The knight in the abyss

Chapter 915 Disgraceful Means

Chapter 915 Disgraceful Means
The water from the Styx that was splashed before should have played some role. The leader of the Demon Hunting Spider is still extremely confused at the moment. Lancelot can clearly feel a black mist intruding into his spiritual world, but he just growls and asks for a sacrifice. , and did not examine his thoughts carefully.In fact, other demon spiders also have the ability to read minds, but it is a great offense to use this ability on the same kind (if both parties are in the same class), and Lancelow does not show any abnormalities in appearance, so his What he was worried about didn't happen, so he just followed the other demon hunter spiders and walked up to the monster.

From this distance, one could barely discern the connection between the image of the monster and the Demon Hunting Spider.Its carapace showed a certain kind of morbid proliferation, as if the river was covered with shellfish stones, just looking at it made one's scalp tingle; there were more than twenty pairs of eyeballs on the head, and even spread to the back, Like tumors, there are crazy red lights shining inside.

Several demon hunter spiders in front of Lancelot also held cocoons made of spider silk in their hands. The one in front stepped forward and lifted the cocoon to their leader's mouth with their sharp forelimbs.The monster opened its calyx-shaped mouthparts, protruding from it a long fang with a strange shape and shining black light, pierced into the cocoon fiercely, and then sucked it fiercely.

Black pus and blood flowed out from the gap at the breach and scattered on the ground.Greedy looks appeared in the eyes of other Demon Hunting Spiders, and some subconsciously opened their mouths, gently rubbing the sucking tubes used for feeding with their calyx-shaped lips.

Demon hunter spiders do not have the digestive system of ordinary creatures, but use venom to turn the prey in the cocoon into a puddle of blood, and then finish eating by sucking, leaving nothing but bones of the prey.

There was no doubt that the black fang was what the Lord of the Dead wanted Lancelot to destroy.In the spiritual induction of the cultivator, the aura of the surrounding world is being absorbed by the evil thing at a weak speed, as if there is a shadow that cannot be illuminated in the brightly lit hall, swallowing all the light that enters it .

Lancelow carefully watched every movement of the monster when it was eating: how the target exerted force, the angle at which the fangs stabbed, the interval between movements... and everything he saw was shared with the monster through a spiritual link. Little Isa.He was sure that the wanderer was also watching attentively at this moment. To some extent, this was simply peeking at the exam questions, and little Isa, who was good at solving questions, would definitely think of the answers in advance.

At the same time, Lancelot controlled his thoughts well, avoiding any thoughts that might alert the target.Not only that, but he also pretended to have the same reaction as other demon hunter spiders, deliberately half-opening his mouth, allowing the saliva to flow from the corner of his mouth to the ground, while patiently waiting for the moment when it was his turn.

He didn't have to wait long.

Even though five or six cocoons have been sucked dry one after another, the hunger in the monster's mental fluctuations has not subsided at all, as if those just now just spit into the burning fire.Lancelot put on a fearful expression (not completely pretending), crawled slowly in front of the monster, reluctantly raised his forelegs, and sent the cocoon to the opponent's mouth, as if serving an unwilling The emperor left his bed to have breakfast.

Perhaps Lancelot's acting skills were too natural, and the leader of the Demon Hunting Spider didn't pay attention to him at all.The monster opened its mouth again, its mouthparts spread out like blooming flowers, and then tilted its head back slightly, ready to stab out the long black fang.

'Do it! '

Lancelot sent a signal to his companions to act through a mind link, but the wanderer had already started.Two cold lights, one blue and one green, burst out from the cocoon of spider silk, and pierced into the monster's mouth almost instantly.To Lancelot's surprise, not only little Isa came out of the cocoon, but beside the little girl was a golden light that turned into a figure, and the sword of Zariel was in the hands of that figure.

Lancelot was a little surprised to see the masked figure wearing mail, but he also knew that now was not the time to ask questions. When his companion launched a sneak attack, he also began to undo the transformation.

The black fangs of the leader of the Demon Hunting Spider continued to move forward under the influence of inertia. Even though Lancelow was not on the attack line, he still felt a sense of catastrophe and imminent disaster. In front of him, The figures of little Isa and Kelemvor were staggering left and right, and the long black fang pierced the cocoon shell they left behind,
Facing the imposing leader of the demon hunting spider, little Isa did not show any fear, and together with her god, stretched the hand holding the sword into the monster's mouth.The two seemed to have discussed it in advance. Kelemvor held the sword of Zariel in both hands, and inserted the long sword as deep as possible, while little Isa held the shorter Star Strike, with a flexible wrist. Flipping over, he easily cut off the spider tongue wrapped around the end of the black fangs.

Obviously, it wouldn't be an honorable move, but Lancelot never expected a fair duel to save the multiverse.

Everything happened in a flash, until the monster finally reacted, and it immediately showed its true power.A terrifying mental shock erupted suddenly, and the consciousness of the three present fell into a complete blank in an instant, while those tentacles of the monster slapped towards them at the same time.This action was absolutely crazy, even if it hit Lancelot and the others, the remaining power was enough to seriously injure the monster itself.

But when the food you're about to eat suddenly comes to life and cuts off your tongue, it's no surprise whatever the reaction is.

At the critical moment, Lancelow's last hole card played a role.In his sea of ​​consciousness, the small bamboo slips left by Han Tianzun suddenly released a bright blue light, instantly dispelling the fog in his consciousness, allowing him to recover from the dizzy state.Not only that, everything in front of him has become extremely slow, this is the limit state that only appears at the moment of life and death.

Completely subconsciously, Lancelot reached out and grabbed little Isa by the ankle (he couldn't reach Kelemvor's avatar), and then launched a shadow jump.With limited lighting, there were very few shadows available to him, and there was only one place he could hide from those tentacles.

Under the monster's belly.

Originally there wasn't enough space there, at least not enough for an adult human male like Lancelot, but under the stimulation of the severe pain, the leader of the Demon Hunting Spider almost jumped up from the spot, and at the same time exposed its belly, which was also One of the few weaknesses of the Demon Hunter with its thick carapace.

After escaping from the shadow, Lancelot immediately opened the hole on the top of his head, and a dazzling cyan sword glow rose from it, like a spike on the ground.In the next second, he and little Isa were shrouded in a turbid, viscous, purple-black substance, as if a sudden avalanche buried them alive.

'Brother, what happened? 'Little Isa is being held in Lancelow's arms at this moment, but the surrounding turbidity prevents her from speaking, and she can only communicate with the human knight through a spiritual connection,'Where are we? '

' in the belly of that monster. Lancelot raised his hand, pointing to a tree-trunk-thick, constantly beating tube above them, "and this aorta-like thing is its heart. '

(End of this chapter)

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