The knight in the abyss

Chapter 876 Invalid spell casting

Chapter 876 Invalid Spellcasting (Changed)
The one who suddenly intervened in the battle was none other than Medusa who had crossed paths with Lancelot and his party many times, and those strange figures with gray and white skin were the petrified flesh and blood puppets they had seen before.The gaze of the Gorgon is an extremely powerful natural magic-like ability. As long as the two parties directly look at each other, it will take effect immediately, turning the living person into a statue, including all the equipment on the target.

However, this ability also has very clear limitations: first of all, there must be a direct eye contact to take effect, and nothing will happen if you see other parts of Medusa's body, so unless you are being raided, experienced adventurers know not to go Look at Medusa's upper body to avoid accidental eye contact.Another limitation is that petrification is not an instant effect, depending on the physique of the target, it may take tens of seconds or even several minutes to complete completely (although Medusa does not need to keep staring at the target during this period).

Petrification is not an irreversible effect. The gastric juice of a petrified lizard can make a kind of ointment to help petrified creatures recover. In addition, from facing Medusa to complete petrification, you can also use magic such as advanced restoration to stop this effect. One effect, and that's what Baroness Giselle Ndiari was about to do now.

In fact, the female aristocrat wore a precious magic storage ring on her finger, which contained a prepared high-level restoration technique.She pressed the ring to her lips, and softly said the trigger word to activate the ring:
"Protect me, my love."

Nothing happened.

The face of the baroness, who was quite calm at first, changed suddenly, and she repeated the same action again, but nothing happened, which made her emotionally collapse suddenly.

"Peyton Derek!!!" She took off the ring and fell to the ground fiercely, "How dare you lie to me!"

Despite being extremely angry, the Baroness immediately began to cast spells, intending to leave this chaotic battlefield and go to a place where she felt safe, so as to deal with the petrification effect that was spreading on her body.Strange things happened again, her magic still didn't work, it was like someone trying to ignite a soggy straw, no matter how hard she tried, no flame could come out.

At this time, with the help of the 'reinforcement', the partners had already dealt with the besieged enemies, and Brutal also ended his berserk state.The dwarf felt a burst of intense fatigue, which was the sequelae of continuous berserk, but he still pulled himself together and prepared to charge towards the witch.

This time, not only Aramir, but even Karalin and Tanya rushed forward together, holding Brutal firmly in place.

"It's dead, go away!" The dwarf slapped the ground and asked his companion in confusion, "What are you doing?"

"Think about what happened to Lancelot before!" Karaline, who was lying on the top, shouted down, "Be careful of the chain accident, don't touch her! The petrification is about to be completed!"

"Is that so..." Brutal rolled his eyes, "Go down quickly! I'm going to be crushed to death by you..."

The companions guessed right, and their conversation drove Gisele Ndiari into complete despair.She was still trying desperately to cast the spell, but the incantations and gestures were so out of shape that she couldn't have succeeded even without any supernatural interference.At a certain moment, the petrification effect was like a flood flooding over the embankment, submerging the baroness at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning her into a terrified, bewildered, and at the same time lifelike stone statue.

However, everyone was not sure whether the battle was over. They stood shoulder to shoulder with one eye on the fleshy golems made of petrified corpse parts, and the other on Medusa's feet. Be wary of any actions of the other side - the last time the two sides met, and the last time they met was not very pleasant. Although it seems that Medusa helped them just now, maybe she just got rid of another enemy of her own, and then dealt with this group outlander.

Medusa walked to the stone statue transformed into the baroness with easy steps, and looked at the cursed power in her body with satisfaction.

"Dear Giselle, you must have never expected the ending to be like this, heh heh..." The Gorgon let out an evil and presumptuous laugh, and then said as if talking to herself, "Come out , Little Killer, I know you are on the side, you should be able to see that I am not hostile now."

Even Brutal could hear who he was referring to, and he realized at the same time that one of his companions had long since disappeared.

"what do you want to do?"

The cold girl's voice sounded, and little Isa came out from the shadow behind the statue, holding a dagger in one hand, while the other hand was behind her back, so that other companions could clearly see what she was holding in her hand ——An opened obsidian box, which contained nothing but the forbidden magic stone that Lancelot had given her before.

As a rogue, you don't always need to help your companions by joining battles—a truth that young Isa always remembers.

"A truce." Medusa said in as friendly a tone as possible, "I think I have proved my sincerity."

"..." The vampire was silent for a while, then slowly retreated to his companion, "You can raise your heads now, Medusa is not in danger now."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, but when they really raised their heads, they immediately knew the reason—Medusa had a pair of dark glasses on her nose at the moment, which just blocked her deadly gaze.

"Meet you again, Mrs. Kesme." Aramir bowed politely to the other party, "We didn't meet very well last time, it's a pity, is there anything I can do for you now, madam ?”

Seeing that Aramiel had already spoken, everyone shut their mouths obediently. No one is better at dealing with women than this Sune priest, even if the other party is a monster who will bite you when kissing.

"I'm afraid not." Medusa shook her head, "I'm looking for that knight, Lancelot... Where is he? I want to see him."

"Ah, our distinguished friend may be a bit inconvenient right now." Aramiel smiled slightly, "Maybe you can tell me what I need to do with him first?"

"I'll just talk to him, and I can wait." Medusa folded her hands on her chest, "If you guessed right, he made this weird giant tree, right? It's so ugly... Wait, why is it still there? grow?"

Alamel turned her head, and was surprised to find that the vines produced by Lancelot had grown to the size of a small fortress, and dozens of bucket-thick 'roots' had grown out of the 'canopy', directly pricking the The black lake water, and the water level of the lake has dropped significantly. Compared with just now, the boundary of the lake has receded by more than [-] feet, and it is still shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

 Note: There is controversy about whether the magic stone (and ordinary dispelling magic) can relieve Medusa's petrification effect. Here I will serve the plot with the rules, and everyone will have fun and it will be over.

  Thanks to fat cabbage caterpillar, Yemo, Beichuan Changbai, ukazul, sp Xuanguang, f142857ra, book friend 150612100255137 for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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