The knight in the abyss

Chapter 838 Death God's Plan

Chapter 838 Death God's Plan

"Don't be surprised by this, is there only one king in the world?" Kelemvor smiled relaxedly, "Many races and cultures have their own gods of death, some of which are my faces, and some are not, such as The Raven Queen that the shadow spirits believe in, and the Rose that the drow follow. In the known world, I am indeed the god of death recognized by the most mortals, but in the distant country outside the multiverse, who knows where? What kind of existence does it have?"

"Is that so..." Lancelow nodded, accepting this statement, after all, he has seen the existence from 'another universe', "But even if Peyton really became a god of death in the material plane, he His strength must be far inferior to yours, it should be a very easy task to eliminate him, right?"

"The battle between the gods is a completely different form. Our essence is closer to a 'concept', and you can't destroy the 'concept' with a sword." Kelemvor sighed, "Unless Another holy catastrophe, otherwise the only way to destroy a true god is to completely destroy his faith—usually in the form of killing all his followers.”

"Kill all the believers?" Lancelot took a breath, "Can't they convert their beliefs?"

"Of course, but the nature of belief determines that it is difficult to change under the influence of external forces, and it may even become more firm." Kelenvor's voice revealed a trace of imperceptible fatigue, "As the Lord of the Dead, maintain The order of death is my duty and obligation, and Peyton's actions left me no choice. However, if possible, I would prefer that the situation not develop to that point, I believe you think so, right?"

"Of course." Lancelot nodded earnestly, "Your Majesty Death, what do I need to do to prevent that from happening?"

"Religious wars naturally have the practice of religious wars." Kelemvor had a strange smile on his face, "Have you ever preached, Sir Lancelot?"

"Preaching?" Lancelot was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized, "You mean, to fight Peyton by spreading your beliefs?"

"Yes." Kelemvor nodded, "As long as most people have doubts about Peyton's statement, his attempt to become a god is doomed to be in vain."

"I see, and you are the real lord of the dead after all, and that lich is just a fake..." The expression on Lancelot's face became a little tangled, "But I... don't have any doubts about your teachings Ah, but I've never actually done anything like that..."

"Haha, you're not my believer, how could I let you be a missionary?" Kelemvor smiled and turned his head, "Leave that kind of thing to Miss Elizabeth, you just need to protect her safety."

"Huh?!" The little vampire who was concentrating on pouring tea was so frightened that he almost dropped the teapot in his hand, "Me?"

"That's right." Kelemvor smiled and nodded towards little Isa, "You understand all my teachings, and you can be said to be my only true believer in this land, and you also bear my blessing, Both to keep the dead from being disturbed by the lich's evil magic, and to free those restless souls, your mere presence can make Peyton Derek's false claims unbreakable."

"Wonderful!" Lancelot slapped his hands. "A cute vampire girl, facing off against an ugly and terrifying lich, I can tell with my toes which mortals will choose. I can't think of how to lose..."

"Uh..." It was God's turn to be dazed this time, "You say doesn't seem unreasonable..."

"Brother!" Little Isa kicked Lancelot lightly under the table, and at the same time bowed her head reverently to her god, "I will definitely live up to your expectations, my lord..."

"I don't have any worries about you, because what you are going to preach is my teaching, and I am sure that is what people really want." The Lord of the Dead showed a confident smile on his face, "As for Sir Lancelot , your task is also very simple, protecting Miss Elizabeth must not be difficult for you."

"Of course there's nothing wrong with ordinary little ones. If there are too many of them, even if I can't beat them, I'm confident I can run away..." Lancelot touched his nose in embarrassment, "But if... Peyton Derek Did you come in person? Your Majesty the God of Death, do you want to give me some special treasures, such as a magical ring, just click on the gemstone on it, and you will be able to teleport over immediately, and you will take it down for the evil Lich on the spot ..."


The smile on Kelemvor's face was a little stiff, and he just looked at Lancelot like this, and the scene fell into an awkward silence for a moment.

"...Can't you?" Lancelot curled his lips resentfully, "...I'll just ask, after all, this is a risk that cannot be ignored..."

"Unfortunately, I really don't have that ability now, and I can't be like your succubus lover..." The mask appeared on the face of the Lord of the Dead again, and the figure of the zombie princess Fran was walking from the side stairs. Out of the middle, the elf Soveris followed behind, with a thoughtful look on his face, "However, as I promised before, if any of you die in battle, you can be resurrected in this temple, and it will be considered lost." It doesn't matter about the corpse. When the Lich reacts, its plan to become a god will be completely bankrupt."

"Bankrupt?" Fran interjected curiously, "How did you do it?"

"I will spread Kelemvor's teachings to the world and let everyone know what the real Lord of the Dead is like, so that they won't believe that Peyton is a true god." Little Isa explained for her, "As long as everyone If you don’t believe it, Peyton will never be able to become a true god, we will use this method to destroy his plan.”

"Is that so..." Fran scratched her head in confusion, "But even if my dear brother fails to ascend to the gods, we can't beat him now? Could it be that failing to ascend to the gods will seriously weaken his strength? "

"Unfortunately, no." Kelemvor shook his head, "But until then, Peyton will focus most of his attention on me, trying to destroy this ancient temple..."

"But his army is all undead creatures. If you dare to attack your temple, it must be the same as a flock of sheep attacking a lion's lair..."

"During the catastrophe of the saints, some gods fell due to overestimation of their own strength, and I will not make the same mistake." Kelemvor stood up from his chair, "But at that time, you will have a chance Help restore the strength of a powerful ally who is more than capable of defeating the lich head-on..."


"Restore strength?"


Soveris, Fran, and Lancelot spoke in surprise at the same time, but the Grim Reaper, who had put on the mask again, didn't show any expression, just nodded calmly.

"Go back and talk to your white-haired half-elf companion, she should have figured it out..."

 Thanks to the black knight Chaos, the light blue 涙满, if you don’t update, hehehe, Aegon Targaryen, and several book friends who voted monthly, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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