The knight in the abyss

Chapter 846 The unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box

Chapter 846 The unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box
The crows swooped down from the sky at a steep angle, let go of their claws about a hundred feet above the ground, and released the balls they had been holding just now—of course, they were not their eggs, but individual eggs. hard rock.

Even though he knew that these black birds were friendly troops, Lancelot couldn't help shrinking his neck. God knows how accurate those ravens are.However, it turned out that his worry was unnecessary. Although the closest distance was less than three feet above his head, all the stones fell outside the city wall, which was crowded with skeletons and zombies.

These falling rocks wreaked havoc on the enemy horde—under the combined action of the dive and gravity, the rocks acquired astonishing kinetic energy, each one as powerful as a dwarf's throwing hammer.In the area swept by the falling rocks, none of the undead soldiers could keep standing, and each of them shattered to the ground like a plate that fell on the ground.

The area extending a hundred feet from the city wall was the area bombed by the crows, and the pressure on the defenders suddenly eased, because no new enemies appeared near the city wall.Of course, this was only temporary, as enemies farther away were rushing across the battlefield, but the defenders still gained a little respite, allowing them to simply bandage their wounds, or take out a bottle of healing potion and drink it.

The lich, who was calm and composed just now, couldn't sit still. He stood up from his strangely shaped throne of bones, waved his hands in the air, and shot out several red rays of light from his withered fingertips.The light gradually became thicker as it extended forward, sweeping across the sky like a lighthouse by the coast, and the crows that were illuminated by the light would be instantly ignited, and would burn to a mass of ashes in less than a second.

The power of the Lich's spell was too great, and the crows screamed and scattered to avoid a bigger blow.Lancelot knew that he couldn't count on these birds anymore. If they swooped in groups like just now, the Lich, who had already been prepared, might be able to wipe out all the crows. After all, for the caster, there was nothing like a Large groups of enemies packed together are better targets.

The endless army of undead came again like a tide, and in less than half a minute, they rushed under the city wall of Luocrow Town again.Peyton Derek sat back again with some displeasure, convinced that there would be no other problems for him to take action.

But that is of course impossible.

Ten minutes later, the defenders fell into a precarious situation again, and this time it was not Lancelot's turn to make a move—as a priest in the field of life, Alamir was an expert in dealing with these undead creatures.He deliberately stayed away from his companions, walked to the most concentrated area of ​​enemies, and then activated the priest's unique ability to channel divine power.

"In the name of the fire-haired lady!!" Aramir held up his shield with the god's emblem painted on it high, "Go back to your graves!"

Sune may not be able to know the status of her favorite agent in the Demon Realm, but when Aramir called for divine power, Lady Firefare responded without hesitation.A special portal opened in Elf Priest Er's body. The surging divine energy erupted around him, and all the undead within a thirty-foot radius fell to the ground in an instant. The divine power from the priest dispelled the negative energy in their bodies, and It was that energy that animated their dead bodies.

Channeling divine power can last for 1 minute. During this period, low-level undead can't get close at all. The elf priest simply didn't do anything, and started casting another rather complicated spell on the spot.

"Oops!" Lancelow's heart tightened, "Let's go and cover him!"

Lancelot dragged at the end of the team, covering the other companions and quickly ran towards Alamer.The fear of the human knight is not unreasonable. After the eye-catching divine power attack, the elf priest has become the focus of the audience. At this moment, there is no enemy within sixty feet. It is hard not to be Peyton Derek object of concern.

However, the lich is still a little too far away from them at the moment, far beyond the casting distance of ordinary magic. Unless there is another meteorite bombardment like before, it is difficult for any spell to directly attack Aramiel.Fortunately, the Lich didn't seem to have prepared that spell today, but just furiously issued an order for his bearers to start heading towards the walls of Ravenfall.

Lancelot couldn't help trembling slightly in his heart. Everyone knew very well that when the Lich joined the battle, the story was about to end.Of course, we can’t blame the elf priest for provoking the other party. The situation at that time was already very critical. Even if Alamel didn’t make a move, Lancelow would make a big move to save the crisis. Peyton Derek would still not continue to sit on the watch Army gets respite.

But at this moment, Lancelot suddenly sensed a familiar aura. He turned his head and saw a black horse with four hooves burning with flames rushing over from the edge of the battlefield, except for his missing Nightmare horse. Mount, who else could it be?

The big black horse roared at Lancelot. Although the latter didn't understand horse language, he still understood the other party's meaning: jump up and run!
"Thank you, old man." Lancelot tilted his head and rubbed against Nightmare's neck, "but it's not time to withdraw yet..."

"See and see the power of the true God!!!" Alamir shouted loudly, with red blood and tears streaming down his eyes, "I am calling here, come out! The dawn that ends the night, and the light that dispels the darkness!"

Before the lich was close enough to cast the spell, the elven priest finished his spell first.About [-] feet away in front of everyone, a circular beam of light with a radius of about [-] feet descended from the sky.That is the unique skill of Aramiel's bottom of the box, the five-ring magic called dawn, which was also used on the way to the volcano castle before.The battle situation at that time was also very tense, and the mercenaries' front line was crumbling under the continuous attack of the devil's ambush troops. It was thanks to this magic that they were able to stabilize the front line, but Aramiel now had only one goal: to kill and injure the enemy as much as possible.

The damage that the beam of light can do is actually not too high, but it is not something that low-level undead creatures such as skeletons and zombies can bear.Different from the principle of channeling divine power, this divine technique creates radiant damage that overloads the target's body and mind. It has a natural restraint effect on undead creatures, but the most important point is that this beam of light can be moved.

The huge beam of light was like a mop sweeping the floor, and all the ghosts and monsters it passed were bone meal, which made the defenders on the city wall uncontrollably cheer.But at the same time, Lancelot's nerves were tense in an instant, because he was very sure that the Lich's attack would come at any time, but he didn't know what form it would be in?
 Thanks to sp Xuanguang, book friends 20180105154308640, Terry00001 for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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