The knight in the abyss

Chapter 875 The Furious Dwarf

Chapter 875 The Furious Dwarf

The undead knights glanced at each other (another evidence that they have self-awareness), and did not come to besiege the dwarf without thinking, but only separated two to deal with him, one stayed in place to guard, and the remaining two Then he walked towards the rest of his companions.

Brutal's heart sank, his provocation obviously didn't work again, the enemy was much more cunning than he imagined.At the same time, he also felt a sense of humiliation of being underestimated. Why does the enemy think that two people can deal with him?Humiliation quickly turned to anger, and the dwarf in his berserk state didn't want to waste time thinking, he just wanted to make his enemies pay for that slight.

Brutal charged again, like a wild boar with its rear on fire.His target raised the heavy giant sword high in advance, and decisively drew out the sword after seeing the timing, but the result was not quite as expected by the undead knight—Brutal straightened his upper body on purpose when he charged, and at the same time Just before the contact, the center of gravity was suddenly lowered, causing the enemy to make a slight error in the timing of the attack, so that the blade that would have been cut on the dwarf's shoulder finally hit the shield behind him.

Maybe the talisman that Kelemvor had given him played a role too, who knows?

However, the sword still hit Brutal after all. Although the blade didn't touch the dwarf's skin, the power of the sword was completely transmitted to him.Brutal let out a muffled groan, and blood mist sprayed out from between his clenched teeth. Obviously he was still injured, but this injury was done on his own initiative—the next second, the dwarf's shoulder slammed It hit the opponent's abdomen, even though it was a skeleton knight strengthened by necromantic magic, it was still thrown upside down.

That's what Bruto wanted, he knew he couldn't jump around like a monkey anymore, and he was willing to pay something to hit the enemy, as long as he did more damage than he took.The arm swing after the shoulder collision was a continuous movement. Before the opponent landed, his warhammer hit again, creating a muffled sound on the opponent's breastplate that made the hair stand on end.

But the other enemy did not stand idly by. Just as Brutal was about to pursue him, he heard a sharp sound of breaking wind.Completely instinctive, the dwarf turned around and swung a hammer, which collided fiercely with a battle axe.

In fierce battles, some unexpected events often occur: at such a critical moment, the enemy's ax blade was shattered in this duel, and one of the sharp fragments was deeply stuck in the left side of the dwarf. The part of the arm that is not protected by armor.A large amount of blood shot out of it like a fountain, but Brutal still didn't say a word. The warhammer made half a circle in the air and smashed towards the enemy again, seemingly completely unaffected.

However, it was just that the berserk state suppressed his pain perception. The dwarf's attack was much weaker than the one just now. Although it still hit the enemy's chest, the opponent only took a few steps back and did not attack. He was knocked down, and the enemy who had already fallen stood up again holding his giant sword, and wobbly raised his sword to strike at the dwarf.

Brutal could choose to turn around to parry the attack, but he repeated the trick just now - leaving the shield behind his back to the enemy, and he went after the enemy in front of him with all his strength.

But this time, his shield was a little overwhelmed.

There was only a clattering sound, and the dwarf's shield was split in half from the middle, and it had been completely destroyed, but since it did not pose a fatal threat, the dwarf who was in a frenzy didn't know anything about it.He put all his energy into chasing the enemy. The attack that failed to knock down the opponent just now stimulated him, making him swing his warhammer at a faster speed—the enemy's left arm, Left shoulder, right arm, right leg...Under the effect of the acceleration technique, Brutal exploded with a speed beyond the limit, and made four attacks in just two breaths, and there was only a half of his hand left. The undead knight with the short stick couldn't make any effective defense at all, and his body was almost deformed by the dwarves. It would definitely be impossible to replace it with a living person.

However, it is not a living person, nor does it feel pain. Under the stormy attack of the dwarves, it controlled its body very calmly, avoiding the vital part, that is, its head, from being smashed by the powerful war hammer arrive.

And not far away, the rest of the partners also fell into a hard fight.Tanya fought against an undead knight alone, and seemed to be slightly at a disadvantage, while Aramir and Barend worked together to deal with another enemy. Although it was two against one, they were completely suppressed If the old dwarf hadn't been covering the elf priest from time to time to cast healing spells, maybe one of the two would have fallen.

The last one with melee ability is Little Isa, but she is not very suitable for this kind of frontal combat situation, and Kara Lin also needs protection.In addition, the little girl also has another important responsibility—once the situation becomes untenable, she is responsible for calling out the rescuers.

In the middle of the battlefield, the undead knight who hadn't participated in the battle seemed to have finally made a decision, planning to kill the dwarf who threatened the most first.It gently pulled out its black long sword, and stabbed at Brutal's back. The whole process was very quiet, without making a sound, and the dwarf who fell into a frenzy knew nothing about the coming attack.

At this moment, an arrow flying from nowhere hit the black blade, deflecting the long sword and making a sound that alerted the dwarf.Driven by instinct, Brutal sideways in time, dodging the sudden attack, but he didn't realize that someone had saved his life.

The next moment, dozens of strange gray figures rushed out from the woodland, and went straight to the undead warriors who besieged everyone.Their naked skin is as hard as a rock, and only a small amount of blood oozes out of their sharp blades, as if they are corpses that have been drained of blood; at the same time, they are surprisingly powerful, and they can tear zombies blocking their way to pieces with bare hands. Two halves, it's just that there is a subtle sense of incongruity in that movement.

"Who?!" The baroness was frightened and angry, she turned her head and searched around, "How dare you destroy..."

There was already an electric light in her hand, and she was about to throw it at the enemy immediately, but when she really found the target, she suddenly froze in place - a beautiful woman holding a longbow, standing dozens of Looking at herself from a foot away, she has a pair of charming, emerald green eyes... and hair that ends with a hideous snake's head.

The mage felt a strange tingling in her extremities, and she knew exactly what that meant: it was a sign that the petrification was starting to take effect.

 Thanks to the two book friends Xiao L and Fei Yang for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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