The knight in the abyss

Chapter 755 The Oath of Another World

Chapter 755 The Oath of Another World
"Can magic do this?" Lancelot asked curiously, "What kind of creature will be summoned? An angel?"

"Angels, devils, mortals, and even talking frogs, who knows what will happen." Kara Lin shrugged, "The point is to meet the three conditions described by magic: able to help us, willing to help us, and able to be summoned by spells .Speaking of which, as long as these conditions are met, does it matter what is summoned?"

"It really doesn't matter, even if it's a stinky orc, I'll admit it." Brutal nodded gloomily, "So, what are we waiting for? Let's get started."

"First of all, this spell called Oath from Another World is a bit expensive..." Karaline looked at Lancelot with some embarrassment, "It needs a relatively precious gemstone as a casting material."

"That's not a problem." Lancelow immediately reached into the dimension bag and took out a handful of shimmering gems, "Let me see, here are diamonds, rubies, black sapphires, opals, emeralds …Choose whatever you want, anyway, we can’t exchange these gems for money.”

"Opal is enough." Karaline took a gemstone with a translucent wax base and green and golden spots on the surface from Lancelot, "The other thing is that the casting time may be longer, and at most one It takes hours to get a response, during which time you must protect me from interruption, or you will have to start all over again..."

"Will it take that long?" Brutal's face became more gloomy, "Damn it, Dad may be suffering in some dungeon, but I can only wait forever..."

"Be patient, my friend." The elf patted the dwarf's shoulder with his palm, and then shook the dwarf's body vigorously, "All of us are just like you, eager to save Uncle Barend Come back, but reckless and reckless actions will not bring good results, it may not only endanger ourselves, but also may harm Uncle Ballend, do you understand what I mean?"

"... Phew." The dwarf took a deep breath, then nodded, "I understand. Sorry. Please begin, Karalyn, I won't let anything touch you until your spell is complete. "

"He has already started." Lancelow nodded towards the scholar, whose eye sockets were being filled with crimson magic aura, "Everyone, please rest where you are. If I sense an enemy, I will..."

Lancelot didn't finish his sentence, because a portal with black smoke on the edge appeared in midair, and a figure with white hair was trying to climb out of the portal.

"Ha! What he said just now is at most one hour, right?" Brutal, who had already sat down, jumped up, "Uh... wait, why is it you?"

"What's the situation?" The visitor was equally confused, "Why did I come back early... and why are you here?"

It was none other than the white-haired and red-eyed Curse Swordsman, the half-elf Tanya, who was summoned by Karaline's spell, who was a member of Lancelot's command during the Battle of the Volcano Castle, and was also a member of the elite team He sneaked into the volcano fortress, destroyed the core defensive formation, and by the way, he and everyone defeated the sudden appearance of the Barlow Balrog—at least once.

"How is the team?" Lancelot asked without answering, "Are the mercenaries on their way back to Shuangqiao Town?"

"Well, we set off shortly after you left, and we have already walked about half of the distance, and everyone is in a good state of mind." Tanya turned her head and looked around, "But just now, I suddenly felt a very strong feeling. An appealing call, a call for help that is almost impossible to refuse. Just a thought, and I was brought here...I guess you summoned me by magic, didn't you?"

"To be precise, we hope to summon someone who can help you through magic. It seems that the multiverse thinks you are the most suitable candidate." Lancelot scratched his head and pointed to something that the two half-elves had never seen before. Companion, "Let me introduce, this is the Kara Lin we mentioned before, a scholar of the Dark Order, and this is little Isa, a..."

"Vampire. I'm very impressed by the stories about her." Tania nodded politely to her two companions, "Hi, I'm Tanya Irishina, a half-elf."

"Hello, Miss Tanya." Little Isa greeted enthusiastically, "Brother Lancelow told your adventure story, he said that you can summon an invincible halberd made of shadows..."

"Haha, it's far worse than his ability to make the blade shine." Tanya shook her white hair, "Ah, what a familiar smell, Shadowfall... It seems that you have indeed met Big trouble. Come on, tell me what's going on?"

"Do you still remember that day when I suddenly had to leave early and handed over the captaincy to Sir Evandel?" Lancelot said slowly, "It happened like this. At that time, I received Tijana, that is, Twin Bridges. The telepathy of the succubus lord..."

It took Lancelot about 10 minutes to explain the ins and outs of the matter, and of course the part about Kelemvor and Midnight skipped most of the details.Tanya listened patiently. When Lancelot finished speaking, she nodded and said:

"I see, so what you are looking for now is clues about the hag assembly, right?"

"Yes!" Brutal nodded heavily, "Do you already know who they are?"

"No, not yet. But I know who to ask..."

The half-elf took off the gloves, put two fingers in his mouth, and whistled loudly. Lancelot felt a very faint wave of magic in that voice.Then, his ears caught the sound of wings flapping from far to near, and a black bird descended from the sky and landed on a stone in front of the half-elf.

Lancelot recognized that it was a raven, but the difference was that it was surprisingly large, with the height from paws to head exceeding three feet.This beautiful bird has smooth feathers like black satin, a sharp beak reminiscent of a pickaxe, and a pair of black eyes shining with wisdom. people.

Tanya made a gesture of salute to the raven, and then spoke a long paragraph to the raven in a strange language.After she finished speaking, Raven nodded, glanced at everyone again, and flew away with flapping wings.

"It will come back with useful information soon." The half-elf explained to everyone, "just wait a while."

"Tanya, you..." Aramir had a very strange expression on his face, as if he was talking about an extremely taboo topic, "...your suzerain, is that... that lady?"

 Thanks to the imperial guards for the reward, and thanks to tianwanjian, Langyazhi, and myopic players for their monthly votes. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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