The knight in the abyss

Chapter 714 I'm Late

Chapter 714 I'm Late
The figure of the human knight drew a high arc in the air, and finally fell heavily into the boiling magma, causing a hot spray.Although the strength of Lancelot's physical body after the establishment of the foundation has been out of the category of mortals, but at this moment the true energy in his body is exhausted, and the burning explosion before the Balrog's death even exploded his body. The fragments fell into the magma, and there was no possibility of surviving.

"Big...big...big brother!!!" Brutal, whose face was donated blood, struggled to get up from the ground, completely ignoring his still burning beard, and ran towards the magma lake almost deliriously, but was immediately caught Aramiel, who was less injured, hugged him.

"Let me go!" The dwarf struggled desperately, "Go and save Lancelot! Didn't you see? He fell!"

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for the elf priest to hold down the strong dwarf warrior, but at this moment Brutal himself was seriously injured, and he couldn't break free from his companion's grasp at all.

"Stop, my brother..." Aramiel said in a sad but sensible voice, "Without Lancelot's help, we will be reduced to ashes the moment we touch that magma..."

"No! No!! No!!!" Brutal yelled frantically, his body limp and collapsed on the ground, and then wept like a child, "Now...Brother, he...not even a bit of residue ...why is this...why is he..."

"There is still hope." The elf priest put out the flames on the dwarf, sat down beside his companion, and stretched out his hand to embrace the twitching dwarf in his arms, "It is only his body that will be destroyed, Lancelot's soul is still intact .He won't just leave, the world still needs him..."

"Can Sune revive him?" Brutal raised his head and looked at the elf priest with hopeful eyes. "Lady Firehair is also a powerful divine power, right? It's not difficult for him at all, right?"

"The gods can't do that directly, but the goddess can protect Lancelot's soul." Aramiel nodded confidently, "Lancelo has no gods to believe in, so I will pray to the goddess and ask her to accept our soul first." My friend, the fire-haired lady will not refuse. Lancelot will spend a good time in the beautiful garden of the goddess, while we try to reshape his physical body, as long as Tijana is willing to do it, it will not be What's the problem..."

"But...but what if... Tijana is not willing?" The dwarf's face became gloomy again, "I heard that the price of that kind of spell is very expensive..."

"Impossible, unless we are all blind." The elf's tone showed that he was not so determined, "If... I said just in case... the love assassins of Andrinna should also be able to help, there are a few very The mighty druid..."

Suddenly, Aramir and Brutal stopped talking at the same time, and turned their heads to look at the white-hot magma lake, with surprise on their faces.A turquoise ball of light emerged from the boiling magma, and then quickly floated towards the lake.

"Hahahaha! Look!!" The dwarf cried out in surprise, with an ecstatic smile on his face covered with tears and snot, "That must be Lancelot!"

Brutal's guess was right, there were indeed their fellow knights in the ball of light, but Lancelot was still in a coma.Bright green light radiated from his head, forming a translucent ball of light, blocking all the surrounding magma within ten feet of his body.Occasionally, patterns of bamboo slips would flash across the surface of the ball of light, but in the bright and dazzling magma, no one could notice this detail.

As for pushing Lancelot towards the shore of the lake, it was the sword of Zariel that was still tightly held in his hand.The sword was flickering white light, dragging the body of the human knight to fly forward, and soon arrived in front of Brutal and Aramir.The green light that protected Lancelot pushed the two partners back, but suddenly disappeared completely.

Lancelot's body fell heavily on the ground covered with sharp crystals, and Zariel's sword was thrown aside.

"Big brother!"


Brutal and Aramiel hurried up and turned Lancelot's body over.The elf priest quickly released a simple healing spell, injecting a wave of life energy into his partner's body, and Lancelot's closed eyelids moved immediately, and then slowly opened.

"Great...Great!" The dwarf shook the human knight excitedly, "I knew you would be fine!"

"I don't know who just rushed into the magma like crazy." The elf also heaved a sigh of relief, and joked with a smile, "But I also don't think you can just die like this, the villain in this world who wants to trouble you Too much……"

"That doesn't sound like a good word." Lancelot sat up grinning, "I'm not dead yet... Wait, where are Tanya and Jing?"

"It's at the end of the two bloodstains over there." Aramiel raised his finger, "I don't know if they passed out or died, but don't worry, no matter what the situation is, I can make them come back again." Standing up...what's the matter? Is there any discomfort?"

"Something is wrong..." Lancelot's face was very ugly, he stood up, and walked quickly towards the half-elf and monster monkey girl who didn't know his life or death, "Vesuvius may not be dead...I mean, it Maybe he made some preparations in advance to prevent himself from being killed in the abyss..."

Lancelow's speculation is not only very reasonable, but also has very direct evidence.In the past, every time he killed mid-level and high-level demons, he could more or less absorb some energy similar to the abyss aura from the opponent, but nothing happened after killing the demon in Oasis Castle that time, and he also It is known that the dementor has probably been revived in Shendiraville, and the same situation happened this time.

Unfortunately, although aware of this, this is already Vesuvius' lair, and it is still in the secret room under the lair.The former Lord of Volcano's talisman to preserve his essence is a humble brass brazier that remains in the treasury they have just left (and destroyed).Of course, a magic item with Balrog essence will not be destroyed by magma. Just now, while Lancelot was floating towards the lake, Vesuvius was also reshaping his physical body deep in the bottom of the lake.

The lake behind the three of them suddenly began to erupt violently. In the storm of flames, a pair of huge red bat wings suddenly opened, and at the same time, the roar of the Balrog full of destructive will sounded.The figure of Vesuvius came out of the tumbling flames, looking completely new, while everyone on Lancelot's side was either dead or injured, and he didn't even have the strength to fight again.

The former volcanic fort lord didn't mean to talk nonsense at all, the flames gathered into a long whip in its hands, and then swept it fiercely, and the flame whip whizzed towards the three of them.Lancelow subconsciously wanted to block, but found that he didn't even have a weapon, so he could only block the coming terrifying whip with his bare hands.

A white streamer flashed, and a piercing popping sound resounded in the cave, but nothing hit Lancelot.He raised his head in surprise, and found a beautiful figure standing in front of him, holding a bright silver long whip in his hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." The succubus lord didn't turn his head, but Lancelot knew it was to himself, "Leave it to me..."

 Thanks to book friends 160620135342241, Terry00001, Huimengyouxian, if you don’t update, hehehe, a few book friends voted monthly, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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