The knight in the abyss

Chapter 816 Expensive Victory

Chapter 816 Expensive Victory

Similar scenarios have been experienced by Lancelot many times.It is not that he has never relented in the face of the enemy's pleadings for mercy, and of course he has experienced the betrayal of such good intentions, and it is pure luck to survive that betrayal.Since then, he has never allowed his feelings to affect any decision related to combat.

That doesn't mean he always kills and takes no prisoners, but an opponent as dangerous as a hag is always better dead than alive.

Moreover, in order to ensure that the opponent was completely dead, Lancelot's movements did not stop at all.Dense sword shadows flashed, and the hag's headless corpse was cut into a group of sprayed pieces, and then swung the long sword in the air, and two half-moon-shaped sword qi shot out, causing the old woman's head spinning in the air to explode. Completely burst.

Lancelot has always been prepared to be attacked by another hag, but from the time he jumped on the top of the tree house to completely destroying his opponent, he didn't wait for the expected surprise attack, which makes people feel a little strange .

Seeing that the enemy in front of him had been completely eliminated, the human knight turned his head and cast his eyes on the almost paralyzed activated hut that he chopped down not long ago, but was surprised to find that another hag had already escaped—that ugly old woman crawled into it. In a bathtub-sized iron pot that can fly, and it is already very far away at this moment, I am afraid that Lancelow made up his mind to run away just after returning.

Just by taking a look, Lancelot knew that he didn't need to chase him any more. It wasn't that he couldn't catch up, but that would put him too far away from his companions, and it couldn't be ruled out that there were other traps.But just as he was thinking this way, a group of undead vultures circling high in the sky spotted the escaped hag. They swooped down with strange screams, and completely submerged the cauldron within a few breaths.

Even though the distance was more than a thousand feet, Lancelot still saw clearly the final fate of the hag: torn to pieces by countless sharp claws, as if those undead vultures had some kind of deep-seated hatred for her.Maybe that's the truth of the matter—the vultures guard the hag's woodlands when they're alive, but why?

Lancelot withdrew his gaze and turned to look at his partner who was still fighting.Alamer was supported by Tania, and had the upper hand in the two-on-two battle. The two Mazeroth demons obviously had no desire to fight, but they had no chance of escaping.

"Damn... you guys took all the fun away..."

A tired-sounding voice sounded, and Brutal stood up, supporting his warhammer, staggering like a five-hundred-pound barbell on his shoulders.But when he stood firm, his entire aura changed.


The dwarf let out a roar, and charged towards the enemy fiercely.Lancelot's heart moved slightly, and he quickly leaned over there, but he didn't rush to make a move, but followed the dwarf not too far or too close.

Brutal was clearly out of shape and seemed to be acting entirely out of rage, but the skill of fighting had become an instinct in the young dwarf.He swung his shield first, separating the two extra arms on the back of the Mazeroth Demon, and then smashed the warhammer in, as if he was swinging a light dagger smoothly.

The carapace of Mazeroths is very hard, making them look like heavy infantry wearing plate armor. When dealing with such iron bumps, blunt weapons can always achieve good results.Aramiel, who was standing in front of the enemy, stepped up his offensive at the same time to cooperate with Brutal's actions.The dwarf's first hammer directly hit the connection between the demon's arm and its body, completely destroying the opponent's defense ability, and then it was a repeated action like smashing walnuts.

On the other side, Tanya also took care of her opponent by herself.The halberd is already easy to gain an advantage in a one-on-one battle, and the shadow weapons of the conjurer are all extremely sharp, and they are easy to swing as if they have no weight-but that is just an illusion, if Anyone who believes it is definitely going to be bad luck.

Lancelot knew that even if he shot himself, it would not make the enemy fall much faster. In contrast, it was more important to let Brutal vent his anger.So he walked quickly to the side of several fallen companions, and attached himself to check their situation.

very bad.

Kara Lin's protective magic helped him weaken the attack of the fleshy golem, but the position of his right shoulder was still cut with a sword.This blow directly shattered his shoulder blade, collarbone, and several upper ribs, and the blood may have flowed into his lungs. This kind of injury is almost fatal in a world without magic, the scholar His face was pale, and he didn't even have the strength to moan.

Beside him, the situation of the zombie princess Fran seemed to be worse: she had just been cut in half.However, as an undead creature with a special curse, this degree of injury can't make her free. At this moment, the lower body of the zombie princess is twitching crazily like a fish thrown ashore, while the upper body is trying to move her legs. Press and hold—some of the poses she posed just now are really not suitable for the status of a princess, and as the half with thinking ability, her upper body needs to stop it.

Thinking about it carefully, if she had understood this truth when she was alive, maybe some tragedies would never have happened.

The old dwarf Barend was carefully leaned against a rock by Brutal, but at this moment the ground under him was already stained red with his own blood.The sword of the flesh golem not only pierced Barend's chest, but the slots on the blade also ensured that the blood would drain from his body as quickly as possible.In fact, after seeing the wound, Lancelow could hardly believe that the old dwarf was still alive. If it were an ordinary human being, [-]% of them would die within half a minute, and not even one in a hundred people would be alive. down.

Of course, while checking the wounds of his companions, Lancelot also poured healing potions into their mouths, and poured them directly on the wounds if they couldn't be poured.It would somehow work, their fellow halfling chef (and alchemist) had assured them.Besides, Lancelot can't do much. Only the elf priest here can do it if he wants these seriously wounded to recover in a short time.

Unfortunately, even if Aramiel still had the ability to do that, they didn't have enough time.The angel golem will return from the state of exile at any time, but this is not the most troublesome - Lancelot has sensed that a large number of undead creatures are approaching here, and it seems that the battle in the rear has been separated It's over.Of course, he didn't think that Peyton Derek would treat him differently. After all, he only accidentally helped it recover its power, and this kind of guy who even wanted to steal divine power might just want to get rid of his group as soon as possible. to remove all uncertainties that might affect his rule.

 Thanks to Fu Luoying Hammermoor and Xia Chong Sui Yu for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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