicious smile on his face became even more frightening. The big mouth reaching to the ears was full of fangs like a honeycomb, and it felt like it was being attacked. Got to the offending sign.Accompanied by a sudden burst of high-pitched howls, Yeenogu began to charge in strides. With a height of more than fourteen, he looked like a galloping saber-toothed tiger. In comparison, the human knight in front of him was as weak as a Poor sheep, completely ignorant of what is about to happen to them.

But of course this is not the case.

Thirty feet away from Lancelot, Yeenoghu raised his right arm, about to swing his notorious three-headed flail at the unsightly human knight.However, at this moment, Lancelot's figure suddenly flashed, and a thin line of starlight seemed to appear on the battlefield. Without waiting for everyone to observe carefully, Zariel's statue lit up, bursting out louder than ever before. Both are more intense golden light.

Yeenoghu's screams sounded before the golden light dissipated, and when everyone regained their vision, they were shocked to find that the Lord of the Gnolls was clutching his armpit, and a large amount of red blood kept flowing from between his dirty paws. Welling up, as if it were clutching a fountain of blood.

 Thanks to fa142857ra, miss, borrow a kiss i, Ince, elendor, Nanshan Yueyue, owl L, summer insect broken feather, big head bear for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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