The knight in the abyss

Chapter 814 Chaos

Chapter 814 Chaos
Magic, an extraordinary act of using the primordial magic in the multiverse to achieve certain effects.There are similar methods in the way of comprehension, but there are some subtle differences with the magic of this world-comprehension spells, at least at the level that Lancelot can currently master, are mostly driven by their own energy; while magic is By manipulating the magic net to mobilize the original magic power of the multiverse itself, so as to achieve various effects that change reality.

It only took Lancelot about three heartbeats to recover from that stunned state, but that short moment was enough for the opponent to do a lot—the near-disabled activated hut protruded four roots on the other side. Tentacles, rolled up Lancelot and threw it out with all his strength. When he regained his perception of the outside world, he was flying backwards up and down, and was about to fall into the small building full of Styx water. In the lake.

The river Styx is one of the most dangerous substances in the multiverse. Just being splashed may lose several days of memory. If the whole person falls into it, even if Lancelot swims out immediately, he may forget his name .It was a simple set of combined offensives, but it made the most of the threats that the surrounding environment could create. The human knights even wanted to clap their hands for the enemy.

Of course, this is not enough to defeat him.

Surging true energy gushed out from the dantian, and gathered behind Lancelot to form a pair of huge turquoise wings.This is a small supernatural power that he comprehended after enlightenment in the form of a raven. Although it consumes a lot of real energy, and its flexibility is not as good as that of a Golden Core cultivator, it is more than enough to deal with such emergencies up.

With the tall figure turned into a titan, the full-body plate armor made of pure gold, and now with a pair of light wings of a slightly wrong color, Lancelot's image at this moment is no different from a real angel.Moreover, he was no stranger to having wings on his back.

With one flap of his wings, Lancelot's figure stopped in mid-air, and with another flap, he began to fly back towards the original path.

However, the enemy didn't just catch him without a fight. Just after Lancelow flew less than twenty feet forward, his body bumped into an invisible obstacle, almost knocking him unconscious again.The barrier was as hard as if it was made of diamonds. With Lancelot's current momentum, there was no vibration when he hit it, which showed the extraordinaryness of this invisible barrier, and he immediately understood what he had encountered—the force field The wall, a powerful barrier that is immune to almost all damage and magic, the only thing that can break it is the six-ring disintegration technique, but the simpler way to deal with it is: bypass it.

But after these twists and turns, Lancelow has been dragged for too long. What's worse, a large number of sticky white spider webs suddenly burst out of thin air around him. These spider webs fell on him, and immediately made him feel Difficulty even raising an arm.

At the same time, a figure closer to an angel than his image rushed from the woodland not far away, becoming the flesh and blood puppet who rescued Madame Medusa not long ago.It seized the moment when the partners had no time to care about it, and rushed to the center of the battle like lightning. With one left sword and another sword, both the anthropologist and the zombie princess fell to the ground with double injuries, and the third sword stabbed at the opponent who was fighting to the death. Brutal back heart.

However, just as the frightening long jagged sword was about to hit, a rather short figure stood between the sword tip and the giant Brutal.

The sound of sharp metal tearing sounded, and Barend lowered his head in surprise, and found that the enemy's sharp long sword had directly penetrated the shield in his hand, and even pierced his chest.He turned his head quickly and saw that the sword tip had only pierced a little flesh on his son, so he showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Brutal turned his head abruptly under the pain, his eyes instantly turned red.An unprecedented anger erupted in the dwarf, his figure soared three feet again, the blood in his body was almost gasified under the stimulation of fury, he opened his mouth to bite and tear the tentacles that were entangled with him, and even directly smashed the tentacles The tentacle of the tree root became torn off, and then he swung the warhammer in his hand like lightning, completely hitting the angel's fleshy golem, and knocked the opponent's body as solid as a jewel back with one blow.

But this blow overdrawn too much of his life force, and Brutal's size began to shrink sharply, like a balloon with a loose string, and he completely returned to its original shape in just one breath.He felt extremely tired and weak, but he still pulled himself together, hugged his dying father, and retreated with all his strength.

At this moment, little Isa, who had been stealthy from just now, finally touched the No.3 hag's back—this is an ugly monster with a huge bun like a goat's horn and a thin body like a living corpse. There was dancing wildly on a small snail-like roof in the woodland, and little Isa could clearly sense that, accompanied by the other party's uncomfortable dancing posture, spells one after another were constantly being thrown towards the partners.

And her job is to stop that.

Even if someone stares at this side, they will find that the figure of the vampire wanderer is blurred, and it will disappear from the field of vision if they don't pay attention.Like a blown leaf, little Isa quietly landed behind the dancing hag, and then lightly swiped at the enemy's neck.

Lancelot felt his body lighten suddenly, and all the magical effects that restricted his actions disappeared in an instant, and by virtue of the spiritual connection with the little vampire, he immediately knew the reason—again, it was the little vampire who helped them The situation of the battle has been opened, although everyone has paid a high price for this.

After there was no obstacle, the figure of the human knight skipped across the battlefield like a ghost, and rushed back to his companions in an instant.The angel golem, which was repelled by the dwarves just now, had just recovered and was about to launch a chase when its field of vision was suddenly filled with dazzling blue light.

"Break it for me!"

Lancelot, who never liked talking in battle, couldn't help shouting softly at this moment.The giant sword drew a half-moon arc in the air, and hit the target's head, but the result was beyond his expectation-although this inevitable sword created a terrifying, The terrible wound extending from the top of the head to the abdomen, but failed to cut the opponent in half, as if the bones under its flesh were made of fine gold.

And when Lancelot was still stunned at the hardness of the enemy, the half-elf Tanya also swung a halberd at the staggering angel golem.Under Lancelow's surprised eyes, the enemy's figure disappeared instantly, and his spiritual sense could not sense the opponent's existence at all.

"Hurry up!" Tanya yelled at Lancelot, who was a little dazed, "This is Banish Slash, and it will appear again in 1 minute!"

 Finally finished writing TT... I was so sleepy, thank you for making the impossible possible, sp Xuanguang, Maverick Tatar, Lanyu Soul, who voted monthly, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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