The knight in the abyss

Chapter 708 Not an opponent

Chapter 708 Not an opponent
"It's really hard..."

The human knight standing behind Yeenoghu muttered to himself, and habitually swung his weapon to shake off the blood that might remain on the blade.

What Lancelot is holding in his hand is the Strike of the Starry Sky, the sacred object of the Easa Celestial Clan, the sword of the former husband of the Queen of Stars, and the move he used just now is Qi Gathering Slash, which is the most explosive among the skills he has mastered a trick.Here Lancelot also played a trick, instead of drawing out the holy sword in advance, he directly stored power in the dimension bag, so he caught the abyss lord by surprise.

From the moment Yeenoghu appeared, Lancelot was guessing what kind of enemy this was.His eccentric adornment, his creepy laugh, and all the rumors about him point to one unmistakable fact—the Lord of the Gnolls is a lunatic with histrionic personality disorder (perhaps to a demon). say no).It will want a shocking, bloody appearance that can arouse strong emotions in the hearts of all audiences. However, at this time, the abyss lord still doesn't know what kind of strength Lancelot has, and the demon's self-confidence (or arrogance) It will also inevitably lead to a certain degree of underestimation of the enemy, which means some kind of exaggerated, fancy, performance-oriented but impractical attack moves, and that is the best chance to hurt the abyss lord, and perhaps his only chance.

Almost all of Lancelow's judgments were correct, except for one thing that exceeded his expectations, that was how powerful an abyss lord's physical body was.The timing and movement of his attack just now were perfect, and the strength and weapon he used were already at the limit of what he could take out. The part that hit was the opponent's right armpit, which is a relatively strong protection for any creature. weak area.

However, the result was hardly satisfactory—not only did he fail to remove the arm as thick as Yeenoghu's trunk, he even failed to make that arm lose its fighting power, and the opponent's right paw was still tightly clenched. Holding the magic flail with the name of 'butcher', it seems that it has been affected to a certain extent, but with the physique of the abyss lord, I'm afraid it won't take long to recover.

The special effect of Star Strike was not triggered, which made Lancelot more convinced that this place was just an illusion, but the giant gnoll in front of him looked, sounded and smelled like a real abyss lord, and his spiritual sense also believed that, That is the strongest enemy I have ever encountered so far.

Yeenoghu turned around slowly, the murderous intent and madness in his eyes had reached the point where one would want to self-mutilate just by looking at it.

"I'll wring your head off with my own hands, it'll be a great accessory..." the Pit Lord said in an extremely rough voice, "...I'll use magic to keep you 'alive', and Still feel your own body... a thousand hyenas will share your body, you will see it and experience the skin, flesh and bones being torn and eaten by countless mouths...

"I'm sorry, can you say it again?" Lancelot actually understood, but he would not let go of this opportunity to provoke the other party, and replied directly in Abyssal Language, "Your accent is too strong..."

Hearing this, Yeenogu burst into flames, opening his mouth like an enraged cobra and biting towards Lancelot, as fast as if he had used the Blink technique.It seems that the human knight has still achieved his most important goal - to make this terrible beast feel overwhelming hatred for himself, so that the opponent will not turn to attack those who are relatively weaker companions, or even townspeople who are barely able to fight back. .

Lancelow has been maintaining the utmost vigilance. With a strange twist of his body, he dodged aside like a fish swimming in a lake, completely avoiding the sneak attack of the abyss lord.However, in the next second, he knew that he was still careless, and the three hammer heads of the flail swung at him like lightning across the sky. It was obvious that Yeenoghu was performing the injury just now, and Lancelot didn't know it. I was fooled.

The human knight tried to dodge again, the first hammer head of the flail was pushed away by him with the dagger, the second one flew past his scalp, but the third one was unavoidable, Lancelot could only let it go Dantian crazily pumped out real energy, fully urging the body-protecting sword and shield of Qingyuan Sword Art, hoping to use this to resist the opponent's attack.

However, how could a foundation-building monk be able to resist the angry blow of an abyss lord?

Lancelot felt that he had returned to a certain battle more than ten years ago, when he was not even a knight, and was knocked off his horse by an older and more experienced enemy.His uncle rushed to chase the man away and took him back to camp, but Lancelot would never forget the feeling of being hit with a mace.

This feeling found him again today.The turquoise mask around his body shattered like a porcelain vase, and the last hammer of 'The Butcher' hit Lancelow's left arm heavily, and an irresistible force struck, He felt as if he had been drawn by the tail of an adult white dragon, and he flew upside down.

To make matters worse, when Lancelow tried to adjust his posture on the ground, he was shocked to find that his body had become extremely sluggish. Before he could make any movements, he fell heavily to the ground, and Lan Siluo Silo didn't even feel much pain - which was not good news, which meant that he had fallen into a state of paralysis.

"Big Brother!!!"

Brutal let out an exclamation, and rushed towards Lancelot at full speed without thinking, trying to help him block the next attack.But how could the dwarf himself be Yeenoghu's opponent?The flail swung again, Brutal blocked only one of the three hammerheads with his shield, and the other two hit his back and calf respectively, sweeping the dwarf aside like a piece of garbage in the way.

At this moment, the statue of Zariel lit up again, and the huge jackal subconsciously stopped, raising his hand to block his eyes, and this gave the partners a chance to rescue.Aramir rushed to Lancelot's side in the second time. He put his hand on the shoulder of the human knight, and cast a magic spell that the paralyzed people needed most: Lesser Restoration.

A surge of energetic energy surged into Lancelot's body, and he could feel his body again.Without the slightest hesitation, Lancelot stabbed the abyss lord in front of him again, aiming at the part he had hurt just now.

Yeenoghu let out a high-pitched scream again, this time the anger and pain in the voice was a bit more than before.Lancelot didn't wait to rest, and brandished Star Strike and rushed towards the Abyss Lord again, shouting at the same time:
"Back back quickly, let me deal with it!"

There was no need for him to specifically remind, Alamir ran towards Brutal immediately, just away from the abyss lord, and Tania and the half-elf girl had already rushed there, one was helping the dwarf up, and at the same time Checking his injuries; the other danced the long stick tightly, deterring the eager jackals around him not to act rashly.

 Thank you Silver Mountain Spring for voting for the monthly ticket, thank you for your support!

  Alas, it's a pity that I couldn't update before twelve o'clock... I've been busy recently, and I didn't get home until 9 o'clock after working overtime today, and I have to continue tomorrow, beating workers is miserable...

(End of this chapter)

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