Chapter 905 Drilling Back

After parting from Duyinmoweisi, everyone set off for Oasis Castle without delay.Shipbuilding requires a lot of skeletons?There happened to be a huge and incomparably huge corpse pit there, which could definitely meet the needs of transducing demons, and there was enough space for Lancelot's newly acquired trident.

More importantly, he could also take the opportunity to investigate why Graz'zt's army appeared from the direction of Oasis Fort.The hostile relationship between the Queen of Succubus and Lord Wu'an is well known, and Oasis Fort is the sphere of influence of Meikan Xiute. Although the relationship with Shuangqiao Town is originally at the same level, the Queen of Succubus has no reason to fight for a small town of Shuangqiao. To join forces with one of my worst enemies.

However, Lancelot also knew in his heart that even if he figured out the ins and outs, what had happened would not be changed. He had to suppress his desire for revenge, and settle the survivors of Shuangqiao Town before thinking about other things.However, now that there is an opportunity to achieve these two seemingly conflicting goals at the same time, human knights are still very happy to do it.

The companions summoned their own magical mounts (except for Brutal, who was still the big black horse against Lancelot), and rode quickly towards the north.Compared with the Broken Mountain Range, the number of wandering monsters in the wilderness is much less, and everyone has seen a small group of demon conscripts several times.These squads are usually led by a mid-level tanar'ri, whose job it is to fill its lord's barracks (or granaries).

Lancelot has noticed that the form of demons will change according to the abyss lord they allegiance to.Ordinary berserkers look like demonized humanoid toads, while the berserkers under Yeenoghu look like some kind of giant demonized gnolls, and most of these dark-skinned, slender berserkers encountered now It is the minion of Graz'zt.Lancelow doesn't mind venting his anger on them for the killing of his lover and the destruction of his homeland, but he also knows that this will only bring more troubles, so, relying on Lancelow's perception ability far surpassing that of his opponents, the group of people travels ahead of schedule. Avoiding these demon squads, they raced undisturbed on the dusty land of the Wanyuan Plain.

They rode until midnight, resting at an unoccupied outpost.Shuangqiao Town and Oasis Castle are both neutral towns. There are several special outposts between the two towns. There are special barriers outside the outposts to prevent demons from breaking in without permission.What's interesting is that the barriers are actually arranged by the demon lords of these neutral towns. A back door was left in the border, and there is still a way to break in when necessary.

But it doesn't matter, Lancelow can arrange a few more formations in the barrier, so that the outpost looks unused from the outside.Simple blindfold, but also very effective.Demon squads passed by several times during the night, but they were completely unaware that there were people in the outpost, so the night watchman did not wake up the others, allowing everyone to get enough sleep.

The journey of the next two days was roughly similar. At noon on the third day, the partners finally arrived at the destination, but the destination was not the gate of Oasis Fort, but the entrance of a cave in the wilderness.The last time they came to Oasis Castle, they left through the tunnel behind this hole, and now they are going to go back from here again.

"Ugh, the smell of this place is horrible..."

Brutal sighed as soon as he stepped into the cave, and Lancelot agreed with the dwarf.To be honest, most areas in the Abyss smell pretty bad, but the poorly ventilated subterranean situation is even worse, especially when there are corpses everywhere.

"The Plain of Thousand Abyss is a dangerous place." Kara Lin squatted on the ground, inspecting the bone pile near the entrance of the tunnel, "Humans, elves, orcs, gnolls... are all kinds of mortal races, I haven't seen any demon corpses , but that should be because they rot very quickly, you know."

"Is that so..." Lancelot frowned, staring at a stone on a wall, "Look at this crack, the size of a palm, with a depth of more than a foot... Do you know any demons that can create such a mark?"

"Uh...Brazu demons? Those guys like giant weapons very much, and the blood rage after injury is also very amazing..." Kara Lin scratched his head, "Of course it may be something else, almost all middle-level demons know the benefits of weapons, It's just that most of the time they can't find a better guy than their own claws. I'm not very familiar with melee combat, is it very powerful to make this kind of marks?"

"No matter what it came out of, I don't want to run into it."

Lancelot shrugged, and inserted his index finger into a dimensional pocket at his waist.When he pulled it out, there was a little bat holding his finger on it. With a sudden burst of smoke mixed with silver streamer, the bat turned into a young girl with blond hair and pale skin. He wears nail-studded armor made of white dragon skin, and a pair of unpretentious cold iron daggers are pinned to his waist.

"Morning little Isa, I'm sorry to call you out at this point, but we need your help now." Lancelow smiled at the wanderer girl, "Are you ready for the event?"

"It's okay, brother Lancelot, as long as there is no battle, I don't actually need to rest." Little Isa showed a happy smile to everyone, which was very inconsistent with her identity as an undead creature. It's a bit boring to come out and do some activities...Is there anything I can do?"

"In this underground environment, my perceptual ability is not very useful. I have to rely on you to help us scout the situation ahead." Lancelow pointed to his own brain, "You are about two hundred feet ahead of us. , pay attention to always keep hidden, you can try to disarm traps or traps yourself, but if you find an enemy, tell me with telepathy, don't act without authorization!"

"Obey!" Little Isa nodded heavily, and was about to turn around and walk deep into the tunnel, but was stopped by Lancelot again.

"Wait a minute." The human knight took out a golden mask from his pocket and shook it at the little vampire, "Did you bring this one?"

Little Isa froze for a moment, but quickly realized that it was a gift from the Lord of the Dead. After wearing it, you will become an unforgettable passer-by in the eyes of others, and only those Only those who truly love you and who you want to kill can recognize your identity.

"Just in case, the male succubus lord of Oasis Castle knows me." Lancelow explained, "Everyone should wear it too."

Kelemvor gave each of them one at the time, and besides the five here, there was another one in the hands of Brutal's father Barend.Everyone took out their masks from their respective salutes and put them on their faces.The golden mask itself is extremely thin and very hard at the same time, but it seems to be melted by the temperature of their skin the moment you put it on, and it finally fits your facial features perfectly, without any discomfort except for a negligible weight .

Little Isa had already put on the mask at this time, and Lancelot looked at her, and found that the little girl's face had indeed undergone some changes. It looked like she had matured by five years, but he could still easily recognize the person in front of her identity of.Noticing Lancelow's gaze, little Isa showed him a happy smile, then turned around neatly, and sank into the darkness deep in the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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