The knight in the abyss

Chapter 839 Return to Chapter Luoya Town

Chapter 839 Returning to Raven Town

"Tanya?" Lancelot immediately put together the previous hints from the God of Death, "The Raven Queen?"

"The Raven Queen?" Soveris also asked in surprise, "Did he also enter this demon realm?"

"The Raven Queen has never left, but her strength is very scattered, and due to her own situation, she was unable to communicate effectively with believers, and losing contact with her main body made her almost dumb." The Lord of the Dead lightly Shaking his head lightly, "But I'm different. As a god, I can directly communicate with His essence, and I have reached an the basement of that tavern."

"The statue of the crow..." Soveris opened his mouth in shock, "My lord, when you say we agree, you mean..."

"Join hands to fight against the Lich, and end Peyton Derek's rule in this land." Kelemvor replied in an unusually calm tone, as if explaining an established fact.

"What about after that?" Soveris asked expectantly, "Can the curse on this land be lifted?"

"If you mean that the dead are constantly resurrected and can never rest in peace, then yes, that will not happen here anymore." Kelenvor nodded, "But if you mean the complete return of Derek Kingdom The material plane...Unfortunately, even if the border is temporarily opened due to the killing of the master of the demon domain, it will be closed again after a period of time. This land has been away from the material plane for too long, and has already acquired some completely different properties, like A drop of oil that cannot dissolve into water will be constantly repelled by the material plane."

"Is that so..." The elf's eyes showed a strong sense of loss, "...What about Your Highness Fran, King Teder and Queen Ushir?"

"The curse on them will be lifted after Peyton Derek is destroyed, and they will die immediately and go to the Obscure Land." Kelan Wo paused, "But as a reward for supporting our actions, I will allow them to be killed Resurrect the state before killing, and live the life you deserve as a mortal."

"Really?" Soveris looked at Fran in surprise, "Did you hear that, this is really great!"

"Hmph!" Zombie Princess turned her head to the side, "It's none of your business."

"I...I'm happy for you." The elf tried hard to suppress the smile on his face, "You will once again experience the joy of being a living person..."

"Happiness for the living?" Zombie Princess suddenly showed a smirk, "The dead can be happy too, do you want to experience it?"

"If... if it's you, it's not... you can't try..."

"Ahem!" Lancelot interrupted the increasingly strange conversation, "Well, let's talk about what we're going to do next... missionary work, where should we start?"

"Let's just go to Raven Town, the sooner the better." Soveris immediately picked up the conversation, "The Lich made that incident last night, I am afraid that many people in the tribe have already shaken their hearts..."

"Yes." Kelemvor nodded, then turned to look at the nervous little Isa, "Remember, as long as people know my existence and teachings, there is no need to force their beliefs."

"Obey, my lord." The little vampire bowed to the god of death with a concentrated expression, "I will definitely do my best."

"Bless you, my child."

"Okay, then let's get on the road." Lancelow took out the transformation ring again, "Goodbye, Lord Kelemvor."

"Goodbye and good luck."

"...Well, wait a minute..."

"What's the matter, Soveris? Do you have any questions?"

"No, no, what I want to say is that I still have feathers that can turn into ravens... Do you need it?"

"...Ahahaha, of course, of course, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You didn't ask, didn't you..."


When the group of four saw the towering tower of Raven Town again, the sky had already begun to light up slightly, and this fortress that seemed to be forgotten in the forest seemed not to have fallen asleep at all—there were lit torches everywhere, and the people three Five groups gathered together, as if they were afraid of being alone in the dark. Even if they only looked down from a high altitude, Lancelow could easily feel the fragility and panic of the fortress at the moment.

Soveris never said that he was the leader of Raven Town, and his clansmen never seemed to show an attitude towards a leader, but in the past few hours, the arak people finally realized that Soveris Therefore, when the figure of the elf appeared again, he was immediately surrounded by a large number of tribesmen, and the scene was like a drop of honey dripping in an ant's nest.

"Old black bird, you are finally here!"

"If old Chap and Herara hadn't seen you leave, we'd have thought you were dead..."

"Is Peyton Derek really a god?"

"Soveris, what are we going to do?"

"Be quiet, everyone, and listen to me!" The elf stood on a wooden table next to her and said in a loud voice, "First of all, I want to formally introduce two new friends to you, this is Fran Her Royal Highness Princess Derek, the daughter of the former King Tedel, was murdered by Peyton, who had not yet become a Lich, hundreds of years ago. Her soul was trapped in her dead body and could not rest in peace, and she was imprisoned in the Gachituk Mountains In an ancient Melkor temple, it was not rescued by this Sir Lancelot until not long ago..."

"Many of you may remember the turbulent years of more than 100 years ago, and some of you may have heard Kelemvor's name, knowing that in the 'outside' world, He has become the new Lord of the Dead, and this Miss Elizabeth is one of the voters of Kelemvor, the current Lord of the Dead. Peyton claims that he is a true god who controls death and the dead? Hehe..."

Soveris took a deep breath, and shouted at his loudest volume:
"He's lying!"

Lancelot keenly sensed that at the same time the elf said those words, something he hadn't noticed before but that had been hanging over Raven Town suddenly disappeared, like a popped bubble.

"Come on, Miss Elizabeth, come up and tell everyone what the real Lord of the Dead is like!" The elf stretched out his hand to the little girl, "As long as you know the truth, no matter what methods Peyton uses, no one will believe him." nonsense!"

Everyone's eyes focused on little Isa, and the invisible sight seemed to be real, and the little girl took several steps back.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." A firm, warm hand patted her back, "Just repeat what you said to us before, you'll be fine."


Little Isa nodded heavily, only to feel that her heart was filled with strength.She gently held the hand extended by the elf, and stood on the high platform in one step.

"People come into this world by birth and leave by death. Death is not only a necessary part of the cycle of life, it is a right that every human being is born with..."

 Thank you brother Xiao for your reward, and thank you for the monthly tickets voted by the book friends of Light Blue, Nanshan Yue, and Dajian Fan. Happy weekend everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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