Chapter 815
Exile Slash, a five-ring protection spell, adds supernatural power to the caster's next weapon attack, and exiles the target of the attack.If the target is not native to the current plane, it is banished back to its home plane; if the target is native to the current plane, or is not itself a creature of the plane, it is transported to a harmless half plane, and fell into a state of incapacity.When the caster ends his spellcasting focus, or reaches the upper limit of the spell duration for 1 minute, the exiled object will be teleported back and reappear at its previous location.

A similar spell is the four-ring banishment. Its effect is almost the same as the banishment cut. The difference lies in the way it takes effect-the banishment requires a standard casting action, and at the same time requires an object that the target hates as a casting material ; while Exiled Slash requires neither a casting action nor casting materials, and can be cast with just a short incantation.

What's more, those creatures with high charm or natural magic resistance can easily resist the effect of banishment, but banishment can only take effect when the weapon attack hits.Although the Exile Slash may fail if the target's HP is too high, but it can cause a lot of force field damage, so it is far more reliable than the Exile Technique.

Although Lancelot learned a lot of magic-related knowledge from Kara Lin and Tijana, after all, he had never seen this kind of spell in battle before, so he didn't know what happened at the first time, and thought it was What new tricks did Medusa, who secretly manipulated the golem, come up with.However, after Tanya made a sound to remind, Lancelot immediately reacted, knowing that the next minute is the key to reversing the outcome.

Not even 1 minute at all.

At this moment, there were still two animated tree houses manned by hags and four mazeroths wielding tridents left on the battlefield.One of the two tree houses was almost paralyzed by the human knight just now, the other one was not damaged too much in the entanglement with the dwarves, and its combat power was still intact; One of their companions was killed by the elf priest in the battle just now, but at this moment, Karalin, Barend, and Fran were all seriously injured. Tanya came to assist Lancelot again and resisted alone. The situation of those demon elf priests is already very dangerous.

On top of that, they have another enemy that doesn't show up: Medusa Kesme, who manipulates the Angel Golem.But Lancelot is not particularly worried about this—after the golem is temporarily exiled, Medusa's biggest threat is her petrified gaze, but that will only take effect when she can be seen, and someone who has killed With her once vampire wanderer, how would Kesme dare to show up again?

At this moment, Lancelot was also faced with a multiple-choice question. Should he rescue Aramiel first, or attack the hag who controlled the activated hut first?

On the battlefield, a commander always has various choices, and Lancelow is already very familiar with this.Different people have different decision-making styles. Lancelot's method does not waste time thinking about which option will bring the best results, but evaluates the price of each option with the most prudent attitude. Think clearly With this question, you know how to choose.

Attacking the hag directly can achieve the greatest results, but the price is likely to be Aramiel.At this moment, there were already several seriously injured people in the team. If he lost the elf priest again, he might end up going back to Kelemvor with several corpses.Although there is the Lord of the Dead, dead partners can be resurrected in the end, but being killed itself will cause huge trauma to a person's spirit, and resurrection from the dead is also an extremely painful process. In some extreme cases, it can even make people The temperament has changed drastically, so if possible, try to avoid the death of your companions in battle.

Lancelot made a decision in an instant. He ignored the tentacles rolling towards him, but rushed towards the Mazeroth demons with a thunderous force.

This kind of human-shaped beetle-like demon usually has its body squatting, but even if it stands upright, its height does not exceed seven feet, and it is less than the thigh height of Lancelot after the titan turned into a giant.The glacier fell like a meteorite, and the Mazeroth demon locked by Lancelot had no time to react, and was photographed into a pool of blood on the spot.

The cracking sound of the carapace shattering greatly shocked the remaining enemies, causing their movements to temporarily stagnate.Of course, the human knight would not let go of such an opportunity, not to mention that he was already prepared to pursue him.Most of Glacier's sword body had been submerged in the ground. Lancelot took a big step forward, his body moved his arms upwards, and the giant sword broke through the ground like a shark-lizard beast lurking in the ground. He slammed into the legs of another Mazeroth demon.

When casting the glacier, Lancelow and Barend had ordered that both sides of the sword tip should be sharpened, and the effect of this design was reflected at this moment.The giant sword went all the way up, moving the Mazeroth's crotch up to the position close to the shoulders, and then lifted the opponent's almost split corpse into the air high into the air.

Only then did the tentacles of the roots of the activated hut reach Lancelow's body, wrap around his waist, and then violently pulled back.Lancelot didn't resist this at all, and let the other party pull him away, because he knew that the plight of the elf priest had been resolved. With Alamir's strength and Tania's assistance, even if he was in a state of exhaustion, The next Brutal can't help at all, and it is more than enough to deal with two Mazeroths.

Moreover, if the enemy wants to take the initiative to close the distance with him, how can he refuse?
The hag who manipulated the activated hut obviously didn't expect that the target didn't make any resistance at all, and it was too late when she realized that the human knight was using the pulling force.The tree house was still executing the instructions given by the hag just now. It opened a large mouth full of wooden fangs at the bottom, trying to bite the human knight who was rolled back by him, but only bit his own tentacles——Lance Luo took the initiative to release the Titan's transformation just now, relying on his suddenly reduced body size, he easily got rid of the shackles of the tentacles, and the whole person floated to the roof of the hut like a ghost, and the weapon in his hand had been replaced by a half-handed sword Shuang Zhan, like a shooting star, went straight to the hag's throat.


These were her last words. In the next second, her shriveled head flew into the air, and the mouth that once uttered countless vicious curses could no longer make any sound.

 Thanks to Nanshan Yueyue and Hehehe, two book friends who voted monthly if you don’t update, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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