The knight in the abyss

Chapter 901 The last moment

Chapter 901 Last minute

"What I am most concerned about is Tijana's experience, and the reason you are here is probably related to this." Lancelot said with a sinking face, "I guess I won't like what you are going to say next , but come on, I'm ready."

The gray dwarf stared at Lancelow scrutinizingly, as if he wanted to find evidence of shaking from the eyes of the human knight, but Lancelow didn't let him do so.After about three heartbeats, the former commander of the Dwarf Legion looked away and continued:

"Sometimes, I wonder if our hostess has grown balls, otherwise, how could she have such courage. Facing Grazte, I have to admit, just seeing that dark figure, I would There was a strong urge to escape, and all the strength that supported me to continue standing there was the figure of our hostess in sight. She did not escape, but chose to face the flame-shaped giant on the top of her own castle. The dark lord of the sword."

"Tijana is not only a powerful spellcaster, but also an excellent fighter." Lancelot nodded. "In that case, defeating Graz'zt is the only way to win."

"Oh, of course, but that's impossible." Todak Shidun shrugged. Each attack would unleash a stream of acid that corroded our mistress' sword, shield, armor, and flesh, pinning her down helplessly. After only three rounds, the end of the battle was obvious, but our The hostess persisted for about a minute before deciding to give up."

"Give up?" Lancelot frowned, "What does that mean?"

"She put away her weapon, flapped her wings and flew into the air. I have to admit, for a moment, I was very disappointed because I was sure she was going to run away. Graz'zt obviously thought so too, it didn't catch up, just sneered Stand there, because as soon as our mistress is gone, the battle will be over and Twinbridge will be in his possession...and so will we."

Within each temple of Moradin is a forge that will burn forever as long as the temple is not abandoned.The temple was originally filled with the whispers of the dwarves, but it was very quiet at the moment, only the flames in the forge were still crackling, as if even the dwarf god was listening.

"Our mistress flew into the air, looking down at her shattered domains, with an expression on her face that was far from defeated. 'You have beaten me, Graz'zt,' she spoke, a voice as loud as summer thunder , 'But you'll get nothing but ruins!'”

"The next second, silver flames started to burn all over her body, and a weird sun seemed to appear in the sky. People began to emit blue light, and then disappeared one by one. Soon, mine also appeared. The blue light came on, followed by a strong dizziness, as if the whole world was revolving around me. The next second, I found myself lying on the floor of this temple, right where I was standing now, surrounded by Panicked dwarves."

"Silver flame?" Lancelot opened his eyes wide, and turned to look at Mystra's favored one. "I heard you mention it before, but it wasn't..."

"Silver fire is indeed a symbol of the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic, but silver fire is more like a weapon to them than a kind of... fuel." Kara Lin looked very serious, "I once read an ancient book from the Nesser era. I read that when a sorcerer ignites the primordial magic contained in his soul, a silver flame also appears..."

"Ignite the soul?" Lancelot was taken aback, "What's the use of doing this?"

"This will greatly improve the magician's spellcasting ability in a short period of time, allowing her to achieve various spell effects with just her mind, even reaching the level of a god. In fact, except for this method, it is impossible There are other ways to teleport so many people out of the war, but the consequences are also very serious - she will permanently lose her ability to cast spells as a warlock..." Kara Lin paused, and looked at Lancelot worriedly, "If she can actually survive that soul fire."

"Where's Tijana?" The human knight stood up abruptly from his seat, "Did anyone see how she ended up?"

"I don't know." The gray dwarf turned his head and looked around, "If Moradin hadn't kept our mistress safe, I wouldn't have worshiped her anymore."



"Defiler! Get out of here!"

One after another exclamation and cursing resounded from the crowd, Todak Shidun stiffened his neck and refused to take back his speech.

"Pay attention to your words, gray dwarf." Moradin's priest said coldly, "You are now standing under the roof of God the Father, under His protection."

"What, are you going to drive me out? Don't think I forgot how this temple was built. Without Lady Tijana, this place is just a pile of rocks..."

"What do you want? Let Tijana, a Tanar'ri, become a saint of the dwarf god? She doesn't deserve that!"

"It's not her who is not qualified, you bunch of ungrateful potatoes!"

"This is a shame to God the Father! You rebellious traitor!"

The gray dwarves were not completely devoid of supporters. After his unscrupulous speech, many dwarves expressed their support for him, and the number obviously exceeded Werther's expectations.A heated argument broke out among the crowd, and before the situation got out of control, Lancelot made a decisive move.He slapped the stone table in front of him with a slap, and shouted:


There was a special power in the human knight's voice. Everyone in the temple seemed to be stuffed with air that they couldn't swallow or spit out. They couldn't utter a single word except mumbled indistinctly.

"I don't know what the Dwarffather's code of conduct is, and I'm sure Tijana doesn't care about it, but if she sacrificed herself to let you escape from death, she certainly doesn't want you to be divided and infighting."

Lancelot was delighted to find that he could get everyone in the room to listen to him without any extra effort.

"Actually, at the last moment, she sent me a message, please come here. I thought there would be clues on how to revive her, but it seems that she meant that there are people here who need help. Alright, Before I start discussing your situation, I want to ask a few more questions about Tijana. I need to know how she ended up, did any of you leave with no other companions around? Or who was the last One was teleported here?" Lancelot waved his hand, "You can talk now, pay attention to order."

 I'm out of the palace again, unexpected!
(End of this chapter)

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