The knight in the abyss

Chapter 902 Oracle

Chapter 902 Oracle
The dwarves looked at each other hesitantly. After a low-pitched discussion, the three dwarves were pushed in front of Lancelot.They looked to be about the same age as Barend, but unlike most of the people present, they were still wearing the aprons that the craftsmen used to work, instead of the well-dressed armor.

"We were the last to be teleported here!" One of them said in a very loud voice, "We didn't hear the assembly alarm, and when we found something wrong and ran to the street, there was no one around !"

"So, did you notice Tijana's situation at the time?"

"What?" roared the dwarf. "My ears are bad!"

"No wonder……"

Lancelot shook his head, and repeated the question just now, but this time he sent the words directly to the other party's ear with true energy.

"Oh, you can hear it clearly!" Another dwarf craftsman stomped happily, "Of course I noticed, she is so bright in the sky! The last scene we saw was that Graz'zt volleyed over, Moreover, he threw his giant sword from a long distance. The sword passed directly through Lady Tijana's body, but Lady Tijana didn't respond at all, as if she was just a phantom... After that, we also appeared Once the blue light is turned on, it will appear in this temple in the next second."

"Is that all?" Lancelot looked at the others with some disappointment, "Does anyone know what happened later?"

A thousand dwarves began to whisper to each other, making Lancelot feel as if he was in the streets of the market area of ​​Twinbridge Town, but no one could stand up and tell him what happened next.

"Brother, is it possible that sister-in-law... escaped?" Brutal nudged Lancelot lightly with his elbow, "She is such a powerful spellcaster, she probably used some kind of magic to fool Gera Zit, where are you hiding and laughing now!"

"Thank you for the comfort..." Lancelot sighed softly, turned to look at Kara Lin, "What do you think?"

"I'm sorry to say that, but she didn't survive." Karaline shook her head, "The kind of fire that ignites from the soul can turn the body into ashes in an instant, if Tijana really just played an illusion , there is still a high probability of escaping, but..."

"There are a thousand pieces of evidence here that prove that she did ignite her own soul." Lancelow nodded knowingly, "On the bright side, this also shows that she was not captured by Graz'zt, which is better than death." An even more terrifying encounter. Karaline, I have another question, will that flame...will completely destroy her soul?"

"Strictly speaking, Tijana is a Tanar'ri, and the essence under her body is her demonic essence, and the concept of soul is just that we are more familiar with that concept." Karaline rubbed his chin, "To be honest, we are more familiar with the demonic essence." The cognition of the essence is still very limited, but judging from the known information, it still has something in common with the soul of a mortal, that is, the carrier of memory, emotion and supernatural power."

"The river of the Styx can make people forget, and the repeated stimulation of the body can drain the emotions, and the caster has various taboos to drain the power of the soul. However, destroying one of them will not affect the other two. It also causes damage, and we all know that even the gods cannot destroy a soul, they can only change a soul through various methods, and finally merge with it."

"As for demons, as long as a small part of the essence is sealed in advance, they can be resurrected after being killed. Therefore, I deduce that the flame will not make your succubus lover unable to revive, nor will it delete her love for the succubus. Your memory, but she probably lost all her powers, and her strength after resurrection is no different from that of an ordinary succubus. Considering that she is a warlock, relying on talent rather than acquired manipulative magic, so I guess she will Can never regain the ability to cast spells..."

"I see." Lancelow nodded. "If this is indeed the case, it can also explain why we have not heard the news of her resurrection after so long. Maybe she has actually been reborn, but due to the loss of most of the The power of identity, so we must keep a low profile, so as not to be targeted by Grazte or other enemies."

"Everyone under this roof will always remember Lady Tijana's sacrifice." The dwarf priest Werther solemnly promised, "Sir Lancelot, tell us what we should do to avenge our mistress?"

"I'm sure that Tijana paid such a high price to send you to death, but I don't want you to sacrifice your life for her." Lancelow waved his hand, "And, think about it carefully, the reason why she wants to hide is because she doesn't want to let her die." The enemy knows your whereabouts through yourself. You know how to mine ore, smelt metal, and forge armor and weapons. You are the greatest wealth in Shuangqiao Town. In the eyes of those demon lords, you are more attractive than pure souls , they dream of having a group of slaves like you to provide a steady stream of weapons and equipment for their demon army..."

Lancelot stopped suddenly, the expression on his face seemed to understand something.

"I finally know what Tijana wants me to do." The human knight stood up and glanced at every dwarf in the temple, "She wants me to send you back to your respective hometowns, at least to leave this place that is hostile to you." plane, so that you will not be enslaved by other demon lords..."

His words were like pouring a handful of water into the frying pan, and the entire temple boiled in an instant.The dwarves had the most violent quarrel yet, some weeping with joy at the prospect of returning home, some half-believing Lancelot's statement, and some swearing that they would never leave until Twinbridge was retaken, And call those who show excitement traitors and cowards.

Lancelow looked at the scene in front of him helplessly, saying that the dwarves are a race that values ​​order. It seems that the time here has been in the abyss for a long time.At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a strange sight—on the anvil that served as a shrine, a ritual blacksmith's hammer was rising into the air by itself, as if an invisible People are slowly lifting it up.

The human knight raised his eyebrows, he was sure there was absolutely no one there.

The hammer paused a moment after reaching its highest point, and then came crashing down with a supernatural crash on the anvil.That sound awakened the memory in the blood of all the dwarves present. It was the sound that the creator made when forging their ancestors.Immediately afterwards, the blacksmith's hammer lifted into the air again, but instead of sending out another blow, it flew towards Lancelow and stayed in front of him, as if waiting for Lancelow to accept some kind of invitation.

'Honey, I hope I'm not mistaken...'

Lancelot said silently in his heart, then raised his arm and held the blacksmith's hammer in his hand.

 The company sent a pad, this chapter is handwritten

(End of this chapter)

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