The knight in the abyss

Chapter 845 The ending is doomed

Chapter 845 The ending is doomed
Necromancy is a kind of taboo in most parts of the multiverse, and many civilizations even prohibit any form of research. Orderly Potential—Necromancers can get a group of soldiers who are absolutely loyal, capable, and hardworking with just a wave of their hands.And, as long as the army kills more enemies than it loses, it can grow like a tumor, eventually becoming a means for evil spellcasters to blackmail the civilized world.

Of course, there are far more threats than necromancers in the world, but only necromancers, even an apprentice who stole the teacher's notes, can cause such trouble on their own.Commanding a legion is far more complicated than people think. It involves salary, officers, logistics, leadership and other aspects. It is very difficult just to maintain it from self-destruction.But none of these problems exist for undead soldiers, who don't complain about unpalatable meals, demand promotions, leave work on time and paid time off, and most importantly, don't question any orders from their leaders.

Lancelot knew very well that it would be very difficult for an army composed of living people to continue advancing under such a terrifying rain of arrows. Even Barthez, who has iron-like military discipline, could not be unshakable, but for these skeletons and zombies As far as the army is concerned, there is no concept of morale at all.They stepped onto the bodies of their companions without hesitation, and were soon trampled by other companions. In less than 5 minutes, the undead army walked a thousand feet away from the deadly arrow rain and arrived at the Falling Crow. under the town walls.

Of course, the undead did not carry any siege equipment such as ladders or grapples. Their only tools were their own hands, and they climbed clumsily but resolutely to the top of the city wall.The defenders on the city wall gave up their longbows and drew out their melee weapons to stand ready.Brutal kept throwing his magic hammer at first, but he had to stop when the enemy approached - it took time for the hammer to fly back, and he had to be free to catch it, otherwise I had no choice but to pick up the hammer by myself.

In the dwarf's vision, a bone hand grasped the edge of the battlements, and the hammer swung out like lightning, just like he would do every day when he was an apprentice blacksmith.The warhammer easily crushed all the phalanxes, and the skeleton immediately fell downwards, taking several other enemies into the air.There was a happy smile on the corner of Brutal's mouth, but the smile froze quickly, the reason was simple: more claws appeared on the edge of the city wall, and the fastest enemy even pulled up half of his body, without The fleshy skull roared horribly at the dwarf.

There were too many enemies, and the defenders quickly lost control of the edge of the city wall, and fought hand-to-hand with the enemies who climbed up.

Lancelot and six of his companions guarded a [-]-foot-wide city wall together, while he alone controlled an area close to [-] feet--human knights did not use the faster and more precise Frost Slash, but It chose the glacier with a larger attack range.Even with physical strength alone, he can dance the outrageously sized greatsword into a storm without the physicality of the enemy slowing his weapon down.

Apart from Lancelot, the situation of the other partners is also surprisingly good: Barend's battle ax can always hit the most vulnerable part of the enemy's body, and Aramiel's mace can knock down an enemy with one blow; As for Brutal and Tanya, let alone, although they are not as exaggerated as Lancelot, they are still close to the state of adults beating children; Push away the enemies that are too close, and then throw a flame arrow from the palm, blowing the enemies to pieces.

Lancelow couldn't help wondering for a while, what's going on with the big guy, why did he just sleep and his strength improved by leaps and bounds?But soon, the occasional golden light made him understand why: Kelemvor's emblem gave the bearer a certain advantage in fighting undead creatures.At that time, Kelenvor gave one to the members of the adventure team, except for Lancelot himself-the Lord of the Dead thought that his strength was strong enough and he didn't need such a gadget.

Of course the gods are right, but besides Lancelot, there are many people here who need that kind of thing.

Although they still retain some fighting instincts, most low-level undead creatures have limited combat power, roughly at the level of goblins.Some of the trickiest ones are zombies, their speed is slower than skeletons, but the skin and flesh still wrapped around the bones give them a quality called undead tenacity, which is very difficult to kill, you must hit it hard enough The attack can make them quiet.

The number of zombies in the undead army attacking Raven Town was not large, but it was enough to cause enough trouble for the townspeople.Just as Soveris asked, each of the remaining fighters is an elite, but as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Under the huge difference in numbers, the defenders gradually fell into a disadvantage: they were divided into one A group of two or three people, facing the surrounding enemies back to back, is like a few abrupt reefs on the coast, which seem to be submerged by the rising tide at any time, and it is no wonder that the Lich lost less than [-]% of its troops. He can look confident and sure of winning, because according to the current situation, this ancient fortress is already in his pocket.

Although the defenders were still holding on with all their strength, as their physical strength declined, the screams of living people became more and more frequent, and casualties began to appear rapidly.A human warrior raised his shield a little slower, and in the next second his right hand holding the sword was cut off by the wrist; another half-elf ranger was forced to the edge of the city wall even though he blocked every attack of the enemy. On the edge, if one accidentally stepped, the whole person screamed and fell down.

There are even more people who have exposed their flaws under the increasingly intensive attacks, and new wounds are constantly added to their bodies. Although because of the excitement of the battle, they don't feel pain for a while, but as time goes by , Their lives will continue to be lost, and once they reach a certain critical point, they will suddenly fall down like a deflated rubber ball.

Although Lancelow himself is not under much pressure, he has been paying attention to the surrounding battle situation and is very clear about the overall situation.Even though he knew that the ending was doomed, he still planned to do something to prolong the process as long as possible.

At this moment, Lancelot keenly caught the sound of dense wings beating. He turned his head and looked up, and found a large group of ravens in the sky, flying towards this side rapidly, and the nearest ones had already started Under the action of gravity, the speed is getting faster and faster.

The raven's posture seemed a little weird, it was completely subconscious, Lancelot mobilized a little essence to focus on his eyes, and thus he could clearly see the reason for that weird posture - every bird had claws in its claws A fist-sized spherical object, at first glance, looks like it is holding its own bird's egg.

 Thank you Happy Sheep for voting for the monthly ticket. Happy weekend everyone!Sleep in tomorrow slightly!

(End of this chapter)

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