The knight in the abyss

Chapter 829 Come Again

Chapter 829 Come Again
"Ugh!" Soveris' old face turned red, "Your Highness Princess, how could you..."

"Where can I go as a zombie? I can only huddle with Her Highness Elizabeth, so I followed here together." Fran replied confidently, "Why, don't you want to see me?"

"Of course not!" The elf eagerly denied, "It's too late for me to be happy to see you..."

"Oh? Really?" Zombie Princess narrowed her eyes, "But if I didn't make a sound just now, you wouldn't even know that I was standing by the side..."

"That...that's because..."

Soveris couldn't go on talking. Among the three people in front of him, the succubus could be called a human character in terms of appearance and figure, and the little vampire with bat wings on his back and a pair of canine teeth at the corner of his mouth also had a different style. , in comparison, the gray-skinned zombie princess is really lacking in characteristics...

"Ahem!" Lancelow cleared his throat in embarrassment. Even he knew that silence would be fatal at this time, so he quickly interrupted the conversation between the two, which was getting more and more strange, "I'm just pretending. It's the effect of Transfiguration... let's go in, be careful, there's a smell in the air that I don't like..."

The stable is a simple hut located on the side of the hotel. In the two outer compartments, the corpses of two gray draft horses lie in a pool of congealed blood. The cause of death is an open wound on the neck. It didn't take long, and it was probably related to the skeleton soldiers who entered the hotel before.In addition to the blood spots splashed on the wooden wall, there were traces of recent fire. Lancelot was still wondering what kind of undead creatures had the ability to use flames, but suddenly realized that it would be impossible to leave These traces are none other than his bad-tempered mount.

Speaking of which, although I haven't seen the big black horse in the past two days, Lancelot, as a summoner, can still roughly sense the situation of the nightmare. His mount had been running north until it was stopped by the border of the Demon Realm. It seems that he has been going around in circles there, but the guy seems to be in a good mood from Lancelot's induction, and he doesn't know if he found a radish field or a mare that fell in love with him at first sight.

At the bottom of the stable, there is a small door directly connected to the interior of the hotel. At this moment, it is being opened and closed repeatedly under the action of the air current, making an ominous crashing sound.Lancelot held Frost Zhan, put his wings tightly against his back, carefully opened the door and walked in, while the rest of his companions also followed behind him.

They found themselves in a corridor in the back kitchen area. The chandelier on the ceiling was still casting a warm and relaxing yellow light around them, but the scene under the lamp made people shiver.On the floor of the not-so-spacious corridor, there was a thick, deep red bloodstain, as if someone had just dragged the ground with a mop soaked in blood.

However, on both sides of the thick bloodstain, there are still some blood-red handprints scattered, making people realize what it was that was dragged through the corridor just now.

One end of the bloodstain disappeared at the end of the corridor and passed the corner of the hall, and the other end turned into a door not far in front of everyone.The partners cautiously went to the door and looked inside, and found that in the room full of sundries, half a corpse wearing a maid's uniform was leaning on a pile of cabbages, facing everyone standing at the door.The limbs below the waist of the female corpse disappeared completely, and the wounds around the wound were bloody and bloody, but the strange thing was that the expression fixed on her face was not pain, but a kind of indifference that made the scalp tingle, as if she was dying in the face of death. Before death, there is neither pain nor fear of the fact that one is about to die.

"When the baroness hosted us, she was one of the two waiters." Lancelot's tone was a little heavy. "Even when she was alive, she had such a numb expression."

"There are many people in this land as well." Soveris explained softly, "When a person has experienced too many times of death and resurrection, he will become this state."

"Every soul is like a blank book when it is born, and all its experiences as a mortal will be recorded in the pages, and death will pollute the entire page like an overturned ink bottle, It can neither be used nor read, so when a soul has experienced too many deaths, this situation will appear, as if the soul has been worn out." Little Isa suddenly spoke, with a hint of aura in her voice. A special emotion, "This is why when the Lord of the Dead decides to reincarnate a soul, he will clear all the memory of that soul."

"I see." Lancelow nodded, "Little Isa, can you help me see if she has anything useful?"

Hearing this, the little vampire immediately stepped forward, searched the corpse quickly in a way that would not offend the deceased, and as expected received the goods: a key made of brass, although it was still stained with solidification. blood, but it's not hard to see its delicacy.

"Since there is a key, there must be a corresponding lock." Lancelot took the key from little Isa, and the green light flashed in his hand. If the filth on the surface disappeared in an instant, "Let's go, let's find the lock. come out."

A group of people filed out of the room and headed deeper along the corridor (and the blood on the floor).There are other rooms on both sides of the corridor, some with intact doors, others with obvious acts of violence, and in each of the doors that were forced open there was a broken body (or bodies) The dead body, blood splattered everywhere on the walls and ceiling, clearly telling everyone that a massacre just happened here.

After passing the last corner, everyone came to the lobby of the hotel.Lancelot still remembered the scene when they came here last time: well-dressed customers enjoyed exquisite meals and high-end drinks at tables and chairs, and exaggeratedly dressed minstrels played lute and sang Melody ballad.However, at this moment, it has completely changed into another scene: all the tables, chairs, bar counters, and wine cabinets have been smashed to pieces, and there are several chopped-up corpses in the corner.

And the biggest suspects in this scene, two skeleton knights wearing full-body plate armor, are standing among the pile of ruins, talking to each other with a rhythmic sound of bones hitting different parts.After hearing the footsteps of the crowd, they immediately took out their weapons vigilantly, and turned to look in the direction of the sound, but how could Lancelot miss this opportunity to attack?

In the succubus form, he slapped the wings behind him fiercely, and the whole person launched a charge like an arrow from the string. When the two skeleton knights just turned around, the succubus who held half the sword on his shoulder had It's about to hit them in the face.

 I feel a little uncomfortable after staying up late for the past few days, and I plan to take a good rest on the weekend, so the update for the next two days will be pigeonholed... Thanks to readers 1209804277895704576, rendragon, Huazhongjie, Xianmin, Yinseshanquan, and entropy. Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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