The knight in the abyss

Chapter 756 Crow Queen

Chapter 756 Crow Queen
"...You should have guessed it a long time ago." Tanya looked at Aramir with a complicated expression, "After all, you are a real elf and a priest at the same time."

"Don't get me wrong, I have no prejudice against you and your suzerain. After all, the fire-haired lady I believe in is not a member of the elven pantheon." Aramiel shook his head, "Although you are a half-elf, Some features are still obvious, for example, you have white hair, but you are obviously not of drow blood..."

"What are you talking about?" Brutal couldn't help it finally, "Please don't play charades, please explain..."

"For those who know the inside story, knowing my bloodline, it is not difficult to deduce the identity of my mentor. We were not familiar enough before, so I didn't reveal too much to you, but after going through so much together, I think I do owe you a clear explanation now..."

The half-elf twisted up her white hair that hung loose on her shoulders, revealing her pointed ears with seven or eight earrings.Lancelot also noticed that her skin had more wrinkles, and it was not as shiny as before, as if she had aged more than ten years. Of course, this did not detract from her beauty, but made the half-elf more attractive than before. charm.

"The elven part of my blood belongs to Shaduo-kai, also known as the Shadow Spirit. The Shadow Spirit worships the Raven Queen, the listener of death, and is also my suzerain and mentor."

"The Raven Queen?" Lancelot frowned suspiciously, "I don't think I've heard of this god before...Why does Aramiel seem to be very taboo towards him?"

"You have to ask the elves themselves." Tanya shrugged, "I'm just half a Shado-kai, and I grew up in a human society since I was a child, and I don't know many other Shado-kai until now. -Kay. For a long time, the Raven Queen was just a mysterious mentor to me, and I only heard of her title after I left my hometown, and it took a long time to connect the two."

"The Raven Queen involves the earliest tragedy in the history of our elves, and her deeds are indeed a very taboo topic." Alamir said in a melancholy tone, "First of all, I want to emphasize that what I am going to say next is just a topic that has been spread in the world. There are quite a lot of contradictions in the legends of the surface elves, if there is anything wrong, please feel free to point it out, I have no intention of offending the lady..."

"It's okay." Tanya waved her hand, "You must know more than me."

"Then I'll start." Aramir leaned her body on a big rock, looked up at the gray sky of this plane, "You should have heard of Erosinne, who later became Rose, The story of the betrayal of Corellon, the lord god of the elves. There are not many details in the mythology, as if Corellon just waved his hand, and the once beautiful elf god queen turned into an ugly spider demon, and those drow were banished to the dark But the history is much more complicated than the legends, and I won't try to hypnotize you with a long story. Simply put, Rose's subsidence was much earlier than the exile of the dark elves, and then she successfully provoked a fight among the elves A civil war called the Crown Wars. This terrible civil war lasted for nearly 3000 years and eventually led to the exile of the Dark Elves."

"The Raven Queen was a queen among the many elf kingdoms on the earth during this period, and her original name has long been forgotten in the long river of time. Legend has it that she is a wise and benevolent queen. Her people Love her more than the elves and gods. When the elves were torn apart because of the fierceness of their father Corellon and mother Eroshine, the former Raven Queen hoped to use the souls and magic power of her people to become a god, and then Meet Corellon and Eroshne, and beg them to come to their senses and stop the senseless strife that has brought untold misfortune to the elves."

"This plot sounds familiar..." Lancelow rubbed his chin, "Let me guess, something terrible went wrong?"

"Yes. Because of the queen's popularity, a large number of elves gave up their original beliefs and began to worship her. These elves, who call themselves Shado-Kai, believed that after the queen ascended to the gods, they could unify the elves and end the civil war. However, Some evil wizards found a loophole in the Ascension Ritual, and they found a way to steal the power of the ritual. Halfway through the ceremony, the Queen discovered the plot of those wizards and turned her wrath on the thieves .However, she was already a demigod at the time, and her supernatural rage corrupted the ritual itself, turning it into something much worse."

"When the queen realized the mistake she made, the twisted magical energy had already entangled her tightly, and she lacked the strength to break free. In a panic, the queen asked the souls of the shado-kai for more power, but the magic vortex created by the ritual had become unstoppable. It pulled the queen, and all the shado-kai, into the shadow plane, and the queen herself was destroyed in a catastrophic explosion. Then , out of the wreckage of her body and mind, the Raven Queen we know today was born, and those shado-kai were transformed into the Shadow Spirits we know today."

"Legends say that the energy of that ritual is still tearing apart the Raven Queen, preventing her from forming any tangible body. In order to prevent herself from completely becoming nothingness, the queen used her last remaining power to collect all the dead on the plane of shadows. The memory about him is used to maintain its own existence. To this day, the ghosts will still collect the memories of the dead from the multiverse, especially those with strong emotions, and bring them back to the memory fortress of the Raven Queen. It seems that the Madame has a morbid desire to collect emotions and memories. From the way she behaves, the Raven Queen does not seem like a god, because she does not seem to have a special priesthood, nor does she wish to promote teachings, but she has many characteristics of a god, such as bestowing Priest magic, as well as the shadow spirits who serve her wholeheartedly. Perhaps it is due to the respect for the gods of the elves, the other gods have kept respect and distance from the Raven Queen, but the gods of the elves themselves have kept him secret and never mentioned it."

"That's all I know about the Raven Queen...Tanya, what's wrong with you?"

"There was a burst of laughter in my head just now." The expression on the half-elf Curse Swordsman's face was like seeing a ghost, "This kind of thing has never happened before..."

"Really?" Aramir raised half of his eyebrows, "Maybe he likes the story I tell?"

"The mentor has other ways to express happiness or satisfaction, but it's never like this." Tanya shook her head violently, "She never shows any emotions."

(Note: The above is the setting of version 5, which may conflict with the setting of a non-existing version, please ignore the non-existing version)

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(End of this chapter)

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