Chapter 847
Since Aramir's divine spell blocked the line of sight, Lancelot focused his attention on the sky, beware of sudden rays, missiles, meteorites, or other forms of magical attacks, but the Lich's counterattack was completely out of control. It was beyond his expectation—the ground suddenly began to shake violently, and it seemed that what everyone was standing on was no longer a solid city wall, but the deck of a small boat in the storm.

All living things on the walls, including Lancelot, were thrown to the ground, but that was not the worst: the ground itself groaned in agony under the torment of the spell, and the roads were ten feet wide. The crack appeared out of thin air, and the city wall above was broken from it.In an instant, several figures fell into the crack, and a few lucky ones flew out as crows at the last moment, but most of them just disappeared without a trace.

Luckily for Lancelot and his companions, the part of the city wall they were on was still intact, and they all grabbed a certain bump or depression to fix themselves in place - the only exceptions were Lancelot himself and the big black horse , the former straightened his upper body, his feet were firmly attached to the ground like magnets, while the latter's four hooves stepped on alternately in a strange rhythm, it looked like a person with excellent water ability could use only his feet Standing in the water, it exhibits agility that far exceeds that of the biped creatures around it.

Naturally, it was impossible for Aramir to maintain concentration in casting spells in this state, and the beam of light created by divine magic completely dissipated, revealing the Lich casting spells not far away and the army of undead beside it.The earthquake is the same for both sides, and the Lich's army is also inaccessible, but when the magic is over, the fortifications that the defenders rely on will also be completely destroyed.

The hasty bell rang from the tall tower behind, along with Soveris' anxious shout:

"Everyone, evacuate! Evacuate!! Evacuate!!! Get out of that damn place!"

It's not easy to do the transformation on violently shaking ground, but everyone knows that the battle is over and it's time to let go.Brutal reluctantly took out the black feather for transformation from his pocket, ready to activate the magic contained in it, but Lancelot's demeanor made him stop.

"Brother, what do you want to do?" The dwarf almost tried his best not to be drowned by the surrounding noise, "Don't mess around!"

'You go first. Lancelot's voice clearly appeared in everyone's ears, and his eyes were fixed on the lich figure in the distance, "I'm going to... give it a try. '

"try what?"

'General. '

Lancelot's voice was still echoing in everyone's ears, his body jumped up like a petal blown by the wind, and instantly landed on the back of Nightmare who was jumping left and right on the spot as light as nothing.I saw that he immediately sat firmly, and then reached into the dimension bag at his waist, and pulled out an extremely exquisite blue sword with a soft shimmering light.Feng'er also seemed to stop flowing the moment the sword appeared, and a cold and resolute female voice sounded in the hearts of everyone around:

'If evil is rampant, judgment will surely come! '

All eyes were on the sword, only a few partners around Lancelot noticed that a small bat was lying on the end of the hilt, as if it was a part of the sword itself—but the partners It was clear to everyone that it was by no means a decoration.

The big black horse, who was connected with its owner, let out a roar of excitement, and in the next second, it carried Lancelot and jumped off the edge of the high city wall.A miraculous scene appeared, the magic horse with the blood of the demon did not fall, its flaming hooves stepped directly into the air, as if there was an invisible long bridge under its feet, allowing it to run wildly, and The knight riding on it held up the sword in his hand and pointed it at the Lich who was still in the state of continuous casting.

Exclamations resounded from every corner of the battlefield, whether it was the birds flying in the sky or the townspeople still on the ground, everyone's eyes were attracted by the figure that was quickly going away.Although they were afraid that their hopes would fail again, they still couldn't help but fantasize in their hearts that the human knight who had repeatedly brought them "surprises" might really be able to perform miracles again?
Lancelot, who was charging at full speed, naturally didn't care what the audience thought, and all his attention was on Peyton Derek.Of course, the reason he did this was not stupid solitary courage, nor desperate despair. With his vision far beyond ordinary people, he noticed a phenomenon in the chaos: when the lich was casting a spell, its head was raised high, His whole body was shaking violently, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Lancelow is not ignorant of the principles of magic. He knows that the Lich is trying his best to guide the terrifying energy through his body. During the continuous casting, he will temporarily lose his perception of the surrounding environment, and he believes that this It's an opportunity worth taking.The villain in him tried to object, warning him that he should only bet heavily when he was [-]% sure, but this time the knight villain won the argument.

The undead soldiers along the road were still waiting for the orders given by the Lich before casting the earthquake spell. Because they lacked the ability to think independently, they did not take the initiative to stop the human knights.Theoretically speaking, undead creatures without self-awareness will still attack when they sense the breath of living creatures or when they are threatened, but the sprinting speed of the nightmare horse is too fast. When it rushes to the undead army formation In the middle, the limit speed of hundreds of feet per second has been reached, and there is no time for the enemy to react at all.

One person, one ride is like a small boat pushed into the water. In the sea of ​​zombies and skeletons, a white wave of bone is forcibly knocked out.It seems that the formation of the enemy army is not particularly dense, plus the monster-like muscles of the big black horse that was strengthened by Lancelot with the abyss aura before, their speed has not weakened, on the contrary, they are going straight to the Lich with an even more astonishing momentum .

When the distance was only the last hundred feet, Lancelot activated his final killer weapon - in a burst of smoke and flames like a volcanic eruption, the human knight transformed into a huge Ballow, and he The nightmare under his crotch and the sword of Zariel in his hand also changed in size.Not only that, he also opened the obsidian box containing the magic stone to ensure that the target had no chance of turning back.

In Lancelot's eyes, everything around him seemed to slow down, and he could clearly see the Lich slowly opening his eyes, the tawny eyes were full of unprepared shock.But Lancelot knew very well that it was too late for the other party to do anything - except to watch the beautiful sword approaching and finally piercing the bridge of his nose between his eyes.

 Thanks to Aegon Targaryen for the reward, and thanks to Yuzao Miaowu, book friend 15122011933409, Black Knight Chaos, Yuanwu, and sp Xuanguang for their monthly votes. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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