The knight in the abyss

Chapter 713 The Last Revenge

Chapter 713 The Last Revenge
Ten seconds, this is the longest time that Lancelot can maintain the form of Barlow's Balrog without external supplementation.After all, he is not a real devil, and he is completely supported by burning his own true energy.In addition, although he has the form of Balrog, his combat power has not reached the average level of Balrog. Compared with Vesuvius, the top power among Balrog, he doesn't even have the ability to fight back.

But Lancelot is not alone.

The partners have already reflected at this time, maybe because they just faced an abyss lord in the illusion, maybe because they have adapted to the image of this top-notch demon, facing the former volcanic fort lord exuding astonishing power, everyone Without hesitation, he rushed up to provide support for his companions who were in trouble.

Aramiel was not the first to react, but his attack was the first to arrive.The elf priest raised the shield high above his head, the Sune holy emblem on it exuded dazzling golden light, and eight holy light missiles as big as warhammers flew out from it, whizzing through the air, and smashed into Vesuvius's head. Body.

These holy light missiles all hit their targets, but Vesuvius just shook slightly, and it seemed that they were not even considered minor injuries.

However, the main purpose of the elf priest is not to cause damage-after these holy light bullets hit, Vesuvius' body began to emit a shimmer of secret magic, which has a guiding effect, allowing the next attack on the subject to Easier to hit and do more damage.In order to ensure that this spell could work normally against the demon-resistant Balrog, Alamir directly used his highest fifth-ring spell slot, and the result did not disappoint him.

Just after the elf priest's spell hit, Brutal's attack arrived.The dwarf activated both berserk and titanic transformation abilities, and threw the also enlarged magic hammer with a frenzied and desperate momentum.The warhammer was as fast as a thunderbolt, and it slammed into Vesuvius' lower back. Under the triple effect of berserk, titan's power and divine guidance, the dwarf's attack achieved quite impressive results: Vesuvius Su Wei let out a scream full of pain, staggered all over his body, and the pursuit of the human knight in his hand was interrupted.

How could Lancelot let go of such an opportunity, he decisively let go of the giant sword, leaped forward like a hungry tiger, hugged Vesuvius' waist, and then let out a roar , forcibly pressed the unsteady opponent to the ground, and at the same time deftly twisted his body, he had already hugged one of Vesuvius' thighs, and his feet were also crossed and wrapped around the opponent.

In the world Lancelot came from, if two knights met on the battlefield, if they could not decide the winner with their horses and lances at the first contact, most of them would end the battle with their wrestling skills.Lancelot, who has spent more than ten years in the army and survived to this day, is naturally a good player, but how can a high-level demon like Vesuvius have such experience?When it came to its senses and wanted to break free, its limbs had been tightly locked by Lancelot, and it was impossible to break free.

At the last second before the end of the transformation, Lancelot's whole body exerted all his strength, and a series of crisp sounds came from Vesuvius' body, together with the heart-piercing pain of the demon lord. Call.Its entire right leg was broken into five sections by Lancelot, and the sole of its foot was twisted so that its head turned around. It was obviously completely disabled.

Lancelot's body began to shrink rapidly, and a strong sense of exhaustion flooded his heart, and he almost fell asleep, but he bit his lower lip forcibly, regained consciousness under the stimulation of pain, and other His partner also took over the battle in time.

Ignoring Balrog's suddenly hot body, the giant Brutal jumped directly on the fallen Balrog, and before the hammer came back, he raised his fist and hit the opponent's head continuously; his white hair and red pupils Tania wields a pitch-black shadow halberd, repeatedly slashing at Vesuvius' arm hanging aside; while the red-glowing iron throwing stick of the monster monkey girl Jing becomes three times its original size at some point Long, she was pounding between Vesuvius's thighs with an extremely skilled technique and extremely fast frequency. Obviously, she was convinced that that was also the weakness of the Balor, and attacking that part would definitely cause huge damage.

Normally, with the demon's natural armor, Vesuvius would be able to resist most of these attacks, but Aramir's simple and practical magic eliminated that advantage, and Lancelot's grasp The fleeting opportunity knocked down and disabled the opponent, and the partners all showed their own bottom-of-the-box strength to beat it hard.

However, the Balrog is the most powerful high-level demon after all, how could he surrender so easily?
Vesuvius let out a wild roar, dragged his crippled right leg and rolled to the side, directly lifted the dwarf off his body, and also ran over the Cursed Swordsman who had no time to dodge, and threw the latter directly Was crushed and seriously injured.The huge demon propped up its upper body with its hands, and was about to flap its wings and fly into the air, but its movements stopped suddenly, as if time had been suspended.

On its chest, a turquoise sword tip grew, and hot blood was slowly dripping from the blade.

Rewinding the time to a few breaths ago, as soon as Lancelot bit his lip, he felt the dimensional bag around his waist shake violently, and the hilt of Zariel's sword forcibly stretched out from the mouth of the bag.

'quick!catch me! An excited female voice sounded in Lancelot's heart, "Kill this Balrog, and I will recognize that you are qualified to use me!" '

Of course, Lancelot would not hesitate at this time. He drew out his long sword without hesitation. With the help of the projection created by the bright magma lake, he directly used the ability of shadow jumping, and took advantage of the moment when the opponent tried to stand up. A sneak attack was launched.

Zariel's sword is already extremely sharp, and its order and kindness attributes are the nemesis of demons. In addition, Lancelot squeezed out the last ounce of true energy in his body to forcibly produce the Qingyuan sword light. This sword is easy to use. As if piercing a quilt, it directly crushed the heart of Barlow the Balrog.

Just when Lancelot felt that it was finally over, Lingjue suddenly started to call the police frantically, but his body, which had reached its limit, had no time to respond.

A dazzling white light lit up, and a sun seemed to appear out of nowhere in the cave, accompanied by violent explosions and scorching shock waves, violently sweeping across every corner of this space.Lancelot's whole body was blown up into the sky like a kite with a broken string, and his partners rolled violently like a kicked ball, leaving long lines on the ground covered with sharp crystals. of blood.

Burning himself and exploding, Balor's last and cruelest revenge on those who defeated him.

 Thanks for the monthly votes from the book friends of Suiyuanjian, f142857ra, letsee, meatball 08, and elendor. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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