The knight in the abyss

Chapter 827 Emergency Information

Chapter 827 Emergency Information

Before the sound of knocking sounded again, Lancelot opened the door, and found Soveris standing there with his arms raised, with a look of surprise on his face.

"...good evening, sir. Haven't you rested?"

"I've rested. Is there any emergency?"

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have come to bother you so late."

"What's the matter?" Aramir also came over. The elf only needs four hours of meditation to get enough rest. At this time, his spirit has almost recovered.

"The urgent information sent back from Chadgori Town shows that a large number of undead creatures have arrived. The Skullbreaker Legion that originally guarded the gate of the city is about to collapse, and the streets are now occupied by the army of the Lich." Soveris said nervously, "Also, shortly after those undead entered the city, they surrounded the Wolf King's Nest Hotel. The clansmen in charge of monitoring noticed that the situation was not good, and immediately sent someone to send back the news... What should we do now?"

"How could this be?" Lancelot frowned tightly, "Has the Lich himself appeared?"

"No." The brown-haired elf immediately shook his head and denied, "The information we have is that after finishing the battle in the Hag's Grove, the Lich left most of its troops there, and led a small group of elites back to Waverly Fort Derek on the hill."

"Is that so..." Lancelow touched his chin, "How long ago was the news?"

"In the form of a raven, it only takes half an hour to fly back from Chadgori Town, and I will come to you as soon as I receive the news..."

"Okay." Lancelot nodded, "I'll go there right away... Aramiel, you stay with the others, and I can go there alone."

"What?" The elf priest asked in surprise, "But aren't there many enemies there?"

"Yes, so I'm not going to launch a storm. Little Isa is enough. You, and Brutal and Tanya have already met the Baroness, and I don't want her to know who took Took her precious bones..."

"But hasn't the Baroness seen you?" Aramiel looked at Lancelot puzzled, "If you are to be recognized, you should be the most likely..."

"I have that... transformation ring." Lancelot replied vaguely, "She will never guess it."

With the power of the raven statue, the human knight turned into a raven again. Together with Soveris, he flew from Raven Castle to Chadgori Town in just 10 minutes.

Looking down from a high altitude, the town has been completely occupied by undead creatures. The streets are full of wandering skeletons and zombies, while the living are shivering behind closed doors.However, perhaps due to the order of the Lich, these undead soldiers did not attack the residents, but just patrolled the streets like conquerors, harassing passers-by who did not have time to return to their residences.

Outside the wolf king's lair, hundreds of undead creatures surrounded the third and outer third floors of the hotel, many of them were high-level individuals wearing full-body plate armor, holding giant swords and maces.Just judging from the aura they exude, the strength of these undead knights is similar to that of a berserker. If Lancelot was still in his prime, he might be able to force him in, but it would be unwise to do so, and now his strength Nor is it allowed.

In addition, at the gate of the hotel, a disc with a radius of about three feet and composed of countless white bones was floating in the air. It seemed to be the car of some important person, but he did not find any individuals matching the description around.

In a small two-storey building opposite the wolf king's lair, there was a black window with a small corner open.Soveris led Lancelot through the gap. Inside was a utility room full of chairs, wooden boxes, and wardrobes. Three black crows were standing on top of the cabinets, watching with vigilant eyes. people.

However, after the human knight and the brown-haired elf recovered their bodies, the birds also obviously relaxed. One of the crows flapped its wings and flew down from the cabinet, turning into a dark red-haired, stern-faced human female.

"Old black bird, you actually came here by yourself?" The woman said in a somewhat hoarse voice, "And this nobleman... must be Sir Lancelot?"

"Yes, I am." Lancelot nodded politely, "Nice to meet you, ma'am."

"I think I should say thank you, sir, you rescued my husband from a hag." The woman's expression looked softer, "My name is Irene, and I am based in Chadgori Town. I also saw it when I stayed in that luxury hotel a few days ago, and your horse is really impressive."

"Speaking of which, where did that guy go?" Lancelot turned to look at Soveris, "It seems that we haven't seen each other since we came back..."

"Uh..." Soveris looked a little embarrassed, "It hasn't come back yet, I'll send someone to look for it later..."

"No, I won't need it for the time being." Lancelow shook his head, "How's the situation?"

"Six skeletons wearing plate armor and a zombie wearing a robe have gone in 10 minutes ago, and they haven't come out yet." The woman pointed to the window behind the crowd with her chin. The black glass is completely transparent from this side, "I wanted to fly in to see the situation, but those two guys said that you specifically told me not to act rashly..."

At this moment, there was a commotion among the undead creatures surrounding the hotel.The faces of the people in the room changed, and they gathered around the window one after another.I saw the door of the hotel suddenly opened, and the baroness in fine clothes came out with a gloomy face, but the undead creatures seemed to respect (or fear) her very much, and they all bowed their heads and backed away. , and four skeletons wearing plate armor and a zombie wearing a brown robe also walked out of the hotel together, following behind the baroness like a follower.

The well-dressed noblewoman walked to the floating pelvis, turned her head and gave the robed zombie a bad look, who immediately raised her hand and made a gesture, and the pelvis fell to the ground.The baroness walked to the pelvis and sat down, and the robed zombie gestured a few more times, and the pelvis carried the distinguished passengers up into the air like a flying carpet, and then descended towards the city surrounded by many undead creatures. Float away.

"Lancelo, what should we do now?" Soveris said in a low voice, "It looks like we are going to pick her up for Fort Derek... But the journey is expected to take several hours, should we hurry up and recruit people?" ,on the way……"

The elf suddenly stopped talking, because he found that the eyes of the human knight were tightly closed, as if he didn't care about what was happening in front of him.

"No need." Lancelot said suddenly, his voice was very soft, "The things we are looking for are still in the hotel."

 Thanks to cocogoat, panwangbo, salted fish flow, salted fish spur, and meat-loving meow meow who voted monthly!

(End of this chapter)

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