The knight in the abyss

Chapter 904 Ships

Chapter 904 Ships

That night, Lancelot emptied the dimensional bag used to store supplies, and shared the food sent by the residents of Raven Town with the dwarves.This is a good boost to the morale of the survivors, especially when everyone is given a glass of beer from the Wolf's Head Tavern.Lancelot even believed that if he had taken out the wine from the very beginning, maybe Moradin would not have needed to appear at all.

After resting in the temple for the night, the partners set off again, first to confirm the specific trading plan with Duyinmo boatman.Although the Duke of Bones can provide services for Lancelow free of charge, the two-masted schooner can transport up to [-] people at a time, and there must be other ferrymen, and other ferrymen do not provide them for free. Obligation to Serve.

In addition, Duyin Demon is a type of Yugoloth Demon after all. Although it does not regard treachery as something worth boasting like Tanar'ri, it is definitely not an honest and trustworthy guy. They will only provide loyalty to The highest bidder, or the one with the worst consequences for betrayal.Although Weiss had shown great respect for the god's blessings on his companions before, Lancelot would not take that as proof that they could fully trust them.

The speed of going down the mountain is much faster than going up the mountain, because Brutal's father stayed in the temple, and the rest of them are experienced adventurers. Even Kararin, who has the worst physique among them, can't wait for such a long time. The wind, meals and sleeping in the open also made him extremely fit, and with a little magic help, he could easily keep up with everyone.

Some inevitable battles still took place on the road, but the partners who were eager to hurry along did not hold back, and killed any enemies who dared to approach with the fastest speed.Just after noon that day, everyone arrived at the bank of the River Styx again.They found a hidden fjord. Lancelow used spiritual sense and Karaline used detection spells to confirm that no one was prying around, and Lancelow blew the bony horn again.

The trumpet's sound wasn't particularly loud, but its low hum seemed to reach into another world.Before the end of the long trumpet sound, the Duke of Bones appeared from a cloud of mist on the downstream river, Hao effortlessly broke through the black river, and approached the crowd upstream.

"Oh! God..." Brutal exclaimed, and grabbed the hammer in his hand, "Who are those people!"

The dwarf's uneasiness is not without reason, there are other passengers on this former devil warship at the moment.On the sides of the boat, there were three humans sitting, one elf, one hobgoblin, and two humanoid races with yellow-green skin that no one had ever seen before.Although the ship was very swaying, those people sat very firmly, as if they were nailed to the side of the ship,
However, Lancelow, who had better eyesight, noticed that the eyes of these people were sewn up with thread, and there was also an expression that Lancelow was very familiar with on their faces—the quietness that belonged to the dead.

"Good day, Sir Lancelot." Duyinmo's hoarse and low voice came from the direction of the stern, "I didn't expect you to summon me again so soon..."

"You seem to have other passengers." Lancelot looked suspiciously at the people sitting on the side of the boat. They seemed to have no problem with the temporary stop of the ferry, and they didn't notice that the boatman was talking with others. In fact, These people didn't respond at all, as if they were asleep.

"Ah, these are the dead, I'm about to send them to the kingdom of the king of the dead..." Du Yinmo's boatman showed a strange smile on his face, "Considering the contractual obligations between us, you and Kelan I don't think anyone would mind my immediate response to your call with respect to Lord Ward, and the free time these passengers have. Of course, if you wish to travel in a more private setting, you will have to wait a little longer. It's been a while..."

"What's with their eyes?" Brutal asked cautiously, "Why are they stitched up?"

"Not only the eyes, but also the ears and nose are all blocked. After all, some scenes in the lower planes may shake the faith of the mortals, so they have to find a way to keep their souls...closed before reaching the Obscure Realm. Weiss shrugged, "For some insignificant technical details, you can treat them as ordinary goods. Then, gentlemen, is there anything I, a humble servant, can do for you?"

"I have a big business." Lancelow looked directly into the eyes under the hood of Du Yinmo. "I need to transport more than 1000 people from here to Moglondal, and ensure absolute safety."

"You're talking about living people, aren't you?"

"Of course." Lancelot nodded and added, "The price is not an issue, but it must be delivered at one time."

Du Yinmo's eyes lit up with a bewitching red light, as if a flame had ignited inside his body.It was silent for a while, and then slowly opened its mouth and said:

"I don't know whether to thank you for your trust or to laugh at your stupidity, but unfortunately, sir, there is no absolutely safe plan. The Duke of Bones is already a big ship, but it can only hold less than thirty people at most The number of times we can carry out the Styx jump every day is limited, so if we want to transport it at once, we can only call more Duyinmo to share this business, but other people are not like me, they clearly know your strength, Sir , so I am worried, no, I am convinced that no matter how high the reward you pay, it is impossible to guarantee absolute safety. In the final analysis, we are just a group of lower plane creatures. I trust the shamelessness of my compatriots, just as I trust Sir you are noble as well."

"You're honest," Brutal snorted, "but I like it. It's better than betraying after the fact."

"Thank you for your reminder." Lancelot sighed in disappointment, "Is there no other way?"

"It seems that you have already understood the main reason why the residents of the lower planes have not yet conquered the multiverse." Du Yinmo shrugged, "Does it have to be transported in one go? If it can be divided into several times, things will be much simpler..."

"There will be many other problems in the separate transportation, and it is best to solve it at once." Lancelow cast his eyes on the bone ship at Duyinmo's feet, "If you say, we can get you a bigger ship... can you drive it?" ?"

"Of course, as long as it is indeed a ship... But where do you go to find such a ship? Only the transport ship of the Barthez Navy can meet your requirements, but it is too crazy to just want to snatch one back, and the bigger the ship, The longer it takes to prepare for the Styx jump, the more unlikely it will be for you to drive it back..."

"Is that so disappointing." Lancelot said in a joking tone, "So is it possible to build one? You are so good at sailing, don't you happen to know how to build a boat?"

"Of course." Du Yinmo straightened his chest, "We have the best shipbuilding skills, and we can build a good boat in the blink of an eye, but not all boats can float on the Styx, only a few materials are Only a boat will do..."


"The most common ones are the skeletons of mortal dead. Ten skeletons can just make a person float on the River Styx, but if you want to build a big boat that can transport 1000 people at a time..." Weiwei paused, "Need I recommend some A mortal settlement near the River Styx, ser?"

"Maybe you haven't heard of it, but this Lord of the Dead doesn't like large-scale unnatural deaths." Lancelow shook his head, "Actually, I happen to know a place where there are a lot of ready-made bones. Can meet your needs…”

 On a business trip, 5 hours of high-speed driving, I can’t drive, I sat in the back of my colleague’s car and finished writing~
(End of this chapter)

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