Chapter 828 Lost
"It's not on her?" Soveris looked at Lancelot suspiciously, "Are you sure?"

"I left a special mental imprint on that item before, and I can roughly sense its location." Lancelow shrugged slightly, "Fortunately, I paid more attention. Since the item is still there , then we don’t need to worry, we will go in and take out our things after the welcoming team has gone far away.”

"Uh, do you also feel this way..." The brown-haired elf showed a somewhat strange expression, "Could it be that a lich that kind of thing?"

"I don't know if a lich can do it, but that baroness can really do it." Lancelow nodded seriously, "Since the woman can do it, the rest is just some technical details."

"Okay." Soveris nodded dumbfoundingly, "May I never know what those technical details are. Jamie, Tval, please follow that team and see what they are going to do. Where is it? Be careful, don’t get too close, just follow from a distance, if you find something unusual, or if you find them turning around, send someone to send the news back immediately.”

The two ravens sitting on the window sill nodded towards Soveris, but they didn't leave the window directly, but flapped their wings and disappeared into a vent on the ceiling of the room.

"Let's wait for half an hour. They should have gone far by then." Lancelot walked to a corner of the room and sat cross-legged on the ground. "I'll take a rest for a while."

"Please do yourself." The human woman named Irene shrugged, turned and leaned against the wall by the windowsill, squinting at Soveris, "Old village chief, I heard that who is back?"

"Who?" The elf asked back with an unnatural expression.

"You know who I'm referring to." Erin raised her eyebrows, "Every time you get drunk, we have to listen to your story again."

Lancelot decided not to practice.

"Yes. She's back." Soveris sighed, "Thanks to Sir Lancelot, otherwise I don't know how much longer she will suffer..."

"Have you talked to her?"

"It's just a simple hello, and I didn't even say a word... She is an undead creature now, you should already know it?"

"Yes, I've also heard that she still looks beautiful, and that death has given her a different style..."

"Her style is indeed the same as before."

"It must be a weird feeling, right? I mean, even though you've been thinking about her for over 100 years, deep down you already know she's been killed. And now she's suddenly reappearing, just as beautiful as before, oh ! It's like a dream has become reality..."

"We have been living in a nightmare." Soveris shook his head lightly. "Only by lifting the curse on this land can we wake up from the nightmare, and that is the most important thing right now."

"Hmph." Irene turned her head bored, "Stupid man."


What Lancelot was most worried about was that the baroness turned around and turned around. Fortunately, that didn't happen. Maybe the bone was just a substitute, and now the baroness didn't think she needed it anymore.When half an hour was up, Lancelot sat up from the ground, and Soveris, who was resting beside him, immediately turned to look at him.

"It's time to go." Lancelot said to the elf, "Just wait here."

"Let me go with you." Soveris suggested, "Just now Irene said that six skeleton knights went in, but we only saw four coming out. There will probably be a battle in a while, and one more person will always be one more." Helper, don't worry, my sword skills are still very good. And, if something happens and you need to escape, I am very familiar with the streets of this town, and it will be very useful to bring me along."

"Is that so..." Lancelot showed a strange smile on his face, "Since you asked for it, come on, let's go now. Do you have any way to hide your identity?"

"Of course." Soveris took out a thin mask from his pocket, unfolded it and stuck it on his face, "How is it?"

Lancelot took a closer look, and was surprised to find that not only did the elf's face change, but even the pair of long pointed ears disappeared, and the whole person turned into a middle-aged male human with a wrinkled face and a weakened figure.

"Absolutely." Lancelot gave a thumbs up, "It's almost as good as mine, and even made me involuntarily have the illusion that I need to report to the guard immediately."

"I took that as a compliment. How do we get in? Just walk in like that?"

"Of course not." Lancelot raised his arm towards the other party, "Grab my hand. Yes, that's it. Are you ready?"

The elf nodded, and in the next second, he felt a strong dizziness, as if the world was suddenly soaked in water, and the surrounding scenery flickered in a strange way.This strange state only lasted for a short moment, and when everything returned to normal, he found himself standing in the stables of the Wolf King's Embrace Hotel.

"This is... the flashing technique?" Soveris asked in shock, "Are you still a spellcaster?"

"That's it."

A strange but somewhat familiar female voice sounded in his ears, the elf turned his head, his eyes widened for a moment - what he was holding tightly in his hands was no longer a human knight, but an astonishingly beautiful woman : She has a head of black shiny, slightly curly long hair, her face is exquisite like some kind of art, and her body proportions are "exaggerated" on the basis of perfection, and a set of armor with only basic protective capabilities The metal armor made her look extra alluring.

Of course, Soveris did not ignore the horns on the opponent's head, the bat wings on the back and a whip-like tail.Though he had never seen it before, he knew immediately what it was—a succubus, a seductive fall from the lower planes, a demon born from one of mortal man's most primal desires.

"Have you seen enough..." Another female voice he was very familiar with rang out, "Is it really that beautiful?"

The elf's neck quickly turned to the side as if being kicked by someone, and looked at the source of the sound - behind the succubus that appeared out of thin air, stood two other beautiful figures, one of which he knew was Lancelot Jazz's sister, the vampire known as Little Isa, and the other...

The zombie princess poked her head out and stared blankly at the pair of perfect hemispheres on Lancelot's chest for a few seconds before letting out a sigh of surrender.

"Forget it, I don't blame you, it's really big..."

 Thanks to Chang Bo for the monthly ticket, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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