The knight in the abyss

Chapter 914 Heavy Chapter Crypt

Chapter 914 Returning to the Crypt

Lancelot walked through the winding tunnel on his newly acquired eight legs.Undoubtedly, this is a brand new experience, but he walks as naturally as breathing, because his body instinctively knows how to coordinate the simultaneous movement of eight legs, just as he knows how to squeeze his abdomen with several special organ, wrapping little Isa in a cocoon of spider silk.

Included together are Star Strike and Zariel's Sword.

Of course, before covering little Isa with the milky white spider silk, he didn't inject the little girl with deadly venom, and even left half of the space for the wanderer to exert strength inside; he even specially adjusted the The texture of the netting allows the cocoon to be easily broken from the inside.In addition, as an undead creature, Little Isa has no aura of living creatures, so she will not be noticed by the monster, and Lancelot has also pasted seals on Star Strike and Zariel's Sword , so that the two magical weapons will not leak any breath before they are unsheathed.

Lancelot turned a corner and entered another steep tunnel.He did not return along the original route, but chose another route from the memory of the Demon Hunting Spider, so as not to appear too suspicious.The tunnel was very dark, but not completely dark.Some luminous fungi are crawling in the corner. If you stare at them for a long time, you will feel that these mushrooms seem extremely attractive-no doubt, their toxicity is even enough to bring down some mid-level monsters, and the corpses will become their fertilizer, and this is only an insignificant aspect of the beings in the abyss.

Unlike the weak lighting conditions, the sound in the tunnel can be called noisy.From time to time, there were low-pitched roars, which were the leader of the Demon Hunting Spider still venting his anger, but what really upset people was a special kind of noise—the mental fluctuations from that monster.From the moment Lancelow transformed into a witcher spider, this kind of noise kept roaring in his mental world. It didn't have any clear and logical information, but Lancelow could still hear from that fluctuation. Feel the underlying emotion.

Rampage, rage, hysteria, and a sort of supernatural hunger.

And Lancelot prepared a snack for it with a dagger hidden in it.

As he continued to move forward, the noise became louder and louder. Lancelot knew that as a witcher spider, he had to obey the noise and try his best to satisfy the leader's desire, but this 'memory' was What belonged to the witcher spider he killed had no effect on Lancelot himself.Lancelot quickly crawled through this tunnel, turned another corner, and the exit of the passage appeared in his eight monocular eyes.

'Can you see it? Lancelot shared the vision with little Isa through a telepathic connection, "We are going in." '

'I'm ready. 'Little Isa's voice sounded with an extraordinary composure, and it's not difficult for Lancelot to guess why.

Lancelow took a breath habitually, but not through his nose, but through an organ shaped like a bellows above his abdomen. Don't forget that he is now a big spider.But it's not just as simple as transforming. After Lancelot advanced to the foundation-building stage, he possessed the ability of inner vision, allowing him to directly observe the situation in his body through his spiritual consciousness.This was originally to help him meditate better and practice Qigong, but after combining it with the transformation, it added an unexpected benefit-to understand the weakness of the transformed object.For example, where is the most vulnerable part of the Demon Hunting Spider, which seems to be covered with a solid carapace?In addition, he also obtained the memory of a demon hunting spider, so he knew their favorite attack methods, the most feared situations in battle, and the little tricks used to confuse the enemy...

However, due to the changeable characteristics of the abyss, the differences between individuals may reach an exaggerated level. A Ba-Gula demon born in the plain of the abyss looks like a demonized gorilla, and it usually wanders in the abyss. In those treacherous forests, they rely on their powerful punches when fighting; while Bagura, who comes from the domain of Yeenoghu and is loyal to the god of gnolls, has a wolf head and sharp claws. There is no shadow of ape-like creatures.

So, don't expect Lancelot to get the secret to rampage through the abyss by killing every type of demon once - that's impossible.

The human knight transformed into a witcher spider got out of the tunnel and entered a jungle of spider webs.The thick spider web is like a sticky swamp, and it is quite difficult to walk on it, but Lancelot now has eight legs, and each leg is like a lance, which can pierce the spider web and tie it on a solid surface, so None of this was an obstacle for him.

The figure of the leader of the Demon Hunting Spider appeared in Lancelot's sight again. The monster was raising its eight weird tentacles, frantically grabbing the scattered spider eggs around, and there were constantly Demon Hunting Spiders around. Holding the cocoons made of spider silk one by one, they leaned forward, trying to calm down their leader with food.

Without hesitation, Lancelot immediately left the forest of spider webs, and followed several other demon hunter spiders towards the monster.He carefully chose the route to travel, and at the same time silently operated the technique of concealing his breath, making his sense of existence extremely low.As a result, although Lancelot walked so brightly and generously, no eyes stayed on him for more than a second, as if he was just a part of the background.

However, these skills are used to deal with other Demon Hunting Spiders, to prevent him from causing trouble when he is close to the target. The real key is actually the monster itself, so that it cannot detect abnormalities, and that is the real challenging part.The difficulty wasn't the possible true vision—that problem was solved—but the monster's mind reading.Almost all high-level demons have this ability, and it is not uncommon for mid-level demons. Fortunately, after entering the foundation building stage, Lancelot has the ability to detect whether someone is trying to read his mind, and rely on his own spirit to prevent such attempts.

The problem is, if he really blocked the monster's mind-reading attempt, it would be tantamount to revealing his identity, because according to the acquired memory, all demon spiders must open their consciousness to the leader, which is a proof of loyalty in their society. The way.To refuse this probing of consciousness, on any occasion, is a sign of treachery and is punishable by instant death, without, of course, any chance of pleading guilty.Therefore, Lancelot must open up his consciousness without revealing his true thoughts, and the difficulty can be imagined.

If all his memories are a vast ocean, his consciousness is an isolated island in the middle of the ocean. Whatever he thinks, the island of consciousness will 'embody' the corresponding content from the ocean of memories.The principle of mind reading is that it can only understand what the target is thinking, but cannot go deep into the target's memory.

Therefore, if a person can control his consciousness and not think about anything that he does not want the mind reader to know, then the mind reader will get nothing useful, and may even be fooled by it.

For mortals, except for spellcasters and a few types of adventurers, most of them have not received any training in controlling consciousness, and they are completely defenseless against mind reading.However, as a cultivator of immortality, the first step for Lancelot to meditate and practice Qi every day is to eliminate distracting thoughts and focus; when he enters the state of meditation, his subconscious mind will take over the body and control the true energy in his body to move around the sky. The conscious mind, or superficial consciousness, is in a state similar to sleep, and will not cause any disturbance to the cultivation, but at the same time maintains vigilance to the surrounding environment. Once it detects any abnormalities, the conscious mind will become active again, judging potential threats And decide if you want to take over control of your body.

And what Lancelot has to do now is to go further than when he was practicing: not only must he fill the island of consciousness with the memory of the witcher spider, so that he is indistinguishable from a witcher spider in the eyes of mind readers, but also While the conscious mind is active, let the subconscious mind control the body and execute the original plan. The difficulty is completely different from sitting still while practicing while looking at the small bamboo slips left by Han Tianzun. If you are not careful, your feet will be exposed.

But in order to kill that monster, Lancelot could only take a gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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